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Opportunity to join as Warrant Officer Pharmacist (17 posts) at Assam Rifles

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Opportunity to join as Warrant Officer Pharmacist at Assam Rifles

The Assam Rifles is the oldest paramilitary force of the Indian Army, dating back to 1835 under the British Raj, raised under the name Cachar Levy. The present name of Assam Rifles has been used since 1917. Over the course of its history, the Assam Rifles have served in a number of roles, conflicts and theatres including World War I, where they served in Europe and the Middle East, and World War II, where they served mainly in Burma. After the Chinese annexation of Tibet, the Assam Rifles were tasked with manning the Tibetan border of Assam Himalayan region. They were also instrumental in maintaining law and order in the tribal Arunachal Pradesh.

Post : Warrant Officer (Pharmacist)

No of Posts : 17
Andhra Pradesh - 02
Gujarat - 01
Jammu & Kashmir - 01
Jharkhand - 02
Kerala - 01
Mizoram - 02
Nagaland - 03
Odisha - 01
Rajasthan  - 01
Tamil Nadu - 01
Telangana - 01
Uttar Pradesh - 01

Trade/ Initial Rank : (Both Male & Female candidates), Initial Rank - Warrant Officer

Education Qualification - (a) 10+2 or equivalent (b) Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy from any recognized Institution of the Central or a State Government for which the period of training in two years followed by an internship of which the practical training shall not be less than five hundred hours spread over a period of not less than three months: provided that not less than two hundred and fifty hours are devoted to actual dispensing of prescriptions: (c) Possessing the qualifications under Section 31 and 32 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and registered under Section 33 of the said Act.
Age Limit - 20-25 Years

Application Fee
Fee structure and other details are as follows: -
(a) Fee Structure For Group B posts (i e Religious Teacher and Bridge & Road posts only) application fee is Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred only) and for Group C posts (i e except Religious Teacher and Bndge & Road posts) application fee is Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) (b) The fee will be deposited online by the candidates into SBI Current Account No. 37088046712 in favour of HQ DGAR, Recruitment Branch, Shillong-10 at SBI Laitkor Branch IFSC Code - SBIN0013883 (c) NO Fee is charged from candidates belonging to Schedule Casts, Scheduled Tribes. Female and Ex-servicemen candidates. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be adjusted against any other expenses.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
(a) PET will be conducted for all the candidates qualified in initial verification of the documents. The parameters for PET are follows - (a) All India except Ladakh Region (i) For Male Candidates - 05 km run to qualify within 24 minutes, (ii) For Female Candidates - 1.6 km run to qualify within 8.30 minutes, (b) Ladakh Region (i) For Male Candidates -1.6 Km run to qualify within 6.30 minutes, (ii) For Female Candidates - 800 meter run to qualify within 4.00 minutes, (c) An undertaking certificate from each female candidates will be obtained by the board of officer before undergoing PET duly declaring that she is not pregnant.. A female candidate, who as a result of tests is found to tie pregnant of 12 weeks standing or over, shall be declared temporarily unfit and appointment be held in abeyance until the confinement is over. The vacancy against which a women candidate was selected will be kept reserved for her. She will be re-examined for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) (six weeks after the date of confinement), subject to the production of medical certificate of fitness from a registered medical practitioner. The candidates who are successful in the PET/PST/Documentation will be considered eligible for short-listing to the next stage i.e Trade Test, Written Test, Detailed Medical Examination

How to Apply
To apply, fill up the online application by clicking on ONLINE APPLICATION" option on the website The candidates will fill the requisite details as presented in the application form After the application has been filled up, the candidates has the option to make online payment via link given for online payment or alternatively the payment can be made at SBI Bank Counters as well In both options the candidate will have to upload copy of the challan or receipt online Candidates while reporting for Physical Standard Test (PST)/ Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will produce original copy of payment receipt / challan for official records In case of non submission of receipt / challan the application may be rejected The candidates will also produce the printed copy of online Application Form duly completed and a copy of notification downloaded from the Assam Rifles website, failing which the candidature of the applicants may be rejected. The online applications portal will be functioning from the day of publications of the advertisement to the last date of receipt of the applications. _ All further information regarding conduct of various events of the recruitment rally will be intimated to the candidates through Email/SMS only. Hence, providing functional Email ID and mobile phone number in Online Application Form by the applicants is mandatory The mobile phone number so provided should not be DND activated. The candidates will be responsible for non-receipt of information regarding recruitment process due to providing of wrong Email ID and mobile phone numbers in Online Application Form filled by them Before submission of the online application, candidates must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the form After submission of the online application form, no change/correction/modification will be allowed under any circumstances. Request receive^ in this regard in any form like Post, Fax, Email, by hand etc shall not be entertained. Assam Rifles will not be responsible for the candidates not being able to submit their applications for any reason before closing date.

The online application SERVER will start functioning from 17 February 2023
Last Date : 19 March 2023 (23:59 hre).
Applications received thereafter will not be entertained

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