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Career as Senior Pharmacist in National Institute of Technology Durgapur

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National Institute of Technology Durgapur was set up as Regional Engineering College (REC) in 1960 funded jointly by the Government of India and the Government of West Bengal and was registered under the Registrar of Societies Act. Initially the Chief Minister of West Bengal and subsequently the Minister of Higher Education, the Government of West Bengal was the Chairman of the Board of Governors. It was affiliated to the University of Burdwan. In REC system national integration was considered to be a part and parcel of education, with half the se at allocated to the students from the state while the rest reserved for the students from the other states, which ensured excellent interaction and camaraderie among the students from all corners of the country.

NIT Durgapur invites applications from Indian Nationals for recruitment to Non-teaching posts.

Post : Senior Pharmacist - 1(GN)

Qualification :
i) 10+2 or equivalent in Science subjects from recognized Board or University.
ii)  2 Years’ Diploma with First class and minimum 6 months’ internship in Pharmacy from an Institute recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India; and
iii)  Registered as Pharmacist with State Pharmacy Council (Sr. Pharmacist).

Pay band and Grade pay : PB-2(Rs 9,300/--Rs 34,800/-) Grade Pay:Rs 4200/-

List of Abbreviations used: PWD: persons with Disabilities; HH: Hearing Impaired, OH-Orthopedically Impaired; CP: Cerebral Palsy VH: Visually Impaired; B: Blind; LV: Low Vision; OA: One Arm; OL: One Leg; BL: Both Leg. 

Applications Completed in all respects in the prescribed format along with relevant enclosures must reach “Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, P.O. – Durgapur- 713209, Dist.- Burdwan, West Bengal, India”by 5:00 PM, August 08 , 2016.
Further details and application form can be downloaded from the Institute website:

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