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Job for M.Pharm, MSc, M.Tech in University of Delhi South Campus

Clinical research courses

Job for M.Pharm, MSc, M.Tech in University of Delhi South Campus

The University of Delhi is a premier university of the country with a venerable legacy and international acclaim for highest academic standards, diverse educational programmes, distinguished faculty, illustrious alumni, varied co-curricular activities and modern infrastructure. Over the many years of its existence, the University has sustained the highest global standards and best practices in higher education. Its long-term commitment to nation building and unflinching adherence to universal human values are reflected in its motto: 'Nishtha Dhriti Satyam'(Dedication, Steadfastness and Truth).

Post : Senior Research Fellow (SRF)

Applications are invited for a purely temporary position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the ICMR-funded project titled “Using the national covid-19 database to develop a machine learning model for rapid prioritization/ triage of SARS-COV2 patients and demographic groups".

Educational Qualification : Post-graduate in any area of Life Sciences with two years of research experience / MBBS/ BDS/ MvSc. / M. Pharma / M.Tech / M. S. degree holders.. Experience in machine learning is desireable.

Salary : 35,000/- pm + 27% HRA

Interested candidates are required to apply by sending a detailed CV / biodata with research experience to on or before 3 weeks of publication of this advertisement on DU website.

Please note
• Only shortlisted candidates based on qualification and desirable experience will be called for the interview (online). The intimation about the date of interview will be sent through e-mail.
• No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview or join (if selected).
• Please provide the duration and details of the work/research experience clearly in your CV/Biodata.
• The PI reserves the right to fill or not to fill the position, depending on the qualifications/credentials of the candidates applied etc. The advertised position is temporary and co-terminus with the project. The appointment doesn’t confer any entitlement or right over the job and will not be considered as University service.
• For technical information of the project, candidate may contact the Principal Investigator: Dr. Manish Kumar, Department of Biophysics, Unviersity of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi- 110021 Email:

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