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Career for Pharmacist at Central University of Odisha

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Career for Pharmacist at Central University of Odisha

The Central University of Odisha has been established by the Parliament under the Central Universities Act, 2009 (No. 3C of 2009). It is one of the 15 new Central Universities established by the Government of India during the UGC XI Plan period to address the concerns of equity and access and as per the policy of the Government of India to increase the access to quality higher education by people in less educationally developed districts which have a Graduate Enrollment Ratio of less than the national average of 11%. Koraput District of Odisha comes within the KBK region (Koraput, Bolangir and Kalahandi) which is still considered as an extremely as underdeveloped region of the State of Odisha.

Post : Pharmacist

Applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible Indian citizens for filling in various Non-Teaching/Academic positions on direct/deputation recruitment basis in the Central University of Odisha. Candidates are required to be familiar with rules, regulations and functioning of the University with basic knowledge of computer applications. Candidates possessing higher qualification and experience than, that is prescribed for the post may be preferred.

No of post : 01 (UR)
Pay Level in the pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level 5
Pay Band & Grade Pay as per 6th CPC : PB : 1 ; Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2800/-
Eligibility Criteria :
Essential qualification : Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy with at least 50% marks from any recognised Institute/ University recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India.
OR D.Pharma. with at least 50% marks with 5 years of experiences from a hospital or reputed Institution. Registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1948
Age : Not more than 32 years.

Guideline for Payment of Application Fee
Applicants shall be required to pay application fee by net-banking / debit / credit cards
General and OBC : Rs. 500.00
Female, SC/ST and PwBD category applicants need not pay any Application fee
Note: The fee once paid shall not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstance.

General Terms & Conditions
i) It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to ascertain his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed qualifications, experience, etc., and submit his/her application duly filled-in, along with the desired information and documents as per the advertisement.
ii) Suppression of factual information, supply of fake documents, providing false or misleading information or canvassing in any manner on the part of the candidates shall lead to his/her disqualification. In case, it is detected at any point of time in future, even after appointment, that the candidate was not eligible, his appointment shall be liable to termination forthwith.
iii) The date of birth is acceptable only as mentioned in the SSC/ Matriculation certificate issued by the concerned educational board / university.
iv) The date for determining the age of applicants shall be the closing date of applications.
v) The relaxation in age and qualification shall be applicable to SC, ST, OBC and PwBD as per GoI rules and amendments issued from time to time.
vi) Applicants belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwBD categories shall submit respective category and/or medical certificate (pertaining to the determination of degrees of disability in case of PwBD candidates) from the competent authority in the format prescribed by the Government of India. Applicants under OBC category coming under creamy layer will not be entitled to the benefits of reservation and should apply as unreserved category.
vii) Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), shall be governed by DoPT guidelines issued from time to time.
viii) Candidate who is already in Central / State Government / PSU/ Autonomous Institution services shall submit his/her application through proper channel along with vigilance clearance certificate from the competent authority. However, he/she may send an advance copy of his/her application, and in case his/her application is not forwarded due to whatever reasons, he/she, should produce a "No Objection Certificate along with the Vigilance Clearance Certificate” from the employer in a sealed cover at the time of written test /skill test/interview.
ix) In case a candidate is applying on deputation basis, the deputation will be governed by the terms and conditions as mentioned in the DoPT OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay. II) Dated 17th June, 2010 and amendments issued from time to time.
x) Moreover, the application for appointment on deputation shall be forwarded by the employer along with the No Objection Certificate, Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs)/ACR for the preceding five years and Vigilance Clearance Certificate, duly certified by the Competent Authority.

xi) Certificates in support of experience should be in proper format i.e., it should be on the organization’s letter head mentioning date of issue, period of experience, pay level/grade pay, and the name and designation of the issuing authority along with signature and date.
xii) The university shall verify the antecedents submitted by the applicant at any time of appointment or during the service. If it is detected at any stage that the information given in the application is incorrect / false, the candidature / appointment shall be summarily cancelled / terminated.
xiii) Appropriate age relaxation for internal candidates working in the University shall be extended, provided he/she is eligible in all respects at the time of joining the University, whatever may be the nomenclature of the post / designation including outsourcing employees.
xiv) In case of any ambiguity pertaining to the eligibility criteria for any post, or during the entire process of recruitment, the decision of the Competent Authority of the University shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual (s)/ representatives. xv) Applicants intending to apply for more than one post should submit separate application for each post along with requisite fee.
xvi) The selection will be based on written test / trade test/skill test and / interview, as applicable under Cadre Recruitment Rules of the University.
xvii) Candidates, conversant with university functioning and possessing higher educational qualification than minimum essential qualification and with hands on experience in computers, will be preferred during screening of applications.
xviii) The appointment shall be governed by National Pension System (NPS) as applicable to the employees of Central Autonomous Bodies who have joined on or after 01-01-2004. Employees joining Central University of Odisha from pensionable establishments, however, shall be governed by pension scheme of the parent organization only till such time as they retain lien with the parent post. xix) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending Written Test / Skill Test / Interview. xx) Any information related to the advertisement shall be displayed in the University Website ( only. Applicants are advised to visit the website regularly
xxi) The University reserves the right to rectify any discrepancy in the advertisement, if found later, as well as to modify / cancel any communication made to the candidate.
xxii) The University also reserves the right to withdraw any advertisement, either partly or wholly, at any time without assigning any reason.
xxiii) Any issue not covered in the instruction shall be decided by the Competent Authority of the University and the decision shall be final and binding on all applicants.

xxiv) Online Application Form is available at :
xxv) Candidates are advised to submit their application uploading all supporting documents pertaining to age, category, educational qualifications, experience etc.
xxvi) The closing date for online application is 19.01.2024 Application window will be closed on 19.01.2024 at 23.59 hrs.
xxvii) Canvassing in any form by the candidate or on behalf of the candidate shall be treated as a disqualification of candidature.
xxviii) The University shall hold the written and/or skill test for all Group”B” and Group “C” Non- Teaching posts. The written test may comprise Reasoning Ability, Simple Arithmetic, General Knowledge, Domain Knowledge of the Establishment, Accounts, Examinations, Language proficiency in English and Hindi, etc. wherever applicable, noting and drafting etc. and/or skill test, or any other type of test depending upon the job requirements (such as posts under Technical/Laboratory services, Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, library Services etc.)
xxix) The written test shall be conducted in two stages (i) objective type test (Paper I) carrying 100 marks, and (ii) descriptive-type test (Paper II) carrying 100 marks. The minimum qualifying marks to be secured in Paper I shall be 40%. The answer scripts of the candidates for the descriptive test shall be evaluated only in respect of those candidates who secure the minimum qualifying marks in Paper I. The candidates who secure 50% marks in Paper Ii shall be called for the skill test/interview, wherever applicable.
xxx) The marks allocated for the skill test, wherever applicable, shall be 50 and the minimum qualifying marks in skill test shall be 25. The merit list of the candidates shall be drawn based on the performance in Paper I(Objective type Test) and Paper II(Descriptive Type Test) and Interview (wherever applicable) subject to qualifying the skill test, wherever applicable.
xxxi) The marks allocated for the interview wherever applicable shall be 20% of the total marks and shall be added to the marks scored in Paper I and Paper II for the preparation of merit list.
xxxii) Relaxation in qualifying marks or any other relaxation in the test, if any for the reserved category candidates shall be extended as per the Govt. of India guidelines as amended from time to time.
xxxiii) The university shall notify the examination schedule after the closing date of application.

Candidates are required to submit their applications in online mode through the SAMARTH Portal on or before 19.01.2024 through the link.

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