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Job for Pharmacist (17 posts) at Health Services - Government job

Clinical research courses

Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for class-c recruitment under Deputy Director, Health Services, Nashik Board, Nashik

Post: Pharmacy Officer

Number of vacancies: 17 posts [SC-4, NT A-1, UR-12]

Pay scale: Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay 2800

Number of posts may increase or decrease

Higher secondary pass out with diploma in pharmacy from recognised institute
Registered in Maharashtra state pharmacy council as per pharmacy act 1948

Recruitment Process Fee:
UR category: 300 Rs
Reserved Category: 150 Rs

General Information:
1. Applications will not be accepted by post or any other method. Do not send online application receipt at our office.
2. Date of exam and other information will publish on or
3. Applications are accepted by online method that's why educational certificate is not needed during applying. But all information should correctly filled in online application form. If any error persist in online application filling, application will not accepted by computer. So candidate should fill all details while filling online application form
4. Depending on marks obtained in exam & reservation merit list will publish on mahaonline ltd's website
5. Kindly note that online application can not be edited after it's submission. And for that candidates are requested to fill up online form correctly. Candidates will be selected only after analysis of all certificates and documents.
6. Candidates who registered under District employment office, Integrated Tribal Development Project Office, District social welfare officer's office, District Exservicemen welfare office or other governmental offices, should apply by selecting proper option.

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7. It will be full responsibility of candidate for rejection of application. candidate can not complain regarding this matter. if any information is incorrect or wrong filled up by candidate, candidate will be rejected from recruitment process.
8. If applicants bringing any political or other influence, their application is rejected.
9. Candidates should appear for test on their own expenses.
10. During examination, it is prohibited to use mobile or other contactable instruments in exam hall
11. Candidates, employed in government jobs, should take permission from their departmental head before applying.
12. Candidate should resident of maharashtra (DOmicile certificate is must)
13. Reserved category candidates should provide caste certificate during verification
14. Ladies reserved candidate should provide certificate during verification.
15. Candidate should provide certificate regarding small family certificate (Not applicable for unmarried candidates)
16. Reserved category candidates should submit caste validity certificate with in six month after recruitment. Otherwise, such candidates services will be terminated.
17. Selected candidates should provide government recognised computer qualifying exam's certificate with in 2 years of recruitment
18. Candidates who will make appearance in merit list should provide self attested photocopies and original of below mentioned certificates/documents
- Educational/Experience/Technical eligibility certificate and marksheets
- Caste certificate and caste validity certificate
- Age proof: School LC or Birth certificate or HSC exam marksheet
- Non-creamy layer certificate
- Domicile certificate
- Computer exam pass out certificate
- District Employment or Self employment office's registered number
- other related documents

Last date to apply: 01.02.2016

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