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Job for M.Pharm, MSc, M.Tech as JRF at NIPER

Clinical research courses

Job for M.Pharm, MSc, M.Tech as JRF at NIPER

The wave of globalization has propelled the expansion of Indian pharma sector. India is amongst the top 10 countries of the world, in terms of volume and value of Pharmaceutical products. Enthusiastic and entrepreneurial efforts have turned Gujarat into the hub of Pharma industry.  The innovative and translational approach of the Indian scientists resulted in paradigm shift from industrial age to knowledge enriched economy. Pharmaceutical education has played a vital role in human resource development, catalysing the growth of life sciences and healthcare industry.

Post : JRF (1 Post)

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in ICMR- Adhoc funded project to be undertaken at the Department of Medical Devices, NIPER- Ahmedabad. The position is temporary, and the job offer will be initially for one year which can be extended further for two more years based on the performance and will be a co-terminus with the project. If the JRF fulfills the institute criteria, admission in Ph.D. through NIPER entrance may be considered. The requisite qualification & experience etc., are given below.

Project Title : Fiber Reinforced Poly (l-lactic acid) for the Fabrication of Bioabsorbable, and Antibiotic Surgical Staples for Wound Closing
Project-Coordinator and Co-Investigator : Dr. Govinda Kapusetti and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Nadiminti
Funding Agency :  ICMR

Salary : Rs. 31000 + HRA (1st and 2nd year), and 35000 + HRA for 3rd year
Desirables Qualification and Experience : M.Tech/M.S(Pharm)/MPharm/M.Sc./Masters degree in Medical Device, Biomedical Engineering, Bioengineering, Material Science and Technology, Polymer Science, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Biotechnology, Nanoscience / Engineering, or Equivalent with minimum 60% marks in degree.
• Candidates having experience in animal handling and management background will be given preference
• NET/GATE qualification is desirable

Date and time of the Interview : Shortlisted candidates would be intimated by e-mail for the interview.

Interested candidates should send their applications strictly in the attached application format via email to the Registrar, NIPER-A ( with a copy to the investigators on Email id (, on or before 13th February 2023. Please write “Application for JRF” in the subject line of the email.

Application Instructions
• Original certificates and self-attested copies of all certificates need to be presented before the interview for verification.
• No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview if called for a physical interview.
• Canvassing in any form will lead to the disqualification of candidature.
• The application should be strictly according to the attached format

Application Form & More Info

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