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Vacancy for Junior Pharmacovigilance Associate at AGMC | M.Pharm, Pharm.D

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Junior Pharmacovigilance Associate at AGMC

The Agartala Government Medical College is situated in the G B Pant Hospital campus in a newly constructed building. It is fully equipped with Laboratories, Dissection Theatres, Lecture Theatres, Central Library, Common Room, Cafeteria, Intercom facilities, Central Workshop, Mechanized Laundry etc. This Institute is recognized & approved by Medical Council of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi and affiliated to Tripura University (A Central University).

Required Junior Pharmacovigilance Associate for Pharmacovigilance Program of India (PvPI) in Agartala Government Medical College & GBP Hospital. The appointment is purely temporary and may be terminated if decided by the authority at any time. Any claim for permanent appointment will be not be entitled.

Number of Post : 01 (One).
Qualification : Master degree in Pharmacy/Clinical Pharmacology/Pharmacy Practice/Clinical Research or Minimum qualification should be Pharm. D / MBBS / BDS from a recognized University/Institute.
Salary : Rs. 26,250/- per month.
Desirable Experience : One year experience in Pharmacovigilance and Good knowledge of computers.

Job Description :
• Collection of ADRs report and Follow up with the complainant to check completeness as per SOP’s.
• Data entry in VigiFlow.
• Reporting to National Coordination Centre through Vigiflow with the source data attached with each ADRs case.
• Training / sensitization / feedback to physician through newsletter circulated by the NCC.
• Other activities as assigned from time to time by competent authority.

The offer letter and appointment order shall be issued by IPC through IPC authorized outsourcing agency.
The salary of the selected candidate will be provided by NCC-PvPI through the outsourcing manpower agency.
The competent authority reserves all the rights to reject, accept, extend or cancel the post(s) without assigning any reason.
Period of engagement: The tenure of contract will be normally for period of one year. However, in case the work and conduct of the staff is not found to be satisfactory during the contract tenure, the services may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof.

Applicant should sent scan copy of filled up application form in the prescribe format to following email address- with a heading “Bio-data of applicant for Appointment of Junior Pharmacovigilance Associate for ADR Monitoring Centre in AGMC”. Email should also reach by 16th February’ 2021 and original application should be submitted in the time of interview which will be held on 19th February’ 2021. The applicant should attend the interview along with all original documents on the day of interview at 10:00 AM in the Dept, of Pharmacology, AGMC.

Eligible Short listed candidates will be called for an interview to be held in Agartala Government Medical College & GBP Hospital.

No TA & DA will be admissible.

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