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Vacancy for Pharmacists under District Health & Family Welfare Samiti

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Vacancy for Pharmacists under District Health & Family Welfare Samiti

The Health & Family Welfare Department of the State Government has been vested with the responsibility of maintaining and developing the health care system in West Bengal. Public health, sanitation and hospitals are the exclusive responsibilities of the State. State provides financial and managerial support for the basic health care support and infrastructural facilities at the rural level, while the State level super specialty Medical Colleges & Hospitals predominantly provides the ambulatory care services.

Post : Pharmacist (NUHM)

Applications are invited for contractual engagement of the following posts at different Health Institutions of Uttar Dinajpur district under NHM/NUHM by the District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, Uttar Dinajpur.

No of posts : 02 (UR -01 SC-01)  

Essential Criteria
 • Two years diploma in Pharmacy (D-Pharma) (Allopathic) recognized by Govt, of West Bengal and registered as 'A' category Pharmacist under West Bengal Pharmacy Council.
• Weightage will be given for higher qualification
• The candidate must have the proficiency in Bengali and must have proficiency in computer including MS-Office and internet. Applicant must be permanent resident of West Bengal.

Age Limit (as on 1st January, 2023) : Minimum 18 years Maximum 40 years
Consolidated Remuneration per month : Rs. 22,000/-

The process of Scrutiny & Selection to the different posts would be as follows
• Proportionate marking against marks obtained in D-Pharma/ B-Pharma/ M-Pharma
• Computer test (Qualifying Marks- Minimum 50%)

N.B. :
• Willing candidates for all posts are directed to apply with bio-data in the attached proforma (signed by the CMOH, UD), which will be uploaded in the websites along with attested photo copies of all Testimonials/Pass certificates starting with Madhyamik Pariksha onwards and all other relevant documents. Candidate should mention the name of the post on the top of the ENVELOPE for which he/she has applied as given here below:-
On the ENVELOPE, Candidate must mention these two things;
1) Name of the Post:
2) Applied for the post under DH&FWS

• As per order of the Executive Director, WB SH&FW Samiti vide Memo No. : H/SFWB/7E-02-2011/5275 Dated : 28/08/2014, an Application fee of Rs.l00/-for Unreserved categories and Rs. 50/- for reserved categories must be deposited through NEFT / RTGS / IMPS in the name of :
i) Bank name : ICICI Bank (Raiganj Branch)
iii) Bank A/C No. : 161801000194
iv) MICR Code : 733229203
v) IFSC Code : ICIC0001618
N.B. : Copy of Payment Receipt Acknowledgement in respect of Application Fee must be attached with the application.
• Application for all posts should reach on or before 06/03/2023 within 4 p.m. at the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health & Member Secretary, DH&FWS, Karnoiora, Raiqani, Dist. - Uttar Dinaipur, PIN - 733130 only by post (Registered / Speed post / Courier) and not by hand.
• After receiving all applications, scrutiny will be done and candidates will be shortlisted accordingly. After short listing, only short-listed candidates will be called for Computer Skill test / Interview whichever is applicable for the appropriate posts.
The "MANDATORY" documents which are required are:
1. Admit Card - Madhyamik Pariksha or equivalent (for age verification)
2. Mark Sheets & Certificates: Mark Sheets (FOR ALL YEARS) & CERTIFICATES of Madhyamik or equivalent examination, Higher Secondary or equivalent examination, Diploma (for computer course too or any other diploma), Graduation degree, Master Degree, Post-Doctoral, etc. (As applicable against post/s applied for).
3. Experience Certificate : Experience certificate must be in the official letter head of the Employing agency / office/ firm and must invariably consist of Name of the Post, Employee's Name, Period of employment (from to ) and signature of the Employer with date of issuance of the experience certificate failing which the experience certificate may be treated as invalid).
4. Copy of Payment Receipt Acknowledgement :  Copy of Payment Receipt Acknowledgement in respect of Application Fee must be attached with the application.

Application for all posts should reach on or before 06/03/2023 within 4 p.m. at the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health & Member Secretary, DH&FWS, Karnoiora, Raiqani, Dist. - Uttar Dinaipur, PIN - 733130 only by post (Registered / Speed post / Courier) and not by hand.

Application Form & More Info

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