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Job Openings for Pharmacists at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre - Government of India

Clinical research courses

Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha was the visionary who conceptulised the Indian Nuclear Programme and along with a handful of Scientists initiated the nuclear science research in India in March, 1944. He envisaged the vast potential of nuclear energy and its possible successful utilization in the field of power generation and allied areas. Dr. Bhabha started working with the goal of achieving self reliance in the fields of nuclear science and engineering and today’s Department of Atomic Energy which is a consortium of different and diversified fields of science and engineering is the final outcome of the farsighted planning of Dr. Bhabha.

Post : Pharmacist

Post No. - DR/06

No of Posts : 02 (OBC-01, UR-01)

Educational / Technical Qualification : HSC (10+2) + 2 years diploma in pharmacy + 3 months training in Pharmacy + Registration as Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council.
Note - Candidate should possess necessary registration certificate at the time of application

Criteria For PWD (Divyang) candidates
HH (PD), OH(OL) : Remark PD- loss of 60 decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies. OL - Physical deformity should not be less than 40 percentage.

Age Limit :
OBC : Minimum 18 year to Maximum Age 28
UR : Minimum 18 year to Maximum Age 25

Level in Pay Matrix : 5

Entry Pay : Rs 29200

Additional Benefits:
In addition to the normal Pay and Allowances as admissible under rules, the employees of the Department of Atomic Energy
are entitled for -
• Exciting Working environment.
• Promotion for technical/scientific higher grades which are covered under the Merit Promotion Scheme of DAE.
• Healthcare for self and family members.
• Attractive performance related incentive.
• Attractive professional update allowance.
• Departmental accommodation as per Govt. of India orders.
• Crèche facility in the residential campus.

Nature of Duties
Dispensing medicines to patients as per doctor’s prescription and explaining dosage, providing medicines to indoor units of the hospital as per indents raised, inspection of medicines in pharmacy received from stores, raising indents to procure medicines from the hospital stores, data entry of medicines and stock keeping in both manual and on-line, raising indents regarding other requirements of the pharmacy e.g. furniture, equipments etc.

Stage 1- Preliminary Test :
• Examination will consist of 50 multi choice questions(choice of 4 answers) of one hour duration in the following proportiona) Mathematics – 20 questions b) Science – 20 questions c) General awareness – 10 questions
• ‘3’ marks awarded for each correct answer and ‘1’ mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
• All candidates with less than (<) 30% in OBC category and less than (<) 40% in other categories will be screened out.
Stage 2 - Advanced Test :
• All candidates Screened in Stage 1 will be allowed to undertake an Advanced Test for the said post.
• The Test will comprise 50 multi choice questions (choice of 4 answers) of two hours duration.
• ‘3’ marks awarded for each correct answer and ‘1’ mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
• All candidates with less than (<) 20% in OBC category and less than (<) 30% in other categories will be screened out.
• Merit List of candidates will be prepared after Stage-2 based upon the scores obtained in Stage-2 only.
Stage 3 - Skill Test :
• Based upon the Merit List prepared after Stage-2, candidates will be shortlisted for Skill Test.
• The number of candidates shortlisted for Skill Test would depend upon the number of candidates qualifying for stage-2 but will not exceed 4-5 times the number of vacancies for the said post. The skill test will be conducted on a Go/No-Go basis for qualifying the candidates. Candidates clearing the Skill Test will be shortlisted and empanelled in order of merit based on marks secured in Stage-2.

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1.(a) Applications will be accepted on-line only
(b) For detailed information and on-line application, please log in to website Candidates are advised to read instructions on a Home page of website by clicking on ‘How to Apply’.
(c) The facility of online application will be opened from 02/01/2019 to 25/01/2019.
(d) The candidates are required to produce printout of online application, admit card (to be downloaded from the website) and submit the same with original certificates along with the attested copies (self attested) of all relevant documents in support of date of birth, educational qualification (certificates & mark sheets), caste, experience certificate etc., only at the time of interview. Candidates who report for the Written test/Screening test /Skill Test/interview without any of the supporting documents will not be allowed to appear for the Written test/Screening test /Skill Test/interview.
2. In case, the response is more, this Research Centre reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview by conducting screening test of the eligible candidates. The decision of the Research Centre will be final and binding.
3. Final selection will be based on the performance in the Written test/Screening test /Skill Test/Interview.
4. The validity of operation of wait-list will be one year from the date of preparation of the Select Panel.
5. The candidates will be given choice to answer the questions in written test in Hindi or English (For post no. DR/6, DR/07 & DR/08).
6. The nature of duties to be performed by the above categories involves working in round the clock shift duties.
7. Selected candidates, on their appointment, will be governed by the National Pension System.
8. Selected candidates will initially be posted at Mumbai or Navi Mumbai. They are also liable to be posted to any of the Units of BARC located in India or to any part of India and in any of the Constituent Units of Department of Atomic Energy.
9. The candidates called for interview from outstation for the post of DR/01, DR/02, DR/03 & DR/04 and SC/ST outstation candidates called for interview/written test for the post of DR/05 & DR/6 will be paid to and fro travelling allowance of sleeper/second-class Railway fare by the shortest route or actual fare whichever is less (subject to production of tickets) as per rules The allowance are not admissible to those candidates who are already in Central/State Government services, Central/State Government Corporation, Public Sector Undertakings, Local Government institutions and the concession availed from Railways, if any, for undertaking journey for attending written test/interview.

• Regular Government servants working in posts which are in the same line or allied cadre will be relaxed as per Govt. orders.
• Departmental candidates who have rendered not less than three years continuous service in Central Government in the same line or allied cadre will be relaxed as per Govt. orders.
• Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not re-married are eligible for relaxation in upper age limit as per government orders.
• Relaxation in the upper age limit of 5 years shall be admissible to children/family members of those who died in the 1984 Riots. Proof to the effect that the person has been affected by 1984 Riots if they are availing age relaxation in this regard.
• Upto Ten years for Physically Challenged UR candidates and thirteen years for Physically Challenged OBC candidates (applicable for DR/04 & DR/06).
• Relaxation in age for Ex-Servicemen.
• Meritorious sportspersons are eligible for relaxation in the upper age limit as per the Govt. orders.
• Relaxation in the upper age limit of 5 years shall be admissible to all persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in Kashmir division of the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from the 1st day of January 1980 to 31st day of December, 1989 provided that the relaxation in the upper age limit for appearing at any examination shall be subject to the maximum number of chances permissible under the relevant rules Certificate regarding proof of residence – any person intending to avail of this relaxation of age limit admissible under rule 3 shall submit a certificate from: a) The Dist. Magistrate in the Kashmir division within whose jurisdiction he had ordinarily resided; or b) Any other authority designated in this behalf by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir to the effect that he had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir division of the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from the 1st day of January, 1980 to the 31st day of December, 1989.
11. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for the receipt of the applications (25/01/2019)
12. BARC reserves the right to reject or accept the candidature of any applicant at any stage.
13. BARC reserves the right to cancel/restrict/modify/alter the recruitment process, if need arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.
14. The vacancies shown above are provisional and subject to variation. The filling up of vacancies indicated in the advertisement is also subject to the approval of Competent Authority and may not be filled up if decided otherwise in terms of the orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time.
15. The eligibility criteria including the period of experience (as applicable) as prescribed in the advertisement will be determined with reference to the last date of receipt of applications (25/01/2019).
16. Candidates may ensure that they fill in the correct information. Candidates who furnish false information will be disqualified for Written test/Screening test/Skill Test/Interview. BARC further reserves the right to reject the candidature of any applicant at any stage.
17. Application Fee & Payment Procedure - Mode of payment of the Application Fee is through Online. Amount of Fee –
For DR/6  `100/- (Rupees one hundred only) Payment Procedure –
•The Application number generated after the submission of the online application is required to make the online payment of the application fee and hence submission of application is mandatory before the online payment of application fees. However, fee NOT paid will be treated as incomplete application and hence will be rejected.
• For payment of fee, candidates should click on the ‘Make Payment’ option under the ‘My Account’ menu. The Application number generated while submission of application can be selected from the Drop-down box and on clicking the ‘submit’ button candidates can go to the next pages for making the online payment.
• Detailed guidelines for payment of application fee is available under the menu “Payment of fees” “How to Apply”.
• Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances and cannot be held in reserve for any other recruitment.
• Application fee should be paid on or before the last date of receipt of online applications. Note - Candidates belonging to SC/ST, Persons with Disability and women candidates are exempted from payment of this fee. Candidates belonging to Ex-Serviceman category (For DR/6, DR/07 & DR/08) are also exempted from payment of this fee.
18. Persons working in the Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings should submit a ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the employer at the time of written test/interview/Skill test. If candidates fail to submit ‘NOC’ at the time of written test / interview /skill test, they will not be allowed to appear for the written test/ interview/skill test.
19. Compensatory time for persons with disabilities shall be provided as per the extant order.
20. SC/ST/OBC persons with disabilities selected on their own merit without relaxed standards along with other candidates, will be considered against unreserved vacancies provided the post is identified for the persons with disability of relevant category.
21. Ex-servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Central Government on regular basis after availing the benefit of reservation given to ex-servicemen for their re-employment are NOT ELIGIBLE for claiming benefits of reservation under Ex-servicemen category.

Last Date for submission of on-line Application: 25/01/2019

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Mumbai - 400 085 India



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