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Recruitment for Scientist & Senior Scientist at NBRI - 08 posts | Emoluments upto Rs 1 lakh

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CSIR- National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) a premier plant science research institute under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), is involved in multidisciplinary R&D programmes of both basic and applied nature across scientific disciplines for economic, environmental and societal benefits for the people of India. CSIR-NBRI undertakes basic and applied research in strategically important areas of plant sciences including plant systematics and biodiversity, conservation biology, environmental biology, floriculture, plant-microbe interactions, plant biotechnology, genetic engineering and bioinformatics.

CSIR-NBRI had advertised various Scientific positions in different areas vide advertisement nos. 01/2013. The advertisement no. 01/2013 has been cancelled due to administrative reasons vide Institute’s Notice No. 3-2/2(Gr.IV)/2017-R&A dated 11/13.12.2017 Fresh applications are invited in the Revised Application Format, from enthusiastic, young Indian researchers having excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements along with requisite experience and a high degree of motivation and desire to take up research as career in the field of plant research to fill up the vacancies, including backlog vacancies, as per detail given hereunder:-

Total emoluments (approximate)
For scientist :
Rs 89600 /-
For Sr. Scientist : Rs 103000 /-

Post code & Area  : S-01 Area : Plant Biotechnology (Tissue Culture)
For scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 11
Age limit: not exceeding 32 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. (submitted/ awarded) in Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Sciences/ Biochemistry
Desirable experience : Applicants should have good experience of plant tissue culture, genetic transformation and greenhouse practices, phenotypic analysis and plant molecular biology to characterize transgenic plants and regulation and expression of genes in plants as evidenced by high quality research publications
Job specification : To plan and execute research on in situ conservation of economically important plants and elite plants species, their mass propagation; in vivo genetic manipulation, screening and characterization of transgenics and application of biotechnological techniques for plant improvement.

For Sr. Scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 12
Age limit: not exceeding 37 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. in Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Sciences/Bio- chemistry with 02 years research experience in plant tissue culture / plant genetic transfor-mation and in vitro genetic manipulations and expression of heterologous proteins in plants as evidenced by high quality research publications
Desirable experience : Applicants should have good experience of plant tissue culture, genetic transformation and greenhouse practices, phenotypic analysis and plant molecular biology to characterize transgenic plants and regulation and expression of genes in plants as evidenced by high quality research publications
Job specification : To plan and execute research on in situ conservation of economically important plants and elite plants species, their mass propagation; in vivo genetic manipulation, screening and characterization of transgenics and application of biotechnological techniques for plant improvement.


Post code & Area  : S-02 Area: Breeding of Ornamental Plants
For scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 11
Age limit: not exceeding 35 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. (submitted/ awarded) in Plant Breeding/ Genetics/ Botany/Plant Science/Horticulture.
Desirable experience : Specialization in breeding and improvement of ornamental crops, varietal release and applications of biotechnological tools for plant improvement as evidenced by high quality research publications
Job specification : To work in projects related to genetic improvement of ornamentals and flowering plants using conventional and biotechnological tools and molecular breeding approaches

For Senior Scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 12
Age limit: not exceeding 40 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. in Plant Breeding /Genetics/Botany/Plant Science/Horticulture with two years research experience
Desirable experience : Specialization in breeding and improvement of ornamental crops, varietal release and applications of biotechnological tools for plant improvement as evidenced by high quality research publications
Job specification : To work in projects related to genetic improvement of ornamentals and flowering plants using conventional and biotechnological tools and molecular breeding approaches

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Post code & Area  : S-03 Area: Plant Virology
For scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 11
Age limit: not exceeding 37 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. (submitted/ awarded) in Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Pathology in the area of plant virology
Desirable experience : Specialization in detection & identification of plant viruses and their management. Sound know-ledge and experience of modern molecular biology techniques used for plant virus studies as evidenced by quality publications
Job specification : Designing and conducting experiments for diagnosis of plant viral diseases, molecular characterization of viruses, production of biological reagents and diagnostic kits, production of recombinant proteins, expression of viral genes in plants

For Senior Scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 12
Age limit: not exceeding 42 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. in Botany/ Biotechnology/ Plant Pathology in the area of plant virology with two years research experience
Desirable experience : Specialization in detection & identification of plant viruses and their management. Sound know-ledge and experience of modern molecular biology techniques used for plant virus studies as evidenced by quality publications
Job specification : Designing and conducting experiments for diagnosis of plant viral diseases, molecular characterization of viruses, production of biological reagents and diagnostic kits, production of recombinant proteins, expression of viral genes in plants

Post code & Area  : S-04 Area : Root Biology
For scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 11
Age limit: not exceeding 32 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph. D. (Thesis submitted/awarded) in Botany/Plant Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology
Desirable experience : Candidates with strong publication records in the field of root biology, root architecture and its role in plant nutrient acquisition and plant development and morphoge-nesis
Job specification : To develop state-of-the-art facility and infrastructure for the study of root biology and development. To conduct advanced research in the area of root biology/root physiology/root responses to edaphic stress/identification and mapping of traits for adaptation to edaphic stress

For Senior Scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 12
Age limit: not exceeding 37 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph. D. in Botany/Plant Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology with two years research experience

Desirable experience : Candidates with strong publication records in the field of root biology, root architecture and its role in plant nutrient acquisition and plant development and morphoge-nesis
Job specification : To develop state-of-the-art facility and infrastructure for the study of root biology and development. To conduct advanced research in the area of root biology/root physiology/root responses to edaphic stress/identification and mapping of traits for adaptation to edaphic stress

Post code & Area  : S-05 Area: Agri-Business Management
For scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 11
Age limit: not exceeding 32 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph. D. (Thesis submitted/awarded) in Botany/Plant Sciences or M.Sc. in Botany/Plant Sciences with Post Graduate degree in Intellectual Property Law (1st class or 60% on an aggregate or equivalent GPA)
Desirable experience : One year experience in agribiotechn-ology/natural plant products/ ethnobotany / Plant Mirobe Interaction related R&D, excellent communication skills
Job specification : Development and implementation of strategies for product development/ technology marketing and act as an effective interface between scientists and technology's business customers, devising and executing business and marketing strategy for knowledge base of the institute

For Senior Scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 12
Age limit: not exceeding 37 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. in Botany/Plant Sciences with two years research experience or M.Sc. in Botany/Plant Sciences with M.B.A. or Post Graduate degree in Intellectual Property Law with three years research experience

Desirable experience : One year experience in agribiotechn-ology/natural plant products/ ethnobotany / Plant Mirobe Interaction related R&D, excellent communication skills
Job specification : Development and implementation of strategies for product development/ technology marketing and act as an effective interface between scientists and technology's business customers, devising and executing business and marketing strategy for knowledge base of the institute.

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Post code & Area  : S-06, Area: Plant Taxonomy (Lower plants)
For scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 11
Age limit: not exceeding 37 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. (submitted/ awarded) in Botany/Plant Science/ Biotechnology
Desirable experience : Specialization in taxonomy, reproductive biology, physiology, growth and structural biology of lower group of plants as evidenced by high quality research publications
Job specification : To undertake research work on taxonomy, developmental, reproductive biology, bioprospecting of lower plants

For Senior Scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 12
Age limit: not exceeding 47 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. in Botany/Plant Science/Biotechnology with two years research experience

Desirable experience : Specialization in taxonomy, reproductive biology, physiology, growth and structural biology of lower group of plants as evidenced by high quality research publications
Job specification : To undertake research work on taxonomy, developmental, reproductive biology, bioprospecting of lower plants

Post code & Area  : S-07 Area: Plant Taxonomy (Higher Plants)
For scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 11
Age limit: not exceeding 47 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. (submitted/ awarded) in Botany/ Plant Science in the area of plant taxonomy/biosystematics.
Desirable experience : Research experience in plant taxonomy / biosystematics / population biology / floral diversity / genetic diversity / herbarium management as evidenced by high quality research publications
Job specification : To carry out biosystematics studies, documentation, digitization and curation of herbarium

For Senior Scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 12
Age limit: not exceeding 52 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph. D. in Botany/ Plant Science in the area of plant taxonomy/biosy-stematics with two years research experience

Desirable experience : Research experience in plant taxonomy / biosystematics / population biology / floral diversity / genetic diversity / herbarium management as evidenced by high quality research publications
Job specification : To carry out biosystematics studies, documentation, digitization and curation of herbarium

Post code & Area  : S-08, Area: Plant Analytical Chemistry
For scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 11
Age limit: not exceeding 42 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience : Ph.D. (submitted/ awarded) in Analytical Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Organic Chemistry
Desirable experience : Sound experience of handling sophisticated analytical equipments for bioprospection, separation of plant proteins, plant metabolites and characterization of recombinant proteins
Job specification : To carry out biosystematics studies, documentation, digitization and curation of herbarium

For Senior Scientist
Pay level in pay matrix : 12
Age limit: not exceeding 47 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience :Ph. D. in Analytical Chemistry/ Bio-chemistry/ Organic Chemistry with two year research experience as evidenced by quality publications

Desirable experience : Sound experience of handling sophisticated analytical equipments for bioprospection, separation of plant proteins, plant metabolites and characterization of recombinant proteins
Job specification : To carry out biosystematics studies, documentation, digitization and curation of herbarium

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General information and conditions:-
Benefits under Council service:
a) These posts carry usual allowances i.e. Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance (TA) etc. as admissible to the central government employees and as made applicable to CSIR. Council employees are also eligible for accommodation of their entitled type as per CSIR Residence allotment rules depending on availability in which case HRA will not be admissible.
b) In addition to the emoluments indicated against each category of posts, benefits such as applicability of New Pension Scheme 2004, reimbursements of Medical Expenses, Leave Travel Concession, Conveyance allowance and House Building Advance are available as per CSIR rules.
C) Scientists in CSIR are also permitted to undertake consultancy and sponsored R&D project activity. These activities give them scope to earn consultancy fee and honorarium as per CSIR guidelines governing these activities. Opportunities also arise for foreign deputations for training/presentation of papers/specific assignments etc.
d) CSIR provides excellent opportunities to deserving candidates for career advancement under Assessment Promotion scheme.
e) Deserving candidates may be considered for advance increment(s) as per CSIR Rules.
f) The Competent Authority has a right to amend, delete and add terms and conditions to this advertisement.

Other conditions:-
a) The applicant must be a citizen of India.
b) All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement as on the last date of receipt of the applications i.e. 26-02-2018. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for the advertised post as on the last date of receipt of the application. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates. The candidate should therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and experiences in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with documents.
c) The application should be accompanied by self attested copies of the relevant educational qualification, experience. The prescribed qualifications should have been obtained through recognized Universities / Institutions etc. ?k½ ih,pMh izLrqr gksus lacaf/kr ;ksX;rk ds lkFk oSKkfud in gsrq vkosnu djus okys vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lykg nh tkrh gS fd os ih,pMh izLrqrhdj.k dh frfFk ds प्रामाणिक दस्तावेजी सबूत laayXu djsaA
d) The candidates, applying for the post of Scientist with the qualifications of Ph. D submitted, are advised to enclose authentic documentary proof indicating the date of submission of thesis.
e) Ph.D. certificate should clearly indicate the date of award of Ph.D. degree. Completion of Ph. D degree will be reckoned from the date of issue of provisional certificate/notification.
f) In respect of equivalent clause in essential qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce Order/Letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated otherwise the application is liable to be rejected.
g) The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily wages, visiting / guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experience for short listing the candidates for interview.
h) If any document/ certificate furnished is in a language other than Hindi or English, a transcript of the same duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or notary is to be submitted.
i) The date for determining the upper age limit, qualifications and / or experience shall be the Closing date prescribed for receipt of applications i.e 26-02-2018 (read with Note 1 above).
j) The period of experience in a discipline / area of work, wherever prescribed shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational qualifications prescribed for that grade.
k) Persons with disabilities (PWD) fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed under GOI instructions are encouraged to apply.
l) In case a candidate is staying abroad, his/her candidature may be considered in absentia by the Selection Committee on his/her written request.
m) The Selection Committee may choose to place the candidate in any of the Pay level in pay matrix depending upon the performance of the candidate and subject to meeting the minimum eligibility criterion specified.
n) Only outstation candidates called and found eligible for interview will be paid to and fro single second class rail fare from the actual place of undertaking the journey or from the normal place of their residence whichever is nearer to Lucknow Railway Station on production of Rail Tickets/Rail Ticket Numbers or any other proof of journey.
o) Any discrepancy found between the information given in application and as evident in original documents will make the candidate ineligible for appearing in interview. Such candidate will not be paid any fare.
p) The decision of the NBRI/CSIR in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, conduct of examination/interview will be final and binding on the candidates.
q) Canvassing in any form and / or bringing any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
r) Certificates / documents in support of experience must specify duration of experience in terms of date / month / year.
t) In the event of number of applications being large, CSIR-NBRI may adopt short listing criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number by any or more of the following methods:
(i) On the basis of higher educational qualifications than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
(ii) On the basis of higher experience in the relevant field than the minimum prescribed in the Advertisement.
(iii) By holding a written Test
(iv) Any other methodology as deemed fit by Screening Committee.

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How to apply:
a) The application has to be submitted only on prescribed proforma. This advertisement alongwith the application format is available on our website: The application form may be downloaded from the website and used for applying for the above post(s).
b) Duly filled in application form, complete in all respect along with an application fee in the form of crossed Demand Draft issued from any Nationalised Bank (as per CTS Standard) for Rs.100/- (Non-Refundable) drawn in favour of “Director, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow” payable at Lucknow and supported by attested copies of certificates of educational qualification, date of birth, experience certificates, community certificate, if any, addressed to the Controller of Administration , CSIR-NBRI, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001 should reach this office by speed post on or before 26-02-2018. No Demand Draft other than any Nationalised Bank will be accepted. The applications received after the last date of receipt of application will not be considered.
c) The envelope containing the application should be superscribed “Application for the post of……………….(Post code .……… Area …………..…………Advt. No........................)". Candidates are advised to send their application by speed post.
d) In case of Universities/Institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA Grades etc., candidates are requested to convert the same into percentage based on the formula as per their University/Institute.
f) Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will not be refunded on any count nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process.
g) The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women/PWD / abroad candidates and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee.
h) Applications from employees of Government Departments will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel, certified by the employer that the applicant, if selected will be relieved within one month of the receipt of the appointment orders and in which vigilance clearance should also be recorded. However, advance copy of the application alongwith original Demand Draft may be submitted which should must be received in this Office on or before the closing date. Applications routed through proper channel duly completed in all respect, should reach CSIR-NBRI within 15 days after the last date of receipt of application .
i) Incomplete applications in any respect (i.e. unsigned, without requisite particulars, without the required documents/certificates without photograph, without application fee, if applicable etc. ) will not be entertained and is liable to be summarily rejected.



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