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Vacancy for Pharmacist in Department of Health & Family Welfare

GPAT courses

Vacancy for Pharmacist in Department of Health & Family Welfare

The Health & Family Welfare Department of the State Government has been vested with the responsibility of maintaining and developing the health care system in West Bengal. Public health, sanitation and hospitals are the exclusive responsibilities of the State. State provides financial and managerial support for the basic health care support and infrastructural facilities at the rural level, while the State level super specialty Medical Colleges & Hospitals predominantly provides the ambulatory care services.

Post : Pharmacist

Department of Health & Family Welfare, G.T.A, Darjeeling invites ONLINE application for different contractual posts under various health programmes from the eligible candidates as per criteria mentioned with attached notification against the sanctioned posts for Darjeeling,G.T.A.

No of post : 01 (ST)
Place of Engagement : U-PHC under Darjeeling Municipality & Kurseong Municipality
Nature of Engagement : Purely on Contractual Basis.
Eligibility Criteria : a) The candidate should have two years Diploma in pharmacy(D-Pharma) (ALLOPATHIC) recognised by the Government of West Bengal and registered as “A” Category Pharmacist under West Bengal Pharmacy Council.
Weightage will be given for Higher Qualification.
b) The Candidates must have proficiency in local language and must have efficiency in computers including MS office and internet.
c) The applicants must be permanent resident of West Bengal
Age : Minimum 18 yrs and Maximum age limit 40 years.

Remuneration : Rs. 22,000/- consolidated per month
Method of Selection : a. Scoring (Selection Procedure) Total Marks 100
D-Pharma -65,
B-Pharma -75,
M-Pharma - 85
Max Marks : 85 (Proportionate Marking)
Computer Test -15 Marks (Qualifying Marks minimum 50 %)
Total -100
All the essential criteria must be completed on or before the first date of online application.

Basic guideline for application for all the posts
1. Only ONLINE application through recruitment portal of website of will be accepted.
2. After successful submission of online application form candidate must download the application and keep print out ready for future reference.
3. Candidates who have applied online shall only be accepted for the further stages of recruitment.
4. Application fees (Non-refundable) Rs 100/- for General caste and Rs 50/- for reserved category (SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PH) must be submitted through online mode only.The online deposition of application fees can be done through netbanking or credit card/debit card system through online interface. If the payment is successful then the candidate will be immediately reverted back to the link for final submission of the application form by using the application ID already received at the time of registration.
5. Online registration no should be retained by all applicants for further reference. Employer is not liable to give any information regarding the online registration no in future.
6. Applications forms not properly filled in or incomplete Application forms are liable to be cancelled .If the online application details submitted by the applicant differ with the original testimonials, that application shall be liable to cancelled.
7. The essential qualifications mentioned are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle the candidate to claim selection. All the essential qualification must be completed within the first date of online application.
8. All posts are purely on contractual basis valid upto 31.03.2024 which maybe extended the basis of performance and subject to continuation and fund support.
9. The cut off date for calculation of age will be 01.01.2024
10. Caste certificate issued within the first date of online application, by the competent authorities of West Bengal, only will be accepted.

11. In case of PWD candidates, Disability certificate issued within the first date of online application, by the competent authorities of West Bengal only, will be accepted.
12. Experience will be calculated after obtaining the required essential qualification for the above mentioned position, till the first date of online application. The duration of experience must be clearly mentioned .Experience certificate must consist of the name of the organisation, name of the post, employees name, date of joining and period of service, signature of the employer, otherwise the experience certificate will be treated as invalid. Engagement letter, pay slip or any other will not be treated as experience certificate.
13. One candidate may apply for multiple posts, if eligible, subject to submission of application against each post (Online & hard copy) including submission of application fee.
14. No rounding off of marks will be granted. Proportionate marking upto 2 decimal points will be considered.
15. The competent authorities may cancel the recruitment process at any stage of the selection process.
16. The decision of the competent authorities regarding the recruitment is final.
17. The panel of selected candidates will be valid till one year from the date of publication of the result.
18. Applicant must visit websites and for further intimation of the recruitment process or for any corrigendum or addendum.]
19. The shortlisted candidate will be invited for document verification, written test/computer test & interview as per criteria mentioned in TOR.
20. For all the posts the candidates must be a permanent resident of West Bengal & must have knowledge of local language.

Important dates for online application
a) Start date for online application-midnight of 3rd January,2024
b) Last Date of registration-midnight of 18th January,2024
c) Last date of submission of application fees-midnight of 24th January,2024
d) Last date of full submission of online application form-midnight of 30th January,2024

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