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Vacancy for Pharmacist at Zilla Parishad | Salary upto Rs 92,300/-

Clinical research courses

Zilla Parishad plays the important role in the development of the rural area of the district. ZP provides the Education, Helath, Water, Road, Agricalture services to the rural peoples. Public body elected by the rural peoples rules the Zilla Parishad.

Post : Pharmacist

No of post : 01

Pay Scale : PB 10 ; Rs.29200-92300/-

Qualification :
1.  Pass the exam in secondary or high school. 
2. Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm) Passed required and registered with the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Act 1948, Diploma in Pharmacy, Maharashtra State Mumbai, or have passed the Secondary School Certificate Examination working in the hospital or dispensary on drug mixing or where prescribed medicines on the basis of the medical practitioner's medicine.

Age Limit : Min 18 years to Max. 43 years on Date of 31-12-2019

1.  All the candidates submitting the application will be temporarily admitted on the basis of the original certificate verification for the written examination.  The final selection will be made on the basis of the original certificate verification and written examination.
2. It is mandatory to bring along a valid identity card along with your photo along with the admit card when appearing for the examination.  Examination will not be granted without it.
3. When writing the answer sheet, only use a black ballpen.
4.  If the candidate has to apply for more than one position then it will be necessary to submit a separate Application Exam Fee with Demand Draft for each post.
5. It shall be the individual's responsibility to keep the copy of the submitted application and examination admit card till the completion of the recruitment process.  Copies of the said application and examination admit card will not be made available to them separately.
6. The candidate should be resident of Maharashtra.  (Adivasi Certificate should be submitted during original document verification.) 
7. Candidates must have knowledge of Marathi language.  
8. Candidates should submit a passport size photo along with their name and signature.
9. Examination Fee: - Candidates are required to pay Rs. 250 Before submitting the application, candidates should submit the information of the Demand Draft of the Nationalized Bank with the name of the Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad Nagpur.
10. The list of candidates who qualify for the written examination will be published on the notice board of the Zilla Parishad, Nagpur after the examination.

The application should be address to the given below by hand delivery.
Zilla Parishad,
Near Nagpur Old Secretariat Building,
Civil Line Nagpur - 440001

Last Date For Online Application : 06-01-2020


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