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Recruitment for Pharmacists (11 posts) under PMBJAK

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Recruitment for Pharmacists under PMBJAK

The Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendra (PMBJK) is a government initiative in India to provide quality medicines at affordable prices to the masses through special ‘Jan Aushadhi Stores’. The aim of the scheme is to reduce the burden of spending on medicines on the common man and provide them access to quality generic medicines. The PMBJK stores sell generic medicines which are equivalent to the branded medicines in terms of quality, efficacy, and intended use, but at a lower cost.

Post : Pharmacist

Applications are invited from eligible Registered Pharmacists on prescribed format to work on profit sharing basis in the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras (PMBJK) to be set up by the department in the following institutions as per the vacancies given alongside each.

No of posts : 11 (CHC Uri 02, PHC Boniyar 01, PHC Sheeri 01, CHC Chandoosa 02, CHC Kreeri 02, PHC Dangiwacha 01, PHC Tarzoo 01, PHC Kunzer 01)

The candidates selected shall have to work in Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras (PMBJK) on profit sharing basis, which is temporary arrangement for three years on performance basis and shall not conform any right for his/ her permanent absorption / regularization in the department and can be terminated any time without prior notice.

Eligibility criteria for an Applicant
• The applicant shall be permanent resident of J&K state and preferably residing in the District where Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Kendra (PMBJK) is to be set up can apply.
• Maximum age limit is 40 years (Age shall be one of the factors while deciding selection criteria as candidate more in age shall have better advantages over the younger candidates).
• The candidate shall be a Pharmacist, registered with JSK Pharmacy Council. Preference shall be given to the candidates having Diploma in Pharmacy or higher related qualification from recognized Institute.
• He/she shall have working knowledge of operating computer for billing purpose.
• Her/She shall be unemployed for which he  /she has to give an undertaking to the effect on stamp paper duly attested by 1st class Judicial Magistrate.
• NOC from District Industry Centre and District Employment Officer.
• That all the billing should be done using software provided by BPPI, No medicine can be sold in PM BJAK without using software provided by the BPPI
• That PMBJAK operator will not be allowed to sell allied medical products commonly sold In chemist shops. They are also not allowed to sell any medicines other than meant for PMBJAK
• The Registered pharmacist whose services are taken up by the department to work in the PMBJAK and as Jan Aushadhi store manager shall have to execute an agreement with the department through Medical Superintendent / BMO concerned attested by 1st class Magistrate, that he / she will abide by all the terms and conditions as laid down by the department and shall work under the supervision of the concerned Medical Superintendent / BMO concerned and shall not claim any regular appointment /regularization in the department in lieu of this arrangement.
* Out of margin on MRP of each drug as per guidelines each registered pharmacists shall be provided 7.5% of margin.

The Last date for receipt of application forms (Annexure A) along with attested copies of PRC, Matriculation Certificate, Date of Birth Certificate Marks sheets, Diploma in Pharmacy, Computer certificate, NOC from MC & Employment depart- ment, in the office of CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER BARAMULLA is unto 12-02-2023 through registered post or delivery in person. After expiry of the date, no form from any candidate shall be entertained.

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