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Walk in interview for Pharmacist at Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital

Clinical research courses

Walk in interview for Pharmacist at Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital

Tata Memorial Centre is amongst the oldest and largest cancer centres in the world, with over 75 years of exceptional patient care, high-quality training and innovative cancer research. Over the years, it has grown in size and stature, maintaining its pre-eminent position at the forefront of national and global cancer control efforts.  Compassionate patient care remains the major focus of Tata Memorial Centre, with eleven Disease Management Groups (or multidisciplinary teams) breaking departmental silos and providing optimal care for every patient. This emphasis on team approach leverages the extensive experience and expertise of various specialists, thereby providing patients with evidence-based, yet individualized care, tailored not just to the cancer but also the patient’s unique physical, emotional and psychosocial needs.

Post : Pharmacist (Contract Basis)

Age Limit - Upto 27 Years
Qualification : B.Pharm with minimum 01 year experience of working in Dispensary / Pharmacy of the hospital having minimum 300 beds OR D.Pharm with minimum 3 years of experience of working in a Dispensary / Pharmacy of the hospital having minimum 300 beds. Registration with State Pharmacy Council with duly allotted Registration Number is mandatory. Experience of working on computerized system desirable. Candidate should be prepared to work in shift duties, including night shift.
Consolidated Pay Per Month : Rs. 20000-25000/-

Interest Candidates may come along with Bio-data, recent passport size photograph, zerox copy of PANCARD, Original Certificates and one set of attested copies of all certificates.
WALK IN INTERVIEW On 8th February, 2021 between 9.30 a.m. & 11.30 a.m. at Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital, Civil Hospital Campus, Sangrur, Punjab -148001 For Punjab.

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