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Pharmaceutical Science Apprentices Job under Ministry of Defence, Ordnance Factory

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Pharmaceutical Science Apprentices Job under Ministry of Defence

Munitions India Limited [MIL] is a Defence Public Sector Enterprise [CPSE] under the ministry of Defence,Government of India. MIL,the India’s biggest manufacturer and market leader is engaged in Production, Testing Research & Development and Marketing of comprehensive range of ammunition & explosives for Army, Navy, Air force & Para-Military Forces. With Corporate Office at Pune (India), MIL in its 12 state-of-the-art manufacturing units located across the country employs skilled workforce of around 25,000. These factories have proven integrated base for production of Small, Medium & High calibre ammunition, Mortars, Rockets, Hand Grenades etc. with in-house manufacturing of Initiatory Compositions, Propellants and High Explosives for over 150 years. Our primary objective is to provide competitive edge to the Armed Forces by equipping them with modern and quality battlefield ammunition.

Post : Technician Apprentices (Pharmaceutical Science)

It is hereby notified for the information of all Citizens of India that Ordnance Factory Bhandara intends to engage the following Graduate / Technician Apprentices for Apprenticeship training under the Apprentices (Amendment) Acts, 1973 & 1986 The Citizens of India who are willing for engagement as apprentices at Ordnance Factory Bhandara and are fulfilling the eligibility criteria as prescribed in this Advertisement, can apply as per the instructions given in this Advertisement.

No of post : 01
Stipend (per month) : Rs.8,000

Age Limits : There is No Upper Age Limit. However the candidates below the age of 18 years are not eligible to sign the contract, being Minor. Their Contracts will be signed by their Guardian.

Educational and Other Qualifications :
A Diploma in engineering or technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical Education established by a State Government OR a University OR an Institute recognized by the State Government or Central Government as equivalent above.
Provided that :
Engineering graduate or Diploma holder who had already training or job experience for a period of one year or more, after the attainment of these qualifications, shall not be eligible for being engaged as an apprentice under the Act.
A candidate is not eligible to undergo apprenticeship training if the gap is more than three years from the date of passing the qualifying examinations.

Period of Training : One year

The selection shall be made as per Merit based on percentage of marks obtained in the concerned Degree/Diploma Examination of the eligible candidates fulfilling the prescribed Educational and other Qualifications and other relevant criteria There shall be NO Test or Interview for Selection. In case of CGPA/SGPA grading, Candidates must produce relevant documents from their, School/College/ University to calculate the equivalent percentage of marks

The interested candidates, fulfilling the eligibility criteria may fill-up application form and send it to "The General Manager, Ordnance Factory Bhandara- 441906 " alongwith the self-attested copies of required documents under by post superscripting the envelope with Application for Graduate/Technician Apprenticeship Training in O F. Bhandara".

Published in Employment News 11-17 February 2023

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