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Vacancy for Pharmacist (05 posts) under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, JIPMER

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Pharmacist under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, JIPMER

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research can trace its origins to the Ecole de Medicine de Pondicherry established by the French Government in 1823. In 1956 foundation for new medical college was laid and in 1964, hospital was inaugurated. JIPMER became an institution of national importance under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India in the year 2008. It is an institution established for teaching, research and patient care in the area of health. JIPMER spreads over 192 acres. The institution houses one administrative block, one academic centre, one nursing college, seven hospital blocks, seven accessory services buildings and four residential complexes. 12 broad types of medical, nursing and allied health science courses covering all disciplines in healthcare from basic to super speciality training are conducted.

Post : Pharmacist

Post Code : 222023
No of posts : 05 (UR-3, ST-2)

Essential qualifications & Experience :
1. Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University or equivalent.
2. One year experience as pharmacist. (OR)
1. Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University / Institute.
2. Two years‟ experience as Pharmacist. AND
II. Registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1948.

Pay scale : Pay of Rs.29,200/- in Level 5 of Pay Matrix of 7th CPC.
Age limit : Up to 30 years
Note : A candidate must have attained the minimum age of 18 years as on closing date of registration i.e. 18.03.2023.
Age-Relaxation permissible beyond the Upper age limit (as on 18.03.2023)
SC/ST : 5 years

Application Fees
Application fees for each category as men tioned below to be paid by the candidate using ANY ONE of the following mode of payment. a) Net Banking b) Credit Card c) Debit Card d) UPI No other mode of payment will be accepted.
UR / EWS : Rs.1,500 + Transaction Charges as applicable
OBC : Rs.1,500 + Transaction Charges as applicable
SC/ST : Rs.1,200 + Transaction Charges as applicable
PWBD (Persons with Benchmark Disabilities) : Exempted From Application Fees

1. The Cut-off date to determine maximum age limit, essential qualifications & experience will be last date of submission of online application.
2. The period of experience wherever prescribed shall be counted after obtaining the prescribed essential qualifications. Internship, training, teaching and research experience etc. gained in the course of acquiring an educational qualification will not be counted as experience.
3. The candidate must ensure that their photo and signature should be clearly visible in preview at the time of filling of application in online mode. If photo/signature image is displayed small or not visible in preview on online application that means photo/signature is not as per the JIPMER prescribed format and in that case, your application will be rejected. So, candid ates are advised to be careful while uploading their photo and signature. Both must be visible clearly on their online application form.
4. In case a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post, he/she is required to fill in the form separately through On-line mode only and separate application fees will be applicable. While applying for two different posts it‟s the responsibility of the candidate to fill the column “Have you applied for any other posts”.
5. On successful completion of the transaction, an e -receipt will be generated. Candidates are required to take printout of the e-receipt and online application form containing fee details. Please note that if the same cannot be generated, online transaction may not have been successful.
6. Applications without the prescribed fee or incomplete in any respect would not be considered and summarily be rejected .
7. The decision of the Competent Autho rity of JIPMER in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application, penalty for false information, mode of selection (CBT/Skill Test), conduct of examination(s), allotment of examination centres, selection and allotment of po sts/organizations to selected candidates will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
8. In case any information given or declaration by the candidate is found to be false or if the candidate has willfully suppressed any material information relevant to this appointment, he/she will be liable to be removed from the service and action taken as deemed fit by the appointing authority, in case of selection.
9. The decision of the competent authority r egarding selection of candidates will be final and binding and no representation will be entertained in this regard.
10. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment lett er, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel the selection process and the same may be communicated any mode to the candidate.
11. The Competent Authority reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation and changes to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason or giving notice.
12. All information/updates pertaining to this advertisement including syllabus, CBT/Skill Test and result etc. will be displayed on the JIPMER website, which is

Submission Of Application : Through
ON-LINE mode only. On Line Application User Interface : ANNEXURE – VIII
1) Candidates are informed to apply on -line mode only. (Any other mode of applications will not be accepted/considered)
2) Log on to link in the Home page and navigate to the link “Apply on-line for recruitment of various Gr. B & C posts – February 2023”.
3) Read the Advertisement in detail and instructions carefully.
4) The flow chart for filling application on -line given as Appendix (ANNEXURE – VIII) in the Prospectus.
5) The candidate should acquaint himself/herself with all requirements with regard to filling up the application on -line.

Online application link shall be made live on 22.02.2023
On-line Registration of application closes on : 18.03.2023 till 04:30 PM
Download of Hall Ticket from JIPMER website (The Hall Tickets will be made available through Internet download ONLY and NOT by Post) : 25.03.2023
Date of Examination (Online Mode Only) : 02.04.2023


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