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Recruitment for Professor at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

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Recruitment for Professor at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Guwahati is an Institute of National Importance set up by an Act of Parliament under the aegis of Dept. of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India, to impart higher education and undertake advanced research in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology. NIPER G desires to recruit “Professor of Practice” for the institute in the area of Chemical Sciences as detailed below, as per New Education Policy 2020.

Post : Professor of Practice - 01 UR

NIPERG is looking for candidates, distinguished experts who have made remarkable contributions in their profession in the area of Chemical Sciences to meet the needs of industry and the economy, by mentoring and bringing real world practices and experiences of the industry to the classroom to enhance the skills of the students. Heads of Institutes / Industry are requested to nominate eligible Indian nationals through online process, to consider recruitment for the Professor of Practice position on a tenure basis (Contractual) through nomination from experts.

Post Code : 001
Discipline / Department : Chemical Sciences / Medicinal Chemistry

Max. age (in years) : 60

Essential and Desirable Qualifications
Essential : Ph. D in Chemical Sciences with First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree (M.Pharm / MS / M.Sc) in Organic Chemistry with a very good academic record throughout, and at least 15 years of Research/ Industrial experience with good publications track record (in SCI journals) / Patents in the above mentioned areas. A formal academic qualification is not considered essential for this position if they have exemplary professional practice in lieu. They will also be exempted from the requirement of publications and other eligibility criteria stipulated for the recruitment of faculty members at the Professor level. However, they should possess the skills to carry out the duties and responsibilities specified for the job.
Desirable : Candidate should have leadership qualities with adequate experience of independent research in the above specialization in terms of guiding Master students and Ph.D students. Preference will be given to the candidates who have made remarkable contributions in their professions. Those who have proven expertise in their specific profession or role with at least 15 years of service/experience, preferably at a senior level.

General Instruction and Terms & Conditions
1. . Eligibility, Age, Qualification & Experience
a) All qualifications acquired must be recognized in law.
b) Qualifications and experience of candidates must be relevant to the position applied for.
c) Age and experience requirements shall be reckoned as on the closing date of the advertisement; Experience gained after completion of post-graduation and after Ph.D. will be considered subject to provision of experience certificate.
d) Mere fulfillment of qualifications and experience does not entitle a candidate to beshort-listed. The Institute reserves the right to restrict the candidates to be called for the selection process to a reasonable number based on relevant criteria, higher than the minimum prescribed.
e) The Institute reserves the right to act and take decisions as deemed fit, in all matters relating to (i) eligibility; (ii) acceptance or rejection of the application; (iii) incomplete or incorrect information (if any) furnished by the applicant; (iv)short listing and selection;
(v) offer of appointment on regular or contract basis. No request or correspondence of any kind in this regard would be entertained.
f) Also the Institute reserves the right to terminate the engagement with the selected candidate without citing any reasons whatsoever and no claim in this regard would lie against the Institute.
g) No vigilance or disciplinary case should have been contemplated, initiated, pending, or taken against the candidate as on the date of submitting the applications. Such candidates would be ineligible and hence should not apply. If such a development arises after the candidate submits the application, the Institute must be promptly notified.
h) The candidates should not have faced any action by any law enforcement agency and should not have been convicted by any Court of Law, either in India or abroad.

Vacancies and Positions
a) The Institute reserves the right not to fill any, some or all the advertised positions; or cancel the advertisement in whole or in part, without assigning any reason and without incurring any liability. The Institute also reserves the right to extend the closing date for receipt of applications; restrict, enlarge, modify, or alter the requirements or recruitment process in whole or part, if such need arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.
b) Part-time/Full-time engagement: Full-time engagement The engagement may be initially for up to one year. At the end of the initial engagement or subsequent extension, the Institute will make an assessment and take the decision about extension. This institute will devise its own assessment procedure for extension based on the contribution and requirements of the experts engaged as Professors of Practice. The maximum duration of service of Professor of Practice at the institute should not exceed three years and is extendable by one year in exceptional cases and the total service should not exceed four years under any circumstances.

a) If a candidate is found in eligible at any stage of recruitment process, he/she will be disqualified, his/her candidature will be canceled and if selected, the offer appointment may be canceled, withdrawn; or service terminated forthwith without any compensation and with no liability for the Institute, whatsoever. Suppressing any information (in whole or part) or submitting false or misleading information (in whole or part) may lead to similar penal action at any stage of recruitment.
b) Issuance of letter (if any) for attending the selection process will not confer any right of appointment.
c) In case of any inadvertent error in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of offer of appointment, the Institute reserves the right to withdraw, cancel, or modify any communication, offer or appointment made to the candidate, without incurring any liability whatsoever.
d) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

Other Terms & Conditions
a) Pay : Consolidated amount, mutually agreed between the institution and the expert. Beyond the Consolidated Pay, no specific allowances/emoluments would be paid by the Institute.
b) The Institute strives to have a workforce with gender balance and hence, female candidates are especially encouraged to be nominated.
c) All recruitment shall be done on the recommendations of duly constituted Screening Committee and the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee would also recommend the monthly consolidated pay (after assessment of the credentials of the applicant and discussion with the applicant) to be paid by the Institute. The Director, NIPER Guwahati would be the Competent Authority to finalize the appointment and pay of the applicant to be appointed as Professor of Practice at the Institute, and will not be bound by the recommendations of the Selection Committee.
d) In all matters of recruitment such as screening, shortlisting, selection, fixation of salary etc., the interpretation and decision of the Competent (Appointing) Authority of the Institute shall be final and binding.
e) Applicants called for Interview shall not be entitled for payment of any TA/DA.
f) Disputes (if any) shall be subject to the jurisdiction of competent courts of Guwahati.

How to Apply
a) Interested candidates are invited to apply using the prescribed format only (Annexure - I), available on the website ( from 11:00 AM on 15.02.2023 to 5:00 PM on 09.03.2023. Candidates may download the soft-copy of the concerned format from the website, fill-in the concerned details, take print-out of the same, sign the declaration at the end and send the same along with enclosures (as mentioned below) both by mail and post to the Institute. The scanned copy of the Application and Enclosures are to be sent to, with subject-line as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PROFESSOR OF PRACTICE

The hardcopy of the Application and Annexures are to be sent not later than 17.03.2023 to - The Registrar i/c, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER) Guwahati, Vill:SilaKatamur (Halagurisuk), P.O.: Changsari, Dist:Kamrup,Assam-India, 781101
The envelope containing the application form should be labelled as: APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PROFESSOR OF PRACTICE.

b) Applications must be accompanied by :
i. A Detailed CV of the Applicant
ii. A forwarding/recommendation letter of the Expert (if nominated by the Expert)
ii. Statement of Purpose (maximum of 1000 Words)
iii. Your proposed contribution to the Institute (maximum of 1000 words)
iv. Your notable achievements in education and employment
v. Awards, Rewards, Recognitions won and/or professional affiliations
vi. Latest Passport-size Photograph of the Applicant

c) Candidates employed in Government or Government Organizations (e.g., CFTIs, Autonomous Institutions, Universities etc.) must apply through proper channel; or produce a No Objection Certificate (NOC) at the time of interview; If selected, they must produce a Relieving Letter at the time of reporting for duty. Such candidates may send advance applications, but, if found eligible and shortlisted, they would be allowed take part in the selection process only if the application is received through proper channel and/or a No Objection Certificate is produced on or before the interview date.
d) Candidates are advised to visit the website of NIPER Guwahati ( regularly for updates. Amendments, corrigendum, addendum (if any), will be placed on the Institute website only
e) Applications must be complete in all respects. Additional sheets as needed may be used and referenced suitably. All information furnished MUST be supported by documentary evidence. Incomplete, incorrect and sketchy applications are liable to be rejected.
f) The institute will NOT be responsible for non-receipt of application (s) with in stipulated period due to any postal delay/ loss of application/ document sent in transit. Applications received after the last date and time will NOT be considered.
g) The Institute will communicate only with short-listed and selected candidates. It is explicitly made clear that no correspondence, whatsoever, shall be entertained from applicants not shortlisted for interview or not selected for appointment.

Last date & time of Applications : 09/03/2023 up to 5:00 PM
Last date for receipt of hard copy of the application along with all enclosures : 17/03/2023 up to 5:00 PM

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