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Vacancy for Research Associate at AIIMS

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Research Associate at AIIMS

The AIIMS, New Delhi model will be adopted and adapted. Unlike the Postgraduate Institutes which lack the basic departments like Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, General Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology etc, the new AIIMS will have these departments as well as the superspecialty departments like neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, urology, endocrinology etc.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the temporary post of Research Associate-I, in an ICMR funded project.

Post : Research Associate-I

Title of the Project : A multi-omics study and development of a prognostic computational model for COVID-19 to correlate clinical outcomes and disease sequelae with the differential immunological response, mutational and vaccination status in India
Funding Agency : Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

Essential Qualification :
Ph.D. in Bio-informatics, Biotechnology, Biophysics, Microbiology, Medical Genetics or allied subjects and One year experience in Genomics data analysis on clinical samples Work experience DNA/RNA isolation from human samples Basic knowledge of computational programming languages (preferably python or R)
Desirable : Work experience in patient follow-up studies and management of clinical data

Job Description : To isolate RNA from human blood and nasal swabs of covid+ve patients Genomics data analysis and comparison with clinical outcomes. The candidate will need to co-ordinate with the collaborators, present the data in peer group and write progress reports.

Please submit your C.V. (mentioning work experience & academic qualification in tabular form), Mentioning the name of Post under the subject head by 19th February, 2023 (5.00 pm) at email id: ""

• No TA/DA shall be given for attending the interview.
• Only shortlisted candidates will be informed about the interview.

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