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Job openings for D.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Pharm in State Health Society, 11 vacancies

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Job openings for D.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Pharm in State Health Society

As per the project implementation plan under the National Health Mission, the advertisement of vacancies in various programs is being published on the website to fill up the vacancies among the sanctioned contractual posts.  Following is the general notice/information regarding the application procedure.  After carefully observing all the instructions, the application should be submitted in the prescribed manner.  Based on the information and documents provided in the application, the candidate's eligibility/ineligibility will be checked and based on that, he/she will be included in the further selection process.  However, acceptance of the application or inclusion in the further selection process will not mean that the candidate is eligible for that contractual post.  If at any time during the selection process or after selection it is found that the applicant does not possess the prescribed qualification or is disqualified for any reason, the candidature or selection of such candidate shall be canceled immediately.

State Health Society Maharashtra (SHS),  SHS invites applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts 

National AYUSH Mission, Mumbai
Programme Manager (Non medical) 
Post : Programme Manager (Non medical) - 1) Market Surveillance Officer 
2) Strore Verification Officer 
3) Vaccine and Logistic Manager-RI 
4) State Vacine & Logistic Manager-RI
No of posts : 04 (Mumbai-02, Pune-02) [ST-1 NT(B)-1 OBC-1 Open-1]
Age (Upper Limit) : 18 to 38 years for Open category, 18 to 43 years for reserved categories
Essential Qualification : PG degree in Pharmacy (M.Pharm)
Essential Experience : 3 Years relevant Experience
Remuneration (In Rs.) : 35000

National Health Mission- State Office 
Procurement Officer- Pharmacy
Post : Technical Officer- Procurement & Logistics
No of post : 1 (ST-1) Pune
Age (Upper Limit) : 18 to 38 years for Open category, 18 to 43 years for reserved categories
Essential Qualification : Bachelor in Pharmacy (B.Pharm) 
Essential Experience : 5 years relevant Experience
Remuneration (In Rs.) : 30000

National Health Mission- State Office
Post : Pharmacist
No of post : 3 (VJ B-1, SEBC-1, EWS-1) Mumbai
Age (Upper Limit) : 18 to 38 years for Open category, 18 to 43 years for reserved categories
Essential Qualification : HSC(Science) + Diploma in Pharmacy
Essential Experience : Preference will be given to experienced person
Remuneration (In Rs.) : 17,000

National Urban Health Mission
Post : Public Health Manager
No of post : 3 (VJ(A)-1, OBC-1, SEBC-1) NUHM Mumbai
Age (Upper Limit) : 18 to 38 years for Open category, 18 to 43 years for reserved categories
Essential Qualification : M.B.B.S or Graduate in Health Sciences (B.D.S/B.A.M.S/B.H.M.S/B.U.M.S/B.P.Th /Nursing Basic /(P.B.Bsc)/B.Pharm/+ MPH/MHA/MBA in Health Care Administration
Essential Experience : Preference will be given to experienced person
Remuneration (In Rs.) : 32,000

Selection will be cancelled immediately
1) It will be mandatory for the candidates to submit the application in the given format. If the application is not submitted in the format, the application will be disqualified.
2) Educational/Technical/Professional Course Information Details -
The applicant should attach self-attested shadow documents along with the application regarding all the educational/technical/professional courses etc.
I. Detailed and accurate details regarding educational qualifications should be entered in the application.
II. The candidate must possess the minimum educational qualification required for the post on the last date of submission of application.
Ⅲ. The date on which the required educational qualification has been obtained must be mentioned in the application. (Date of declaration of results)
IV. If the grade or category is mentioned in the final year certificate, it should be converted into marks by the concerned institution and a copy of it should be attached with the application. The percentage of marks should be mentioned in the application accordingly and if you are eligible for selection, the original copy should be submitted during the scrutiny.
V. If the percentage of marks mentioned in the educational certificate and the percentage mentioned in the application do not match, such applications will be rejected.
VI. Self-attested shadow certificates/documents regarding all the educational qualifications mentioned in the application should be submitted along with the application and if you are eligible for selection, it will be mandatory to submit the original documents during the scrutiny. If the mark sheets of the required educational qualifications and the information mentioned in the application do not match during the scrutiny of the selection process, the application will not be considered.
VII. The required educational qualification/qualification for the contractual post must be obtained from a "University Grants Commission" (UGC Approved) recognized university. Educational qualification/qualification obtained from such a university will be considered acceptable.
VIII. For medical/paramedical posts for which registration with the concerned medical/paramedical council is mandatory. Such applicants should submit the certificate registered with the concerned council along with the application and if they are eligible for selection, it is necessary to submit it during the scrutiny.

Details of Experience
The applicant should mention all the details of the experience along with the application.
I. Experience after obtaining the prescribed educational qualification for the contractual post applied for will be considered. Accordingly, experience before holding the educational qualification should not be recorded. That experience will not be taken into account.
II. While mentioning the details of the experience in the application, the current appointment period to the first appointment period should be mentioned in this order.
III. While mentioning the details of the experience, the details of the office from which the experience certificate is obtained should be mentioned in the application. If there is no experience certificate, the said experience will not be considered. The period of experience should be clearly mentioned in the experience certificate.
IV. While mentioning the details of the experience, the date of joining and the date of release should be mentioned accurately. Care should be taken to record both the dates as per the experience certificate. If there is any discrepancy in this, such experience will not be considered.
V. Only the experience related to the post for which the application is made will be considered. Any other experience other than this will not be considered.

For which posts should I apply?
An applicant can apply for more than one post. But it will be mandatory for the applicant to apply separately for each post, and it will be mandatory to attach all the necessary documents/certificates with each application. Also, a separate application fee will have to be paid and the said application fee will be mandatory to be paid along with the application as per the rules. If different programs/posts are mentioned in a single application, that application will be considered ineligible.
Submission of documents/certificates-
The applicant has to submit self-attested photocopies of all the documents and certificates related to the information entered in the application as well as educational qualifications/experience and other necessary documents and certificates along with the application.

Application Fee Payment by Direct Debit
• The applicant should pay the fee in proportion to the posts selected.
• It will be mandatory for the candidate to attach a demand draft of a nationalized bank. The application fee will be Rs.750/- for open category candidates and Rs.500/- for reserved category candidates.
• The demand draft should be in the following names.
• Applications received without a valid demand draft will not be considered.
• If applying for more than one contractual post, a separate demand draft should be attached for each post.
• The application fee is non-refundable.

General Instructions
I. Candidates are required to fill the application form in the format provided.
II. National Health Mission, National Urban Health Mission, National AYUSH Mission are separate missions. Therefore, the services and benefits payable to the employees working in the National Health Mission and National Urban Health Mission will not be available to the contractual employees selected in the National AYUSH Mission, PM ABHIM and Infrastructure Development Cell (Tender Fee).
III. If there is a change under the program or under the mission as per the approval of the Central Government, the number of posts / reservation may change as per the situation.
IV. All candidates should note that applications will be accepted by registered post or hand delivered within the prescribed period for recruitment.
V. All necessary instructions and information regarding the said contractual recruitment process will be published from time to time on the official website of the Health Department. For this, it will be mandatory for the candidates to visit the website Page and get information. No candidate will be contacted personally in connection with the recruitment.
VI. The said posts are filled as per the approval of the Project Implementation Plan, hence the number of posts and reservation is subject to change as per the approval of PIP. Therefore, the number of vacant contractual posts and reservation mentioned in the advertisement may change.

VII. The posts mentioned in the advertisement are purely contractual in nature and are not regular posts of the State Government. These posts have no connection with the State Government posts and the candidate will not be able to demand adjustment to the regular post of the State Government.
VIII. The remuneration of the contractual post mentioned in the advertisement is the combined remuneration.
IX. Candidates who have applied for and are eligible for appointment for contractual posts at the district level will be given posting in any district of the State where there is a vacancy as per the requirement.
X. Candidates who have applied for and are eligible for appointment for contractual posts at the state level will remain eligible for posting at Mumbai and Pune offices.
XI. All rights regarding the placement of candidates and recruitment shall remain with the Hon'ble Commissioner, Director of Health Services and Mission, National Health Mission, Mumbai.
XII. The last date for submission of applications shall be 5.30 PM on the working day, 21st February 2025. Applications and documents, certificates received after that date will not be considered for recruitment and the applicant shall not be able to claim any claim for accepting applications and documents, certificates received after the deadline for any reason.
XIII. The Commissioner, Director of Health Services and Mission, National Health Mission, Mumbai reserves the right to make changes in the said recruitment process as required and/or cancel the said recruitment in part or in full.

The last date for submission of applications shall be 5.30 PM on the working day, 21st February 2025.

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