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Career for Professor, Associate Professor at Regional Institute of Paramedical & Nursing Sciences

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Career for Professor, Associate Professor at RIPANS

RIPANS Institute is located at Zemabawk on the slope of a hill generously donated by the Govt.of Mizoram. The site is surrounded by National Highway 54 on the South-East and a Hospital and Health Departmental Store on the North-West. It is located in the outskirt, about 10 kms away from the capital city of Aizawl. The scenic beauty of the Campus on completion itself will be attractive beyond comparison with any other similar Institute. The site offers wide scope of development in terms of infrastructure and the dedicated services of the employees (teaching and non-teaching) have created an environment of real education. The scenic beauty of the city can be well seen and appreciated from the Campus.

Applications are invited in prescribed form by the Director, Regional Institute of Paramedical & Nursing Sciences, Aizawl from Indian citizens for the following posts on Deputation basis.

Professor (Pharmacy) - 01 Post
Required educational and other qualifications :
Essential : 1. A Ph.D Degree with Master's Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution.
2. Experience of 10 (ten) years in teaching/research in recognized Institution out of which 5 years must be as Associate Professor/Level 12.
3. A degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharm), from a recognized Institution and
4. Registered as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments. OR
1. A Ph.D degree with Pharm D from recognized Institution.
2. Experience of 10 (ten) years in teaching/research in recognized Institution out of which 5 years must be as Associate Professor/Level 12.
3. Registered as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments.
Desirable :
1. 10 years teaching/teaching and/or professional experience in a recognized organization.
2. Published work, such as research papers/patents filed/obtained/books, and/or technical reports;
3. Experience of guiding the project work, dissertation of Post Graduate or research students or supervising R&D projects in industry.
4. Demonstrated leadership in planning and organizing academic, research, industrial and/or professional activities; and
5. Capacity to undertake/lead sponsored R&D, 2 consultancy and related activities.

Associate Professor (Pharmacy) - 01 Post
Essential :
1. A Ph.D Degree with Master's Degree in Pharmacy (M.Pharm) in appropriate branch of specialization from recognized Institute.
2. Experience of 6 (six) years in teaching/research from recognized Institution at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent grade.
3. A degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharm), from a recognized Institution and
4. Registered as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments. OR
1. Ph.D degree with Pharm D, with the experience of 6 (six) years in teaching/research at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent grade after obtaining PhD.
2. Registered as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments.
Desirable :
1. 6 years Teaching/industrial research and/or professional professional experience in a recognized organization.
2. Published work, such as research papers/patents filed / obtained/books, and/or technical reports;
3. Experience of guiding the project work, dissertation of Post Graduate or research students or supervising R&D projects in industry.

Pay Level (as per 7th CPC)  :
Professor Pay Level 13 in the Pay Matrix
Associate Professor Pay Level 12 in the Pay Matrix
Age limit (as on the closing date of receipt of application) : Not exceeding 56 years

Grade from which deputation is to be made
Professor : Officer holding analogous post or post one level below under the Central/State Government having the requisite qualification and experience prescribed for direct recruits (As mentioned above).
Associate Professor : Officer holding analogous post on regular basis or 5 years regular service in post in Pay Level-11 under the Central/State Government having the requisite qualification and experience prescribed for direct recruits (As mentioned above).

Important instructions to candidates
1. Application form and other formats should be submitted in A-4 size paper only.
2. The deputation will be governed by the standard terms and conditions of deputation provided under the DoPT O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay II) dated 17.06.2010, as amended from time to time.
3. The required pay level as mentioned in the required qualification and grade from which deputation is to be made, should be the pay level of the post in which the candidate was appointed/promoted. Financial upgradation of pay under MACP/DACP Scheme etc will not be counted as qualifying service for appointment.
4. The departmental officers of RIPANS in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for appointment by promotion.
5. Applications from Non-Government employees will not be entertained.
6. The candidates holding DNB qualifications would need to get their qualification verified by NBE as to whether it is as per the requirement of the Gazette notification No.MCI-12(2)/2018-Med.Misc/142810 dated 31.10.2018 and to submit such verification certificate along with application.
7. Applicants awarded degrees by foreign Universities are required to submit Equivalence Certificate issued by Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi/ Medical Council of India (MCI)/ Indian Nursing Council (INC)/ Pharmacy Council of India (PCI). The Institute reserves the right to ask for Equivalence Certificate for various degrees from any of the applicants.
8. The UGC Approved List of Journals has been replaced with the new UGC-CARE Reference List of Quality Journals and with effect from 14.06.2019, the same shall be considered prospectively wherever applicable.
9. Applicants are advised to ensure their eligibility in all respects before applying, that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications as laid down in the advertisement.
10. Mere fulfilling the minimum educational qualification and experience doesn’t bestow right to a candidate to be called for interview.

11. Applications should be supported by relevant documents (self-certified) in all respects. Claims of educational qualifications should be supported by Certificates and Marksheets. Applications not supported by self-certified documents shall be summarily rejected.
12. Educational qualifications of recognized University and regulating Statutory bodies, as the case may be, will only be accepted.
13. The crucial date for determining the age limit, qualification and experience shall be the last date for receipt of application from candidates.
14. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications and any fresh paper/enclosures submitted after the last date of submission of application shall not be considered.
5. The Officers who fulfil the prescribed qualifications/eligibility criteria given in I & III above may submit their application in the attached format (Annexure I) along with the following documents through proper channel to Director, RIPANS so as to reach on or before the cut-off date: -
Annexure & Formats/Documents
I - Application form completed in all aspects
II - Integrity, Vigilance Clearance and No penalty - Certificate
III - No Objection Certificate from controlling authority.
- Self-attested copies of educational qualification
- Self-attested copies of experience certificates.
- ACRs/APARs of latest five years.
16. The completeness of the submitted application is the sole responsibility of the applicant. The Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt/late receipt of any communication sent by the applicants due to postal delay/lost in transit.
17. The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate, at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case of false/fake documents, clandestine antecedents or suppression of information, services in the Institute shall be terminated.
18. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the advertisement and in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage, even after issue of appointment, the 9 Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate.
19. The decision of the competent authority in respect of selection shall be final and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
20. The Institute reserves the right not to fill any of the post(s). There may be an increase or decrease in the number of posts advertised.

21. The Institute reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation, and changes to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason thereof.
22. A candidate has to submit separate applications, if he/she desires to apply for more than one post.
23. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview/recruitment process which will be held at RIPANS or any other place as decided by the competent authority.
24. All the information / updates related to the recruitment will be uploaded on the website of RIPANS only. Candidates are advised to regularly visit the website of RIPANS for updates.
25. All the communication to candidates regarding recruitment process will be made through email ID provided by them in their application form. 26. Any change in the correspondence address, contact details and email address shall be communicated to the Institute in writing.
27. In case of any assistance or clarifications regarding the recruitment, candidates may contact the Institute though email: Candidate must mention his/her application ID & the name of post applied in the Subject line of e-mail.
28. While forwarding the applications, controlling authorities are requested to ensure that the following documents are enclosed along with the application form:-
i) Duly attested photocopies of up-to-date Confidential Reports (CRs / APARs) of the latest 05 years of the officer concerned (applicant).
ii) Integrity, Vigilance Clearance and No Penalty Certificates. (Annexure-II)
iii) No Objection Certificate (Annexure-III)
29. Experience Certificate: All claims of experience shall be supported by an Experience Certificate which is clear and complete in all respects:
i) The experience certificate shall bear the Department/Institute’s letter-head with the following :
- Date of issue
- Name of the post held
- Pay level of the post (excluding financial upgradation under MACPS/DACPS etc)
- Specific period of work,
- Speciality of teaching/research experience
- Name and designation of issuing authority along with signature and official seal
ii) Appointment letter and such other documents issued at the initial stage of appointment/engagement i.e., before completion of the experience under consideration shall not be accepted as valid proof of the period of work.
iii) The experience certificate shall reflect the pay level in which the officer was appointed/promoted OR a separate supporting document reflecting the pay level such as appointment order shall be enclosed.
iv) Experience acquired in a recognized Institute will only be accepted.
v) The decision of the Institute in any matters related to teaching/research experience etc shall be final.

Interested eligible candidates are requested to submit a signed copy of the original application in the prescribed form along with requisite documents and all required formats and one copy of recent passport size colour photograph. The envelope containing the application(s) should be super-scribed “Application for the post of ...................on Deputation basis” and should be sent to Director, RIPANS, Zemabawk, Aizawl, Mizoram – 796 017.

Last date of receipt of application is 06.03.2023

Application Form & More Info


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