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Walk in interview for JRF, SRF, Research Associate at Panjab University

GPAT courses

The University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Panjab University is a premier institution of Pharmaceutical Education and Research in the country. The institute has covered a long and glorious journey of 76 years starting from Lahore in 1944 and finally settling to the present campus in Chandigarh at the foothills of Himachal. In its travelogue, the institute crossed multiple milestones and continue to head ahead towards the well-defined goals.

Applications are invited for one position of JRF/SRF/RA which will be filled through walk-in-interview under my CSIR research project entitled Phenomenological Fermion Mass Matrices and Flavor Mixing” till the tenure of the project. Applications may be submitted on a plain paper along with detailed bio-data and attested copies of certificates and work experience to the undersigned.

JRF @Rs. 12,000/- pm plus HRA/MA: Possessing M.Sc./BE/B.Tech or equivalent degree with 55% marks and passing of NET/GATE test. Age Maximum 28 years.

SRF @ Rs. 14,000/- pm plus HRA/MA
Possessing (i) M.Sc. /BVSc./B.Pharma or equivalent and at least 2 years of post-M.Sc./BE/B.Tech./BVSc./B.Pharm, research/teaching experience as evidence from published papers in standard refereed journals;
(ii) ME/M.Tech or equivalent degree in Engg./Techn;
(iii) MBBS or BDS with 1 year internship/M.VSc./M.Pharma or equivalent. Age limit maximum 32 years.

Research Associate @ Rs. 36,000/- pm plus HRA/MA
Possessing Doctorate (PhD/MD/MS/MDS) or equivalent or having 3 years of research, teaching and design & development experience after MVSc/M.Pharma/ME/Mtech. Age limit maximum 35 years.

Age Relaxation:
The upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/Women and Physically handicapped candidates.

Date : 30-07-2018
Time : 3.00 p.m.

Candidates are advised to bring educational/experience certificates in original along with photocopies (self attested) at the time of the interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

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