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Career for Pharmacist at NEIAFMR - Pay upto Rs. 92,300 pm

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Career for Pharmacist at NEIAFMR

North Eastern Institute Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research (NEIAFMR), Pasighat, an Autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Ayush, Govt, of India, hereby invites applications from Indian Citizens for the following posts to be filled by Direct Recruitment/Deputation as mentioned against each post.

Eligible candidates may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with self-attested copies of certificates and testimonials, along with two copies of recent passport size photographs. Candidates already in service must apply through proper channel. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the Test/Interview as the Institute deems fit.

Pay Level : Level-5 in Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC (Rs. 29,200- 92,300)
No. of Posts : 1 (UR)
Age limit : 30 years
Eligibility Criteria :
Direct Recruitment
10+2 from a recognized board of Education in Science Stream and with the following qualification.
i. B.Pharma (Ay) with minimum 1 year of professional experience in a reputed institution/ hospital;
ii. Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy (Not less than 02 years duration) with minimum 03 years of professional experience in an Institution/ hospital
iii. Diploma in Herbal Medicine/Technology (Not less than 3 years duration)
Desirable :
Knowledge of Computer (MS Word, Excel etc.)
By Deputation
Eligibility criteria :
Officer of Central / State Govt. Statutory organization / Autonomous Bodies / PSUs, University or Research Institute holding analogous posts on regular basis having essential educational qualification prescribed for direct recruitment.
Pharmacy Assistant in the scale of Rs. 5200-20200/- Grade pay -1900/- with 5 years experience.
Note I : Age not exceeding 56 years on the closing date of receipt of application.
Note II : The period of deputation shall not exceed 3 years which can be extended up to 5 years or till his/her retirement whichever is earlier.
Mode of Recruitment : By Deputation failing which by Direct Recruitment

Pharmacy Assistant
Pay Level : Level-2 in Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC (Rs. 19,900- 63,200).
No. of Posts : 1 (UR)
Age limit : 30 years
Eligibility Criteria :
Direct Recruitment
A. 10+2 from a recognized board of Education in Science Stream with following qualifications:
i. Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy (Not less than 02 year’s duration).
For Deputation
Officer of Central / State Govt. Statutory organization/ Autonomous Bodies/ PSUs, University or Research Institute holding analogous posts on regular basis having essential educational qualification prescribed for direct recruitment.
Note I : Age not exceeding 56 years on the closing date of receipt of application.
Note II : The period of deputation shall not exceed 3 years which can be extended up to 5 years or till his/her retirement whichever is earlier.
Mode of Recruitment : By Deputation failing which by Direct Recruitment

Applicants are advised to read all instructions carefully before submitting their applications.
1. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement as on the last date of receipt of the applications. Applicants are advised to satisfy themselves that they possess essential qualification, experience and fulfill all conditions of eligibility laid down for the post applied for.
2. Age relaxation for reserved category candidate shall be admissible as per Govt, of India policy and Bye-Laws of NEIAFMR, Pasighat.
3. The prescribed essential eligibility criteria are minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview/Test. The Competent Authority reserves the right to shortlist candidates on the basis of higher qualifications/years of experience in the subject, by holding screening test or any other criteria deemed proper.
4. Application duly completed and forwarded by competent authority of present employer, should reach the institute by last date i.e., 45 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. The Institute shall not be responsible for any postal delay/lapse on the part of courier agency or any other reasons whatsoever. The decision of the Director, North Eastern Institute Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research (NEIAFMR), Pasighat will be final in this regard.
5. The date of determining the upper age limit, qualification and/or experience will be closing date prescribed for receipt of applications.
6. Number of vacancies may increase or decrease by the time of screening/interview by the order of the competent authority. No separate notice will be issued in this regard.
7. Shortlisted candidates after due scrutiny will be called for test/interview. The interview/call letter shall be sent by speed/registered post/E-mail. The list will also be uploaded in the website of the Institute ( However, the Institute shall not be responsible for any postal delay or lapse, whatsoever. Candidates are advised to write their address, e-mail and Mobile Number correctly. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delay, conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview.
8. Applicants will be fully responsible for the accuracy of the information they furnish. Any information furnished by the candidates, if found false at any stage, will result in his/her disqualification and repatriation to his parent cadre and initiation of disciplinary action against him/her.
9. While forwarding the application the sponsoring authority/present employer shall ensure that the particulars of the candidate are verified and that he/she fulfills the eligibility conditions. Employer should render a certificate that the officer is free/clear from vigilance angle and no disciplinary proceeding(s) is/are pending or contemplated against the applicant.
10. Copy of complete ACR dossier/APARs of last five years of the applicant must be enclosed with application duly attested by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to Government of India or equivalent.

11. The candidate serving in Govt./Autonomous/Statutory bodies should apply through proper channel and their duly forwarded application should reach the office of the Director, North Eastern Institute Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research (NEIAFMR), Pasighat on or before the closing date. The candidates may submit advance copy of their applications to the Institute in anticipation of the clearance of the department so that they are considered during preliminary scrutiny. However, their candidature will be finally considered only after receipt of application through proper channel before the closing date. It shall be necessary to furnish clearance certificates/No Objection Certificate from the cadre controlling authority/present employer to the effect that the candidate will be relieved from the present assignment in the event of his/her selection.
12. Candidate applying for more than one post must send separate application for each post.
13.Institute reserves that right to make any amendment to or cancellation of this advertisement wholly or partially without assigning any reason thereof.
14. The appointment to the said post will be subject to production of physical and medical fitness certificate issued by a Competent Medical Authority at the time of joining.
15. The candidate shall have to appear for interview, if called for, at his/her own cost.
16. The terms and conditions for appointment will be as per Rules and Regulations applicable to employees of North Eastern Institute Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research (NEIAFMR), Pasighat.
17. The terms and conditions of deputation will be regulated in accordance with OMs/Orders issued by the department of Personnel & Training, Government of India and as amended from time to time.
18. The upper age limit for appointment by deputation shall be 56 years on the closing date of application.
19. Standard terms and condition of deputation in Govt, of India will be applicable. The period of deputation will be for 3 years, extendable as per rules laid down by Government of India.
20. These posts carry usual allowances as admissible to the Central Government employees.

21. Any Corrigendum/Order regarding this advertisement will be issued and placed on the website ( only. Candidates are advised to remain in touch with the website for this purpose. No separate Corrigendum etc. will be published in Newspaper.
22. Canvassing in any form may lead to disqualification of the applicant for appointment to the post and same will brought to the notice of his parent department for taking further action against him.
23. The NEIAFMR reserves the right to increase or decrease number of posts.
24. Application must be submitted in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I). The proforma can also be downloaded from the official website of the Institute
25. One recent passport size photograph should be pasted on the top right-hand comer of the application duly signed across by the candidate himself/herself.
26. Envelope containing application should be super scribed with “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF
27.Original certificates should be produced only at the time of interview/test. However, self-attested photocopies of testimonials may be attached with the application in support of educational qualifications and experience etc.
28. Applications received after expiry of the prescribed period and/or found to be incomplete in any manner or not submitted in prescribed proforma will not be entertained.
29. The decision of the NEIAFMR in respect of selections shall be final and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
30. Candidates belonging to General and OBC category are required to pay fee of Rs. 500.00; SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of fee. The application must be accompanied by Demand Draft of Rs. 500.00 from any nationalized bank drawn in favour of the Director, North Eastern Institute Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research, Pasighat.
31. The application complete in all respects must be sent through proper channel to the Director, North Eastern Institute Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research, OPP. APST Bus Station, PO-Pasighat, Distt - East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh-791102.

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