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Opportunity for Pharmacist in Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India

Clinical research courses

General Services Organization, (GSO) Kalpakkam is one of the Constituent Units of Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, situated 80 Kms. south of Chennai on the coast of Bay of Bengal off the East Coast Road. GSO takes care of the common facilities such as Housing, Medical, Transport, Water Supply, Civil and Electrical maintenance in the Department of Atomic Energy Townships at Kalpakkam and Anupuram for the DAE and its constituent Units located at Kalpakkam. The DAE Township at Kalpakkam has many amenities such as, Co-operative Stores (groceries, Consumer durables, medicines etc.), Swimming Pool, Atomic Energy Central Schools (Std 1 to 12), Kendriya Vidyalayas (Std 1 to 12).

Post: Pharmacist/B

No.of post: 01

Educational/Technical Qualification: HSC (10+2) + 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy + 3 months Training in pharmacy + Registration as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council

Corresponding Pay Band: Rs. 5200-20200, grade pay: Rs. 2800

Other incentives: The Organisation provides complete medical coverage for employees and their family members/dependents under Contributory Health Service Scheme, Transport facilities (to those not opting for transport allowance, in certain routes), Housing (subject to availability) to its employees. The DAE Hospital, GSO, is housed in a beautiful green campus with one of the best working environment available in the country.

Selected Candidates will be governed by Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (New Contributory Pension Scheme) as notified by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India vide Notification No.F.No.5/7/2003-ECB & PR dated 22.12.2003.

SCREENING OF APPLICATIONS: Applications fulfilling all the conditions/norms prescribed vide this Advertisement will only be screened in. Applications not fulfilling the conditions/norms will be summarily rejected.

1. The application in the prescribed format as given below, preferably typewritten on thick A4 size paper (size 29 cms X 21 cms) should be submitted and outer cover should be superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ______________ AGAINST THE ADVERTISEMENT NO.-GSO/02/2015”.
2. Photograph: A recent passport size photograph should be pasted on the right hand top corner (space provided) of the application and also enclose one additional photograph.
3. Copies of Certificates: Candidates should submit their applications along with attested copies (duly attested by a Gazetted Officer) of the following certificates:
(a) Educational Qualifications, Technical Qualifications, experience certificates including certificate of Apprenticeship Training undergone, if any, supported by relevant mark sheets of all the years, Registration certificate wherever applicable and Caste Certificate.
(b) Date of Birth (Certificate issued by SSC (SSLC)/HSC- 10th or 12th board or Municipal Corporation)
(c) SC/OBC certificates in the prescribed proforma applicable to Central Government employment. OBC for the purpose of AGE RELAXATION AND RESERVATION will mean “persons of OBC categories not belonging to the Creamy Layer” as defined in Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training OM No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08.09.93 and modified vide Government Of India, Department of Personnel & Training OM No.36033/3/2004- Estt.(Res) dated 14.10.2004 and other subsequent amendments. The OBC Certificate should not be more than one year old as on the date of application.
(d) Jammu & Kashmir residents/Proof to the effect that they have been affected by the 1984 riots in the appropriate proforma ( if applicable)
(e) Experience
(f) Discharge Certificate from Defence Service (in case of Ex-servicemen)
(g) Check List attached;
(h) Certificate from appropriate Medical authority certifying the extent of physically disability.
(i) Discharge Certificate from Defence Services (applies to Ex-defence service personnel only).
(j) Experience specifically stating the kind of work done should accompany the application.
4. Completed applications should be sent to:
TAMIL NADU - 603 102.

so as to reach him on or before 31.08.2015. Applications received beyond this date will be rejected.



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