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Job for Research Associate at Indian Institute of Technology

Clinical research courses

Job for Research Associate at Indian Institute of Technology

The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur was established in the year 1960. The Parliament of India passed the ‘Institutes of Technology Act 1961’ declaring all the IITs as “Institutions of National Importance”. The Parliamentary Act has given absolute autonomy to the IITs. When the foundation stone of the IIT system was laid, it was perceived that taking help from the industrially advanced western countries might be lot more effective in achieving the status of a world class technical institute. Hence, IIT Kanpur had a massive collaboration with USA through a specially created programme- KIAP (Kanpur Indo American Programme).

Applications are invited for one post of Research Associate under the project entitled "Superabsorbent Hemostatic Sponges for Arterial Bleeding and Other Wound Types"

Minimum Qualification : PhD in Materials Science/Biological Science 
Desirable Experience/Higher Qualification : Candidate with proven experience of working with biodegradable polymers and having hands on experience with processing and characterization of Superabsorbent Hemostatic sponges for arterial bleeding type projects will be given preference. Candidates are expected to work in multidisciplinary research area. Proficiency in written and spoken English is mandatory. 
Salary Range : 35000/- (Fixed) per month

The position is temporary for a maximum of one year or end of project whichever will be earlier.

Last Date for Application : Those interested must send their application on plain paper with resume, list of three references and copies of professional academic records (mark sheet/Certificate) to with cc to latest by 08-02-2021. Hard copy application will not be entertain.

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