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Vacancy for Pharmacist in Prisons Department

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Vacancy for Pharmacist in Prisons Department

The Government of Andhra Pradesh have issued orders vide G.O.Rt.No.900 HOME (PRISONS & FIRE) DEPARTMENT, Dated 17-08-2023 and G-0.Rt.No.1360 HOME (PRISONS & FIRE) DEPARTMENT, Dated 16-11-2023) to recruit vacancy of Pharmacist on Outsourcing basis in Central Prison, Nellore.

Post : Pharmacist

No of post : 01 BC-A (Woman)
Qualification :
1. Two (02) years Diploma in Pharmacy Course recognized by the Govt, of A.P. after intermediate course.
2. B.Pharmacy Course recognized by UGC
3. Must be registered in A.P. Pharmacy Council (as on the date of notification.)
Gross Remuneration per month : Rs.21,500/-
Applications are invited from the qualified candidates for the above said posts who have not crossed the age of 42’ years. The Candidates should not be less than age of 18 years. Age relaxation for the upper age limit to those candidates belonging to SC/ST/BCs/EWS for ‘5’ years up to a maximum of 47 years. The maximum age shall be reckoned as 30.09.2023.

The functions of the Pharmacist are as follows
• He / She shall be in charge of Medical stores
• To assess the requirement of drugs, dressings and appliances and inform the officer in charge of the stores for indenting the same.
• Shall maintain the stock registers of the drugs, dressings and appliances.
• Responsible for the quality of the materials received in the medical stores.
• Maintain stock register of major and minor equipment received in hospital.
• Shall ensure that the drugs available in the stores available are used before the date of their expiry, by constant watch on the expenditure of drugs with reference to their date of expiry.
• Responsible for proper supply of chemicals and apparatus required for Medical boards in maintained in Medical Board Room.
• To institute risk and cost purchase producers and infections.
• To maintain an account of costly medicines and injections.
• To prepare bills and respect of medicines, etc., received.
• To maintain a dead stock register.
• To see that hospital stamp is affixed on all medicines and injections in the dispensary for identification in the case of pilferage.
• To calculate the cost of drugs and materials supplied from medical stores for purpose to performance budgeting.
• To attend on emergency calls whenever called upon to do so.
• He / She will attend any other duty assigned by the Medical Officer / Administrative authority.

Rule of Reservation : Rule of Reservation will apply as per AP State Government Outsourcing employees Rules in force.

How to apply :
a) Candidates can obtain an application form from the Central Prison, Nellore
b) The candidate in person shall submit a filled in Application along with all its enclosures as mentioned in the table below, directly at O/o the Superintendent of Jails,
Central Prison, Nellore on or before 17-01-2024 by 05-00 PM sharply.
Address of Superintendent of Jails, Central Prison, Nellore:-
Superintendent of Jails, Central Prison, Kakuturu Village, Chemudugunta Post, Venkatachalam Mandal, SPSR Nellore District-524320
c) Applications should be submitted walk in by the candidate himself / herself.
d) Application shall be super-scribed with “Application for the post of Pharmacist, Lab Technician, Tailoring Instructor Grade-II, Wireman, Barber which post applied, otherwise, the application will be summarily rejected.
e) Aadhar and Working Mobile numbers are mandatory.

1. Filled-in application form with latest Passport size photo affixed.
2. Attested copy of marks memo of SSC (or) equivalent certificate
3. Attested copies of marks memos of all the years of qualifying examination
4. Attested copies of Provisional / Permanent certificate of qualification
5. Attested copy of permanent registration certificate of the respected council / Board
6. Attested copy of latest caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/BC)
7. Attested copy of the latest EWS certificate for OC Candidates
8. Attested copies of study certificates from Class-IV to X where the candidate studied
9. Attested copy of the experience certificate of the candidate (if applicable)
10. Attested copy of the Aadhar certificate of the candidate (mandatory).

Selection Process
A) Aggregate of marks obtained in all the years in the qualifying examination will be allocated with 75% marks.
B) Later, interviews / relevant Skill tests or both will be conducted to the candidates, they will be awarded a maximum of‘25%’ marks.

General Instructions
1. No private practice is allowed during the contract period.
2. All the staff shall stay in Bonafide Head Quarters and shall be available 24 hours on call duty during any emergency.
3. Disciplinary control in accordance with provisions of APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991 and other rules will apply as per A.P. State Government outsourcing employee’s rules in force.
4. Merely securing minimum qualifying marks will not vest any applicant with a right to be considered for the selection.
5. No person shall be eligible for appointment to the service by recruitment unless he/she satisfied the following conditions:
i) That he/she is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defects or infirmities rendering him/her unfit for the service
ii) That his/her character and antecedents are such as to qualify him/her for such service; and
iii) He/She is a citizen of India
6. A person in a bigamous marriage shall not eligible for appointment
7. No person who has been dismissed from a State or Central Government service or from the service of undertaking of Central or State Government or local or other authorities shall be eligible for appointment
8. No person who has been convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude, shall be eligible for appointment
9. Candidates resorting to or bringing any influence of any kind will be summarily disqualified and they are liable for prosecution as per Law
10. The particulars furnished by the applicant in the application form will be taken as final Correspondence will not be entertained by this office under any circumstances.
11. If suppression of information/furnishing of false information is noticed, either in the application or in the enclosures, at any stage in the selection process the application of the candidate will be summarily rejected. In addition, the candidate will also be liable for appropriate action/prosecution as per Law.

Last Date for receipt of applications : upto 17-01-2024 by 5 pm

Application Form & More Info

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