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Vacancy for Scientific Officer, Scientific Assistant in Goa Forensic Science Laboratory

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Vacancy for Scientific Officer, Scientific Assistant in Goa Forensic Science Laboratory

The Forensic Science Laboratory, Verna, Goa is at developing stage. Soon, forensic divisions like Cyber Forensics, Document Handwriting, Ballistics, Lie-Detections, Audio/Video and Tape Authentication and other physical examination of exhibits referred by investigating agencies etc., will be made available at FSL, Verna.

Applications are invited by the Director General of Police, Goa, Panaji from eligible candidates/retired experts to fill the following posts purely on contractual basis for a period of one year or till posts are filled on regular basis whichever is earlier in the Goa Forensic Science Laboratory, Verna-Goa as per mode of recruitment mentioned against each post.

Scientific Officer (DNA) - 01 Post
Qualification required :
1) Master’s degree in Science with at least Second Class in Zoology / Microbiology / Genetics / Biotechnology / Forensic Science with Zoology as one of the subject at Bachelor of Science level from a University recognized by UGC.
2) Should possess at least 02 years practical experience in DNA fingerprinting with at least 02 years experience in reporting cases in fingerprinting in am State/Central Forensic Science Laboratory.
3) Knowledge of Microsoft office
Desirable: Doctorate degree in concerned discipline from a University recognized by UGC.
Monthly remuneration : Rs.52,400/-
Duties : Examining and reporting of forensic DNA / Biology / Serology cases. Deposing in Courts as Expert witness.. Visiting crime scenes (24x7) and any work given by superiors.

Scientific Assistant (DNA) - 01 Post
Qualification required :
1) Master's degree in Science with at least Second Class in Microbiology / Genetics / Zoology / Biotechnology / Forensic Science with Zoology as one of the subject at Bachelor of Science level from a University recognized by UGC.
2) Should possess at least 03 years research/analytical experience in DNA fingerprinting in any State/Central Forensic Science Laboratory .
3) Knowledge of Microsoft office Desirable: Doctorate degree in concerned discipline from a recognized University or equivalent.
Monthly remuneration : Rs.33,600/-
Duties : Assisting Scientific Officer ,(DNA) in examination of forensic cases, visiting crime scenes (24x7) and any work given by superiors.

Terms & Conditions
(i) The generated hard copy of Application Form Filled in with the necessary details and affixed with his/her recent self attested passport size photograph on the space provided and duly signed at the bottom of the application form shall be submitted by hand delivery/through postal delivery in the Goa Forensic Science Laboratory, Near Verna Police Station, Verna, Salcete, Goa. 403722 from 16/02/2023 to 02/03/2023 between 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. on all working days. The applications in any form received after the due date will be summarily rejected and no intimation will be given to the candidate. The list of qualified candidates after document scrutiny shall be displayed on the Goa Police website.
(ii) Walk In Interviews will be held at Police Headquarters, Panaji-Goa.
(iii) No TA/DA will be paid for interview.
(iv) Incase interview cannot be completed on the scheduled date/duration, the interview shall be conducted on the next working day.
(v) Candidates arc required to bring all the Original documents about their educational qualification, experience and other relevant documents along with their 02 sets of self - attested photocopies at the time of interview as per the schedule at Annexure-“A”.
(vi) In the event of selection/appointment the candidate shall have to submit an undertaking stating that he/she shall not stake any claim nor file any court case for regularization of service in any Court of Law.
(viij No Allowance/facility available to the regular employees shall be payable to person engaged.
(viii) Tenure of contract shall be for a period of one year only. The contract shall terminate automatically on completion of one year, unless terminated earlier.
(ix) The Director General of Police, Goa-Panaji can terminate the services at any time by giving one month advance notice to the official in the writing without assigning any reason. In case any selected candidate wishes to quit the service, one month prior notice or surrender of one month remuneration in lieu of Notice is required.
(x) The names of selected candidates will be displayed on the Goa Police Website ( and Notice Board at Police Headquarters, PHQ, Panaji and shall be sent to the selected candidate via e-mail and post. The candidates must be ready to join immediately after the selection.
(xi) The contract staff will be required to work during normal working hours on all working days. However they may be required to work after office hours, Saturdays, Sundays and on holidays, if required in the interest of FSL, Verna- Goa.
(xii) The pay of re-employed pensioners shall be invariably fixed in terms of Central Civil Services (Fixation of pay of Re-employed Pensioners) Orders, 1986. The leave of Contract staff shall be in accordance with Office Memorandum No. 10/l/77/PER(PART)/3282 dated 20/06/2022 of Department of Personnel, Government of Goa.
(xiii) No relaxation will be given in working hours to the selected candidate for any reason what so ever.
(xiv) The selected candidates shall have to execute a contract agreement accepting the above terms and condition on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- before their appointment on contract basis.
(xv) A separate application should be submitted for each type of post.
(xvi) The Director General of Police, Goa reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process at any time without any further notice and without assigning any reason thereof.

The generated hard copy of Application  Form filled in with the necessary details and affixed with his/her recent self attested passport size photograph on the space provided and duly signed at the bottom of the application form shall be submitted by hand delivery / through postal delivery in the Goa Forensic Science Laboratory, Near Verna Police Station, Verna, Salcete, Goa. 403722 from 16/02/2023 to 02/03/2023 between 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. on all working days.

List of original documents required
1. Birth certificate
2. Secondary School Certificate Examination
3. Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination
4. Graduation Certificate
5. Post Graduation certificate [only for Scientific Officer (DNA) and (Scientific Assistant (DNA)]
6. Work experience certificate
7. Computer certificate
8. Any other certificate about related Courses undergone

Application Form & More Info

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