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MSc in Phamracology, Bioinformatics Job at JIPMER

Clinical research courses

MSc in Phamracology, Bioinformatics Job at JIPMER

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research can trace its origins to the Ecole de Medicine de Pondicherry established by the French Government in 1823. In 1956 foundation for new medical college was laid and in 1964, hospital was inaugurated. JIPMER became an institution of national importance under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India in the year 2008. It is an institution established for teaching, research and patient care in the area of health. JIPMER spreads over 192 acres. The institution houses one administrative block, one academic centre, one nursing college, seven hospital blocks, seven accessory services buildings and four residential complexes. 12 broad types of medical, nursing and allied health science courses covering all disciplines in healthcare from basic to super speciality training are conducted.

Post : Project Associate I

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the following post under Department of Health Research funded project ''Preeclampsia and role of metformin in reducing its incidence and severity of complications (PROMISE Trial) - Placebo controlled Randomized Clinical Trial.”

No. of post : One (Temporary)

Essential Qualifications :
1. M. Sc in Pharmacology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Allied health sciences / Clinical Research / Physiology / Nursing / Medical lab technology from a recognized university with 1 year work experience
Desirable :
i. Experience in research, data collection, record maintenance and implementation.
ii. Good communication skills in local language (Tamil) and English writing and speaking
iii. Skill in handling Microsoft office, excel, electronic data capture, emails, web conferencing, other relevant internet tools for research
iv. Publications in indexed journals
v. Candidate who will be able to join on or before 06/03/2023

Nature of duties : Electronic and manual data capture, data entry , patients counselling, Blood collection and storage, data analysis and report writing.
Age limit : Upper age limit 35 years. Age limit relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/women candidates as per government rules.

Salary : Rs. 36,580 per month (Consolidated including 18% HRA), Salary increment and Renewal will be implemented after assessing satisfactory performance
Duration of the project : 3 Years (to be renewed every year based on performance, work ethics, sincerity, punctuality and discipline)

Selection Process : List of candidates will be shortlisted, after screening the resume followed by written test and interview (in person).
Written examination and Interview: Written examination and Interview7 details will be communicated to shortlisted candidates through return email. Hence valid email id and mobile number is compulsory for this purpose.

General Instructions & Conditions :
1. No Benefit of Provident fund. Leave Travel Concession, Medical Claim etc. will be considered, since the post is purely on contract basis.
2. Appointment is for a period of 1 year till maximum of 3 years. Offer of appointment will be renewed every' year depending upon satisfactory performance
3. The above post is purely on temporary/contractual basis, co-terminus of the project & the candidate will have no right to claim for permanent employment in the Institute or continuation of his or her services in any other project.
4. The candidates are advised not to bring any type of recommendations to influence their selection. Such candidates will be summarily rejected. Submission of false information during the selection process shall disqualify the candidature at any stage or found ineligible at the time of joining duty7.
5. If the performance of the appointee is not found satisfactory by the investigators, the appointment can be terminated at any time without any notice.
6. The appointee may be relieved from the current job position with one-month prior notice, failing to do so may be held responsible for paying one month’s salary.
7. Decision of the Principal Investigator will be final.
8. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview to shortlisted candidates.
9. The applicants are requested to e-mail the scanned copy of their 2-page CV and scanned filled-in application form as per Annexure-I as a single document to the email on or before 23/02/2023 with subject line mentioning, “Application for the post of Project Associate DHR-ICMR funded multicentric PROMISE trial" Valid email id and mobile number is compulsory. There is no need to send the hard copies of application fonn. Eligible candidates are expected to appear for interview scheduled on 03/03/2023. The venue and time of interview will be displayed on JIPMER website and intimated to candidates by email.
10. At the time of the interview, they are required to bring the hard copies of their 2-pagc CV and filled-in application form as per Annexure-1, along with self-attested copies of testimonials with original certificates for verification.
• Certificate in support of age (Tenth equivalent/High School Certificate)
• Degree/Diploma.
• Experience Certificate
• Caste certificate (If any)
• Prize/awards (if any)

Last Date : 23/02/2023

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