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Job for M.Pharm, MSc as Scientists (06 posts) at National Institute of Biologicals

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Job for M.Pharm, MSc as Scientists at National Institute of Biologicals

The National Institute of Biologicals (NIB) had been set up in 1992. NIB is an apex autonomous institute under the administrative control of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India. The Institute is located at A-32, Sector-62, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh in an area of 74,000 Sq. M.  The Institute is performing primary statutory function of Quality Control of Biologicals e.g. Insulin, erythropoietin, blood products, diagnostic kits e.g. HIV, HBV, HCV, therapeutic monoclonal antibodies like Trastuzumab and Rituximab used in cancer treatment etc. in accordance with provisions of Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rule 1945 amended from time to time. The Immunodiagnostic kit Laboratory of the Institute is a WHO Collaborating Centre for Quality Control of HIV, HCV, HBsAg and Syphilis In-Vitro Diagnostic Assays and Support Cell for WHO Pre-Qualification Programme for In-Vitro Diagnostics.

The National Institute of Biologicals, an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is an apex scientific Institute to ensure quality of biologicals in the country.

S.N.1(Scientist Grade-I)
No of post : 01 UR
Eligibility Criteria : A. Essential: Medical : (i) MBBS from MCI recognized Medical College.(ii) PG Medical Degree in the field of Microbiology/Biochemistry/ Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion  /Pharmacology / Bacteriology / Serology / Hematology from the recognized University and 10(Ten) Years' relevant experience after acquiring essential qualification.
B. Non- Medical (Essential) : (i) Master in Microbiology / Clinical Microbiology / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Biochemistry / Bacteriology/ Physiology / Pharmacology / Serology/Molecular Biology from any recognized university with at least 60% marks and (ii) A minimum 10(Ten) years' of relevant experience in any of the following areas: (a) Quality Control Testing of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics, (b) Review of Technical Dossiers of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics including Vaccines in respect of Chemistry Manufacturing Control (CMC), non-clinical trial data on Animal Pharmacology/ Animal Toxicology, Clinical Trial data; (c) Review of Technical Dossiers of in Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Medical Devices' in respect of conformation to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices which include Product Description, Design and Manufacturing information, Product performance specifications and associated validation and verification studies, Labelling and Regulatory history; (d) Evaluation & Review of Adverse Events: (i) Following Immunization (AEFI) (ii) Associated with Biologicals and Biotherapeutics (Pharmacovigilance) (iii) Associated with blood transfusion and blood products administration (Haemovigilance); (iv) Due to indirect harm associated with IVD Medical Devices (Materiovigilance). (e) Management of Quality System with application of ISO: 17025 and ISO:34 with Total Quality Management approach, (f) Research in Biologicals and Biotherapeutics, or (i) Ph. D in any of the discipline mentioned in B (i) and (ii) Six Years relevant experience after acquiring Ph.D.
Desirable : At least 7 (Seven) publications or Articles in Indexed journals in any of the above mentioned fields of qualification or experience.
Scale of pay : Pay Matrix Level-13 Rs.123100-215900/- + NPA for medical personnel
Max. Age Limit : 50 years

S.N.2 (Scientist Grade-Ill)
No of post : 01 UR
Eligibility Criteria : A. Essential: Medical: (i) MBBS from MCI recognized Medical College, (ii) PG Medical Degree in the field of Microbiology/ Biochemistry/Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion / Pharmacology / Bacteriology / Serology / Hematology from the recognized University and 1 (One) Year relevant experience in the field after acquiring essential qualification.
B. Non- Medical (Essential): (i) Master in Microbiology/Clinical Microbiology /Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Biochemistry/Bacteriology/ Physiology / Pharmacology / Serology / Molecular Biology from any recognized university with at least 60% marks and (ii) A minimum three years' of relevant experience in any of the following areas: (a) Quality Control Testing of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics; (b) Review of Technical Dossiers of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics including Vaccines in respect of Chemistry Manufacturing Control(CMC), non-clinical trial data on Animal Pharmacology / Animal Toxicology, Clinical Trial data, (c) Review of Technical Dossiers of 'In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Medical Devices' in respect of conformation to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices which include Product Description, Design and Manufacturing information, Product performance specifications and associated validation and verification studies, Labelling and Regulatory history, (d) Evaluation & Review of Adverse Events: (i) Following Immunization (AEFI) (ii) Associated with Biologicals and Biotherapeutics (Pharmacovigilance) (iii) Associated with blood transfusion and blood products administration (Haemovigilance); (iv) Due to indirect harm associated with IVD Medical Devices (Materiovigilance). (e) Management of Quality System with application of ISO: 17025 and ISO:34 with Total Quality Management approach, (f) Research in Biologicals and Biotherapeutics Desirable: At least 2 (two) publications or Articles in Indexed journals in any of the above mentioned fields of qualification or experience.
Scale of pay : Pay Matrix level-10 Rs.56100-177500+ NPA for medical personnel
Max. Age Limit : 35 years

S.N.3 (Junior Scientist)
No of post : 04 (OBC-01, UR-02, EWS-01)
Eligibility Criteria : Essential (i) Master in Microbiology / Clinical Microbiology / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Biochemistry / Bacteriology / Pharmacology /Serology/ Molecular Biology/ Physiology from any recognized university with at least 60% marks and (ii) A minimum l(One) year's of relevant experience in any of the following areas :
(a) Quality Control Testing of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics,
(b) Review of Technical Dossiers of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics including Vaccines in respect of Chemistry Manufacturing Control (CMC), non-clinical trial data on Animal Pharmacology / Animal Toxicology, Clinical Trial data; (c) Review of Technical Dossiers of 'In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Medical Devices' in respect of conformation to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices which include Product Description, Design and Manufacturing information, Product performance specifications and associated validation and verification studies, Labelling and Regulatory history.(d) Evaluation & Review of Adverse Events (i) Following Immunization (AEFI) (ii) Associated with Biologicals and Biotherapeutics (Pharmacovigilance),
(iii) Associated with blood transfusion and blood products administration (Haemovigilance), (iv) Due to indirect harm associated with IVD Medical Devices (Materiovigilance) (e) Management of Quality System with application of ISO : 17025 and ISO: 34 with Total Quality Management approach (f) Research in Biologicals and Biotherapeutics.
Desirable : At least 1 publication or an article in and Indexed journals in any of the above mentioned fields of qualification or experience.
Scale of pay : Pay Matrix level-7 Rs.44900-142400
Max. Age Limit : 30 years

Criteria of Income & Assets for EWS category :-
Persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs and whose family has gross annual income below Rs. 8.00 Lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh only) are to be identified as EWSs for benefit of reservation. Income shall also include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application.
Also, person whose family owns or possesses any of the following assets shall be excluded from being identified as EWS irrespective of the family income:
i. 5 acres of agricultural land and above.
ii. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above.
iii. Residential plot of 100 yards and above in notified municipalities.
iv. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.
For more information please refer OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dt. 31.01.2019 issued by DOPT, North Block, New Delhi.

General Information :
1. Application giving particulars as per the prescribed format with a passport size photograph on the application at the space indicated with self attested copies of certificate should be sent to the Director, National Institute of Biologicals (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) A-32, Sector-62, Institutional Area Noida U.P. 201309. The envelope containing the application form should be superscribed with "Application for the post of  
2. The post carries usual allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees of corresponding status.
3. Relaxation in age for Government Servants and SC/ ST/ OBC/ Physically Handicapped candidates/ EWS will be as per the instructions of the Government of India issued from time to time.
4. Age limit, Qualification and other requirements for above posts may be relaxed by the appointing authority in respect of candidates otherwise well qualified.
5. The crucial date for determining age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates.
6. For Scientist Grade-I: The shortlisted candidates for Scientist Grade-I will be called for personal discussion. The screening committee will adopt a suitable shortlisting criterion, which may include relevant experience, publication, etc. However, the competent authority reserves the right to conduct written test of the candidates if felt necessary.
7. For Scientist Grade-Ill: Eligible candidates will be called for the written test. Merit list will be prepared out of the candidates obtaining the qualifying marks (minimum of 60%) in written test. Candidates in the merit list will be called for personal discussion in the ratio of 1:10. Selection of the candidates will be based on score in the screening test (40% weightage), credentials like experience, publications etc. (30% weightage) and personal discussion (30% weightage).
8. For Junior Scientist, Laboratory Technician, Administrative Assistant and Jr. Hindi Translator: The eligible candidates will be called for the written test. Merit list will be prepared out of the candidates obtaining the qualifying marks (minimum of 60%) in written test. Candidates in the merit list will be called for skill test in the ratio of 1:5. Skill test will comprise of practical skills related to the job profile, and candidates will be required to score 60% marks in skill test in order to qualify. The details of skill test will be intimated later.
9. Merely possessing of minimum prescribed qualifications etc. will not entitle an applicant to be called for Written Test/ Interview / Personality Test.
10. If the fact that false information has been furnished or that there has been suppression of any material information in the application form that comes to the notice at any time during the service of a person, his/her service would be liable to be terminated.

11. The Institute reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up any or all the posts.
12. Number of post may increase or decrease at the discretion of the Competent Authority.
13. Self-Attested copies of the caste certificate PWD(OH)/EWS certificate as per the prescribed format of Govt, of India order shall be attached with the application.
14. Those employed in Central and State Government, Autonomous organization and Central & State Public Sectors undertaking/ organization should apply through proper channel otherwise their application will not be considered.
15. The prescribed application format is available on NIB website : and can be downloaded on or before the closing date.
16. In case of any discrepancies, English version of the advertisement will prevail.
17. In case of any dispute, jurisdiction will be Delhi only.

The last date for submission of complete application form is 10.04.2023 upto 05:30 PM. Incomplete applications or applications received after the last date will not be entertained.

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