The Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow is one of the youngest central universities in the country. The jurisdiction of this residential University is over the entire state of Uttar Pradesh. The campus Vidya Vihar is located off Rae Bareli Road, about 10 kms south of the Charbagh Railway Station, Lucknow. The objects of the University IS to promote advanced knowledge by providing instructional and research facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit.
Position available for DST sponsored project entitled “Effect of a- Linolenic acid and Y- gamma linolenic acid on breast cancer risk: Evaluation of Synergistic efficacy with anticancer drug" through letter no SERB/EM EQ-254/2013 dated 17/7/13.”.
Post: Junior Research Fellow/ Senior Research Fellow- 01
Essential Qualification: Master of Pharmacy (preference will be given to GPAT/GATE qualified candidates).
Desirable work experience: Experience on experimental in vitro and In vivo pharmacology. Preference shall be given to the candidate with experience in cell culture and molecular biology techniques.
Emoluments: As per DST norms
Date/Time: 11th February, 2014
Venue: Department of Pharmaceutical Science, B.B.A. University, Lucknow-226025.
General Instructions: Candidates attending interview should bring bio-data, original and one self-attested photocopy of certificates and two passport size photographs. The post is purely temporary and will co-terminate with the project or may be terminated earlier by the PI. The applicants may send their bio-data in advance by e-mail to Dr. Gaurav Kaithwas ( No TA/DA will be paid for attending the aforesaid interview.
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School for Biosciences and Biotechnology
Vidya Vihar, Rae Bareli Road, Lucknow-226025
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