DELHI State Tobacco Control Cell, DHS is implementing National Tobacco Control Programme with grant in aid support from GoI. It intends to hire the services of various categories on contract basis as per detail below
Post: Secretarial Assistant cum Pharmacist
No. of Post: 01 (one)
10+2 with Diploma/Graduate in Pharmacy from recognized University / Institute with 1 - 2 year relevant experience with Computer Literate (could compile, collect data and provide secretarial assistance)
Monthly Consolidated Remuneration: Rs. 20000/ -
Terms and Conditions:-
The services will be hired purely on contract basis for a period upto one year and subject to extension on approval basis. 1St 3 months will be on probation & services can be terminated wi th a notice of one day only .
Any of the above posts can be cancelled/ terminated at any time without any further information/ reason. This is not a job in any Govt sector & candidate cannot claim any regularization & remuneration at par with any Govt empl oyee of State or Central Govt. The contracts stands terminated if the Govt of India terminates this project.
1.The age limit for above mentioned all posts/ positions will be upto 60 year.
2. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
3. The registration for Walk - In - Interview will be from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm. only on 27thJanuary 2016 at DGHS Office F - 17 Karkardooma New Delhi - 1100 32 .
4. Candidates to bring their
a) original certificates along with attested photocopies of the same
b) 02 recent colo ured passport sized photographs
c) Identity proof
Walk - In - Interview will be from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm. only on 27thJanuary 2016 at DGHS Office F - 17 Karkardooma New Delhi - 1100 32 .
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