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Job for Project Associate at Indian Veterinary Research Institute

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Job for Project Associate at Indian Veterinary Research Institute

Established in 1889, the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) is one of the premier research institutions dedicated to livestock research and development of the region. The institute with faculty strength of more than 275 has a major mandate of research, teaching, consultancy and technology transfer activities. The institute with its long scientific heritage has always enjoyed a certain prestige, a tradition all of its own. The institute imparts quality post-graduate education to students not only from various parts of the country, but also from overseas. Today, the institute with its deemed to be university status contributes immensely to human resource development in the discipline of veterinary sciences with skills and knowledge necessary for the challenges of the new millennium. It awards degrees to master and doctoral programmes in more than 20 disciplines of veterinary and animal sciences, livestock products technology, basic sciences and extension education.

Post : Project Associate-II - one

Project Name : Nanodelivery and evaluation of adjuvant effect of synthetic TLR4 and TLR7 agonists combination in chicken

Essential qualification : (i) Master’s Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences (Basic and Applied Science)/MVSC or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent (with first division as defined by the awarding Institute/ University); and (ii) Minimum 2 years’ experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services.

Desirable : work experience Working knowledge in cell culture, virology/molecular biology and immunological techniques, computer application (Web-searching, MS-Word, Excel, Power point etc.).

Emoluments : (i) Rs. 35000/- + HRA to scholars who are qualified through (a) National Eligibility tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE OR (b) A selection process through National Level Examination conducted by Central Government Department and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii) Rs. 28000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.

Age limit : 35 years on the date of application, as per the DST-SERB norms.

Duration of Project : Three years (likely date of completion Jan 2025)

Terms & conditions
Eligible candidate may send an advance application along with CV to Dr R Saravanan, Senior Scientist & PI of DST project, Email and attend the walk-in-interview along with all original documents, one set of self attested photocopy and colored passport size photograph. No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview. The engagement is purely on temporary/contractual basis, co-terminus with project or earlier, depending upon performance of the candidate. The services of person so engaged will automatically stand terminated with termination of the project and the institute will have no responsibility for payment of emoluments/ regular employment after termination of the time bound project.

Walk in Interview
Time : 10.30 AM onwards
Date : 05.04.2022 (5th April, 2022)
Venue : Immunology Section, P&C building
ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly- 243122, Uttar Pradesh

Name of PI/Contact Personnel : Dr R Saravanan, Senior Scientist, Immunology Section, P&C building ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly- 243122, Uttar Pradesh

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