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Applications are invited for post of RESEARCH ASSOCIATE at Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Clinical research courses

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, is one among the foremost institutes of national importance in higher technological education, basic and applied research. In 1956, the German Government offered technical assistance for establishing an institute of higher education in engineering in India. The first Indo-German agreement in Bonn, West Germany for the establishment of the Indian Institute of Technology at Madras was signed in 1959.
The Institute was formally inaugurated in 1959 by Prof. Humayun Kabir, Union Minister for Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs. The IIT system has seven Institutes of Technology located at Kharagpur (estb. 1951), Mumbai (estb. 1958), Chennai (estb. 1959), Kanpur (estb. 1959), Delhi (estb. 1961), Guwahati (estb. 1994) and Roorkee (estb. 1847, joined IITs in 2001).

Post: Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary post of "Research Associate '' for the ''CSIR'' project on “Studies on electrokinetic energy conversion in nanofluidic channels” in the Department of Applied Mechanics.

DURATION: Initially for a period of one year. Extendable based on the performance.

QUALIFICATION: Doctorate (PhD/MD/MS/MDS) or equivalent OR having three years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/M Pharma/ME/M.Tech.

DESIRABLE (specially for the project): ME/M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering/Thermal Engineering/Industrial refrigeration & Cryogenics. Familiarity with Molecular Dynamics Simulation tools.

FELLOWSHIP:Rs.36,000/-p.m. + HRA

Other things being equal, preference will be given to SC/ST candidates.

The Co-ordinator has the discretion to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the announcement.

Application in the form of Bio-data/Resume (attached with the announcement) giving name, date of birth, age, address, full details of educational qualifications (stating the marks, ranks, year of passing), community and experience etc., along with copies of certificates, should reach the following address on or before 10.08.2016. Candidates already working in any project at IIT Madras, should send their application through the Co-ordinator of the project.

Prof. Sarith P Sathian Project Co-ordinator
Department of Applied Mechanics IIT Madras,
Chennai – 600 036
E mail:


CHENNAI – 600 036

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