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Opening for Scientist / Senior Scientist in Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute

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CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute is a premier national laboratory under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. The Institute undertakes a wide range of basic and applied R&D projects spanning the areas of chemistry, biology and engineering. The Institute has excellent infrastructure by way of sophisticated analytical instruments, modem laboratories, pilot plants, library, local area network and workshop.

Applications are invited in the prescribed form from talented and result-oriented Indian Nationals for 1 post Scientist/Senior Scientist, as per the following details:

Post : Scientist / Senior Scientist 01 [PwD - HH]

Pay Band and Grade Pay : PB-3 [Rs 15600-39100] Plus Grade Pay of 6600/- for the post of Scientist and Rs 7600/- for the post of Senior Scientist
Essential Qualification etc :  For the post of Scientist: Ph.D. (submitted) in Chemistry;
For the post of Senior Scientist: Ph.D. in Chemistry with 2 years’ post Ph.D. experience relevant to the job.
Detailed job Description : Material characterization and analytical method development utilizing instruments such as X-ray diffractomter, electron microscope, mass, spectrometer, thermal analyzers etc.
Upper age Limit : 32 years for the post of Scientist and 37 years for the post of Senior Scientist.
Total monthly emoluments : Rs 65458/- for the post of Scientist and Rs 75625/- for the post of Senior Scientist.

Abbreviations used : UR: Un-reserved; SC: Scheduled Caste; ST: Scheduled Tribe; OBC: Other Backward classes; HH: Hearing Impaired, PwD: Persons with Disabilities.

1. The positions carry Pay and Allowances, such as HRA, TA, DA etc. at Central Government rates as applicable to the employees of Council stationed at Bhavnagar. Other benefits, such as Leave Travel Concession and Reimbursement of medical expenses, are also available. The employees are provided with residential accommodation as per CSIR rules.
2.    Scientists in Pay Band -3 are eligible for 2 additional increments (without DA) after their normal pay fixation and Professional update allowance of ? 10,000/- per annum. The emoluments indicated above are inclusive of the additional increments.
3.The additional increments are not treated as a part of pay for any purpose.
4.  CSIR provides excellent opportunities to deserving candidates for career advancement under Assessment Promotion scheme for Scientific & Technical Staff.
5. All new entrants will be governed by the "New Pension Scheme" on defined Contributions for new entrants recruited in Central Government Services on or after 01-01-2004, as adopted by CSIR for its employees. However,persons selected from other Government Departments/ Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings / Central Universities having Pension Scheme on GOI pattern and who are presently being governed by the Old Pension Scheme will continue to be governed by the existing Pension Scheme i.e. CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.

1.The date for determining the age limit/experience/qualifications shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of applications i.e. 05.08.2016.
2.Age relaxation of 5 years to the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and 3 years to the members of Other Backward Classes in the upper age limit shall be allowed only in cases where the posts are reserved for that particular category.
3. As per GOI provisions, age relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from Husbands who are not remarried since, the upper age limit is relaxable up to the age of 35 years [up to 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes], The persons claiming age relaxation under this sub-para would be required to produce following documentary evidence:
i. In case of Widow, Death Certificate of her husband together with the Affidavit that she has not remarried since.
ii. In case of divorced Women and Women judicially separated from their husbands, a certified copy of the judgment/decree of the appropriate Court to prove the fact of divorce or the judicial separation, as the case may be, with an Affidavit in respect of divorced Women and they have not remarried since.
4.Age relaxation of 10 years (15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates) in upper age limit shall be allowed to persons suffering from (a) blindness or low vision (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date shall not exceed 56 years. The age concession to the persons with disabilities shall be admissible irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved for person with disabilities or not, provided the post is identified suitable for the relevant category of disability. Relaxation of age limit would be permissible to such persons who have a minimum 40% disability.
5.Age relaxation to the Ex-Servicemen will be applicable as per the Government of India instructions, as amended from time to time.
6.SC/ST/OBC/PwD candidates are required to produce a copy of the certificate in the prescribed format signed by the specified authority at the time of interview. The OBC candidates must produce the certificate valid for appointments under the Central government.
7. For the post of Scientist/Senior Scientist, relaxation in age, qualification and/or experience may be permitted by the DG, CSIR, at any stage of selection, if the Director, CSIR - CSMCRI based on the recommendations of the Screening Committee is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates is not available for a specific post.
8.Relaxation of five years will also be permissible to those who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir division of the state of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from 1-1-1980 to 31-12-1989 subject to production of relevant certificate from concerned authority.
9.Relaxation in age limit up to 5 years may be allowed to Council/Government/Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector employees in accordance with the instructions and orders issued by the Government of India from time to time in this regard.

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a. Only Indian nationals need apply.
b. The appointment will be in CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar, Gujarat under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), which is an Autonomous Body. However, the appointees are liable to be posted in any of the Lab/Institutes of CSIR situated anywhere in India as and when required.
c. The period of experience in a discipline/area of work, where prescribed, shall be counted with effect from the date of acquiring the prescribed minimum educational qualifications for the post.
d. Exceptionally meritorious and deserving candidates may be considered for higher initial pay by the Competent Authority.
e. Mere fulfillment of essential qualifications and experience does not vest any right in a candidate for being called for Test/Interview. A duly constituted Screening Committee shall screen the applications received for the posts and organize a Written Test/Trade Test or Seminar if considered necessary for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview. The Institute reserves the right to call for Test/Interview only those candidates who in its opinion are likely to be suitable and will not entertain any correspondence in this regard.
f. Candidates should specifically note that the applications received after the closing date for any reason whatsoever (such as envelopes wrongly addressed, delivered elsewhere, postal delay etc.) will not be entertained. Any enclosure received separately subsequent to the receipt of the application cannot be connected therewith. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
g.Only outstation candidates (within India) called for interview will be reimbursed Travelling Allowance (TA) as admissible under rules i.e. a single Second Class Railway Fare (by Mail or Express) each way from their normal place of residence, or from the place of undertaking the journey, whichever is nearer to Bhavnagar on production of proof of journey. For road journeys between stations not connected by rail, the actual bus fare or road mileage at the lowest rate as admissible under rules, will be reimbursed on production of documentary proof (bus tickets), provided the distance covered by road is more than 20 miles each way.
h. CSIR-CSMCRI reserves the right not to fill up the post, if required. The number of vacancies indicated above may vary i.e. it may increase or decrease at the time of actual selection. This advertisement does not necessarily tantamount to the selections being actually made. The selection process is subject to the Gol instructions prevalent at a given point of time during the various stages of the selection process.
i. The selected candidates will be on probation for a specified period from the date of taking over charge of the post. The probationary period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Competent Authority. After successful completion of probationary period, they will be considered for confirmation in accordance with the extant rules.
j. As the Screening of applications will be done on the basis of information furnished in the application forms by the applicants, it is necessary that only accurate, full and correct information is furnished by the applicants. Furnishing of wrong/false information will be a disqualification and CSIR-CSMCRI will NOT be responsible for any of the consequences of furnishing such wrong/false information. The decision of Director, CSIR-CSMCRI in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, and conduct of examination/interview will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or person or agency on behalf of the candidate.
k. Applications from employees of Government Departments will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel, certified by the employer that the applicant, if selected will be relieved within one month of the receipt of the appointment orders. Also, vigilance clearance should also be recorded.
However, advance copy of the application may be submitted before the closing date. Applications routed through proper channel should reach the above address at the earliest.
l.    Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
m.    In case of universities/institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA grades etc., candidates must convert the same into percentage - based on the formula devised by the concerned University/Institute - at the appropriate place in the Application Form.
n. In respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, the candidate is required to produce order/letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated otherwise the application is liable to be rejected.
o. If any document/ certificate furnished is in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript of the same duly attested by a Gazetted officer or notary is to be submitted.
p. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.
r. Those who had applied for the post reserved for PwD - HH candidate against our Ad No. 1/2016 need not apply again. Their applications will be automatically considered against this re-advertisement also.

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  • The interested candidates may download the prescribed Application Form from the Institute website: Application Form can also be collected in person from the Recruitment & Assessment Cell of the Institute during office hours OR by sending a request along with a self- addressed envelope of 11" X 5" size affixed with postage stamps of Rs. 10/- which should reach the Section Officer (R&A), CSIR - Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Gijubhai Badheka Marg, Bhavnagar -364 002, Gujarat, on or before 22.07.2016 OR by sending a requisition to the Section Officer (R&A), CSIR - CSMCRI, GB Marg, Bhavnagar - 364 002 at through e-mail.
  • Applicants should send their applications in the prescribed Application Form (Annexure -1). The following documents should be attached with application duly completed in all respects:
    i    Attested copies of the Degree Certificates, Proof of date of birth, testimonials and Experience certificates
    ii    Attested copy of the Caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/OBC) in the appropriate Pro Forma prescribed by the Government of India from time to time.
    iii    Attested copy of the Medical certificate (in case of Persons with Disability candidates) from the prescribed authority in the prescribed format.
    iv    Attested copy of the Discharge Book/Certificate (in case of Ex-Servicemen candidates).
    v    Demand Draft of Rs.100/- valid for 3 months drawn in favour of the Director, CSMCRI, Bhavnagar payable at Bhavnagar (No application fee is prescribed for SC, ST, Persons with disabilities, women & Departmental candidates. They should enclose a copy of certificate on the prescribed Pro Forma issued by the Competent Authority in support of their claim along with application).
  • In case of universities/institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA grades etc., candidates must convert the same into percentage - based on the formula devised by the concerned University/Institute - at the appropriate place in the Application Form.
  • Applications, in a sealed cover super-scribed "Application for the post of...............Post No.......................Advt. No. 6/2016”, must reach the following address on or before 05.08.2016:

The Administrative Officer
CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute
Gijubhai Badheka Marg Bhavnagar - 364 002 (Gujarat)

Applications from the candidates working in CSIR, Govt. Departments and Public Sector Undertakings will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel with a clear certificate that the applicant will be relieved within one month of receipt of offer of appointment, if selected. Flowever, Advance copy (photo copy) of the Application Form together with application fee, all certificates & testimonials etc. can be submitted before the closing date.
Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.


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