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Career for Pharmacists at GSO units of the Department of Atomic Energy

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Career for Pharmacists at GSO units of the Department of Atomic Energy

General Services Organization (GSO) is one of the constituent units of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, and was setup in the year 1979. GSO is headed by Dr. B. Venkatraman, Distinguished Scientist as Director, GSO who is also Director, IGCAR. GSO takes care of the common facilities such as Housing, Medical, Transport, Water Supply, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Telecommunication and Computer in the Atomic Energy Townships at Kalpakkam and Anupuram.

Post : Pharmacist/B

No. of posts : 02 (Two)
Educational Qualification : HSC (10+2) + 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy + 3 months Training in pharmacy + Registration as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council

Consolidated Monthly Pay : Rs.42,780/- (consolidated) + HRA, if applicable
Age limit : Not to exceed 50 years as on date of Interview

Selection Procedure :
(a) If the number of applications received are more, GSO reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates based on the percentage of marks obtained.
(b) Details of screened-in candidates along with date and time of interview shall be displayed in GSO website . Screened-in candidates should bring i) original certificates of date of birth, educational qualification including year wise mark sheets, Registration & experience etc., ii) one set of self attested copies of certificates and iii) copy of application for the Interview.
(c) Amendment / Corrigendum, if any, shall be notified in GSO Website only.

How to Apply
a. Candidates should download the application available in GSO website and fill the soft copy of application pro-forma, in excel format, without changing its format and e-mail to (Multiple applications received would be rejected) latest by last date as mentioned at above table.
b. Before filling-up of the application in Microsoft Excel, candidates need to enable Macro option in Microsoft Excel in the computer i.e. : Open Microsoft Excel and Click the File Menu / File tab (top-left most tab in the window) —>Click Excel Options—> Click Trust Center —> Click Trust Center Settings -» Click Macro Settings in the left pane —> Select Enable all macros-^ Click OK—> Click OK —>Close all running applications and restart Excel.
c. The candidate must ensure that their photo and signature is clearly visible, in preview at the time of filling application. If photo / signature is small or not visible, that means photo and signature is not as per the required format, will be rejected.
d. After submitting the online application form, candidates are required to take print of the online application form and bring the same at the time of Interview.
e. Application should be in Excel format only. Application received in other formats shall be summarily rejected.
f. Incomplete application and erroneous I inaccurate details in the application may lead to cancellation of candidature for the Interview.

General Guidelines
(a) Selection for the above posts is purely on temporary basis. The maximum period of appointment will be six months. However, such locum appointment shall not exceed 89 days at a time.
(b) Selected candidates will be provided Hostel Accommodation on their taking up of the appointment, on payment basis if required. They will be entitled for House Rent Allowance (HRA) if own arrangement for accommodation is made.

Date of Interview (Tentative) : 01.03.2023
Venue : General Services Organisation Annex Building, Kalpakkam 603102.

Application Form

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