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Pharmacists recruitment (318 posts) at DSSSB - Govt of NCT

Clinical research courses

Pharmacists recruitment at DSSSB - Govt of NCT

Online Applications are invited for recruitment to the following posts under different Departments/ Local/ Autonomous Bodies under Govt, of NCT of Delhi: -

Post: Pharmacist
No. of Post: 318 posts
UR- 96; OBC- 96; SC- 21; ST- 40; EWS-65

Details as per prior advt:
Qualification: Matric with a diploma in the trade i.e. Pharmacist
OR B. Pharma
OR M. Pharma
Pay Scale:- Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4200/-
Group: ‘C’

Candidates must apply online through the website The closing date for submission of online application is up to 13/03/2024 (till 11:59 PM) after which the link will be disabled.
The applicants are advised to visil DSSSB's website to check the detailed advertisement and confirm their eligibility for the above vacancies based on the Recruitment Rules of the indenting departments.
The date of conduct of examinations will be intimated in due course only through the website of the Board Further, candidate is advised to visit website of the Board on regular basis to get updates. The Board shall not be responsible for any lapse on the part of the candidate in this regard.

The opening date and closing date for receipt of online applications are as below:
Opening Date of Submission of Online Applications: 13/02/2024 (13th February, 2024)
Closing Date of Submission of Online Applications: 13/03/2024 (13th March, 2024)

Detail advertisement will publish soon.


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