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Applications are invited for the various posts at NIVEDI

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NIVEDI - National Institute Of Veterinary Epidemiology And Disease Informatics, formerly known as Project Directorate of Animal Disease Monitoring and Surevillance (PD_ADMAS),has a long successful history of delivering predicted informatics and solutions for various animal diseases. The institue has been setup under the regulations of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).

Senior Research Fellow (One Position)
Name of the project : Grants- in Aid under “Intersectoral Coordination for prevention and control of Zoonotic Disease” Upto 31.03.2020
Education Qualification required : Master degree in Animal Biotechnology / Veterinary Biochemistry / Veterinary Microbiology or M.Sc. in Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Microbiology / Biological / Life Science or its equivalent With National Eligibility Tests- CSIR +UGC, NET, including NET lectureship and GATE or through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISC, IISER, etc. with 2 years’ experience certificate OR Ph.D. in life-science especially in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry Or its equivalent
Desirable Experience :
1) Experience/knowledge in Serological (ELISA) and molecular techniques (PCR and Real time PCR)
2) Experience in the handling of zoonotic pathogens (Leptospira)
3) Proficiency in computer skills
4) Basic Knowledge in statistical techniques
5) Proficiency in computer skills
Job description
• Handling zoonotic pathogens (culture, isolation)
• Performing diagnostics/ surveillance and field survey outbreak investigations
• Data analysis
• Conducting and coordination of trainings and project related communication Preparation of IEC/training/workshop material
Remuneration : 35000/- Plus HRA as per norms
Age : 35 Years for Men and 40 years for women as on the date of Advertisement.

Senior Research Fellow (One Position)
Name of the project : Immuno-epidemiological characterization of pigs as an amplifying host of Japanese encephalitis
Education Qualification required : Post Graduate Degree in basic science OR Graduate / Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course selected through with NET like CSIR-UGC, ICAR and Gate with two years’ experience
Desirable Experience :
Laboratory experience in handling flow cytometer Practical experience doing ELISA is desired
Remuneration : 35000/- Plus HRA as per norms
Age : 35 Years for Men and 40 years for women as on the date of Advertisement.

Junior Research Fellow (One Position)
Name of the project : Understanding the genetic diversity of Taenia solium cysticercosis and development of recombinant antigen based diagnostic assays for serosurveillance Upto 6th April 2021
Education Qualification required : Master Degree in Veterinary science with specialization in Veterinary Parasitology / Veterinary Medicine / Veterinary Pathology/ Veterinary Microbiology / Veterinary Biochemistry OR Master Degree in Science with specialization in Bioinformatics / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology with NET / GATE qualification
Desirable Experience :
Experience in molecular biology techniques, recombinant in yeast and ELISA standardization
Remuneration : 31000/- Plus HRA as per norms
Age : 35 Years for Men and 40 years for women as on the date of Advertisement

Young Professional I (One Position)
Name of the project : Indian Network for fisheries and animal Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR) 6 Months
Education Qualification required : Graduates in relevant subjects or Diploma holder in relevant Agriculture Sciences / Technology. or its equivalent
Desirable Experience :
Experience in basic microbiology lab techniques and field survey with strong command in local language to communicate to farmers. Job Description: Assisting PI and SRF/JRF in laboratory work /training/workshop. Filed visit, survey and collection of samples. Data entry and office related work
Remuneration : Rs. 25000/- PM Consolidated
Age : Minimum age 21 years and Maximum age 45 years as on the date of Advertisement.

Young Professional II (One Position)
Name of the project : Evaluation of in-house population assay for surveillance of peste des petits ruminants (PPR)
Education Qualification required : Postgraduates in relevant subjects or graduate degree holders in Agriculture Science/ Technology (includes all Agriculture & allied sciences, Animal Science, Veterinary Sciences, etc or its equivalent
Desirable Experience :
Hands on experience in performance and standardizing ELISA Knowledge in molecular techniques such as PCR, cloning, expression, purification and serological techniques
Remuneration : Rs. 35000/- PM Consolidated
Age : Minimum age 21 years and Maximum age 45 years as on the date of Advertisement.

Young Professional II (One Position)
Name of the project : ICAR-ERP-MIS
Education Qualification required : Graduates with at least 60% marks in Computer Application/information Technology/Computer Science/Operating Systems/Software Engineering/Computer Graphics with one-year experience in the relevant filed OR Master in Computer Application/Information Technology/Computer Science/Operating Systems/ Software Engineering/Computer Graphics
Desirable Experience :
Experience in operating ICAR-ERP-FMS, running of Pay rolls, updating of budget working experience in e-office ICAR
Remuneration : Rs.35000/- PM Consolidated
Age : Minimum age 21 years and Maximum age 45 years as on the date of Advertisement.

Young Professional II (One Position)
Name of the project : Epidemiological Surveillance of transmission foci of fasciolosis
Education Qualification required : Postgraduates in relevant subjects or graduate degree holders in Agriculture Science/ Technology (includes all Agriculture & allied sciences, Animal Science, Veterinary Sciences, etc or its equivalent
Desirable Experience :
Experience in molecular biology techniques including PCR and microsatellite polymorphism analysis. Experience in sequence analysis and should be well versed with handling different bioinformatics software
Remuneration : Rs. 35000/- PM Consolidated
Age : Minimum age 21 years and Maximum age 45 years as on the date of Advertisement

Young Professional II (One Position)
Name of the project : Web & Sever Management
Education Qualification required : Graduates with at least 60% marks in Computer Application/information Technology/Computer Science/Operating Systems/Software Engineering/Computer Graphics with one-year experience in the relevant filed OR Master in Computer Application/Information Technology/Computer Science/Operating Systems/ Software Engineering/Computer Graphics
Desirable Experience :
Person with working experience in Networking (NATing, Servers, Firewall), Python (Automation, file handling), Web Management (Desing, Implement, Maintenance)
Remuneration : Rs. 35000/- PM Consolidated
Age : Minimum age 21 years and Maximum age 45 years as on the date of Advertisement

Young Professional II (One Position)
Name of the project : Personal Section to Director
Education Qualification required : Postgraduate in English/Psychology/Science
Desirable Experience :
Desirable MBA or working experience with Good command in English
Remuneration : Rs. 35000/- PM Consolidated
Age : Minimum age 21 years and Maximum age 45 years as on the date of Advertisement

Young Professional II (One Position)
Name of the project : Immuno-epidemiological characterization of respiratory viral persistence in Pig
Education Qualification required : Postgraduates in relevant subjects or graduate degree holders in Agriculture Science/ Technology (includes all Agriculture & allied sciences, Animal Science, Veterinary Sciences, etc or its equivalent
Desirable Experience :
Laboratory experience working with serological test, molecular techniques in disease diagnosis like PCR, RT-PCR etc., Should be ready to visit places like animal slaughter houses for sampling (sometime early in the morning)
Remuneration : Rs. 35000/- PM Consolidated
Age : Minimum age 21 years and Maximum age 45 years as on the date of Advertisement

Candidates are required to upload duly filled in applications along with testimonials to on or before 08-01-2021 upto 23.59 PM. Application received after the due date and without testimonials are liable to be rejected.  they are also informed that the candidates have to attend the interview online (Video conference) on 12-01-2021 at 10.30 AM. onwards (time schedule will be mentioned to shortlisted candidates)

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