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Require Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences at The Guru Jambheshwar University

Clinical research courses

The Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, was established on October 20,1995 by an Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana with the objectives 'to facilitate and promote studies and research in emerging areas of higher education with focus on new frontiers of technology, pharmacy, environmental studies, non-conventional energy sources and management studies and also to achieve excellence in these and connected fields'. It was formally inaugurated on November 1, 1995. It is named after Guru Jambheshwar Ji Maharaj, a saint environmentalist of 15th century. Keeping in view the nature of courses offered at the university and the mandate for which it had been established the name of the university has been changed as Guru Jambheshwar university of Science & Technology.

Post : Assistant Professor

Department : Pharmaceutical Scs.

No of post : 01(Gen.)

Candidates fulfilling UGC’s qualifications(AICTE’s qualifications in case the qualifications of a particular subject does not figure in the UGC’s regulations) for the post of Assistant Professor may attend walk-in-interview, alongwith original certificates/testimonials, one latest photograph and five copies of proforma duly filled in, on the date and time given below in the office of the Registrar for appointment as Guest Faculty in the following departments upto 04.05.2018 or till the classes are held or till regular appointments are made, whichever is earlier.


Three posts will be filled by Persons With Disabilities as per availability of the candidates in any of the above departments. The Guest Faculty to be appointed would be paid remuneration @ Rs.750/- per lecture subject to a maximum of Rs.30,000/- per month. The number of posts may vary.

Date : 26.07.2017

Time : 11:00 a.m.

(Established by State Legislature Act 17 of 1995)

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