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Recruitment for Pharmacists (18 posts) at Office of The Chief Medical Officer Health and Family Welfare

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Recruitment for Pharmacists

In pursuance to Govt. Order No. 442 HME of 24.04.2019. and DHS-J/Sch/PMBJAK/3129-39 Dated:02-01-2I WALK—IN -INTERVIEW for the below mentioned posts will be held for the registered pharmacists for running Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra to work on Profit sharing basis on temporary basis on 15th February, 2021.

Post : Registered Pharmacist

Nos. of Posts : 18
CHC R S Pura -02, CMC Bishnah-01, CHC Akhnoor-01, CHC Jourian-02, CHC Khour-02, CHC Sohanjana-02, CHC Chowkichoura-02, CHC Marh-02, Rajiv Gandhi Hospital & LRPU -02, GH Gandhi Nagar-01 GH Sarwal-01
Qualifications / Experience : 10+2 with Diploma in Pharmacy Training course from SMF or any other recognized Institute with registration with Sate Paramedical Council
Age : Upto 40 Years
Selection Criteria
1.10+2 = 10 Points
2. Diploma in Pharmacy from SMF or any recognised institute = 70 Points
3. Experience in Training Medical Shops/ knowledge of computerised billing = 05 Points
4. Additional higher/ related qualification = 05 Points.
5.Viva Voice -10 Points.
Total Points = 100 Points

Local candidates shall he preferred for the a fore said posts.
Applications can be rejected by the undersigned if requisite criteria is not fulfilled.
Undersigned reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts advertised or cancel the advertisement at any time without giving any reason.

Terms & Conditions
1. The applicant must be domicile of J&K & resident of district Jammu (DomicileTRC must be annexed with the application.)
2. The maximum Age limit shall he 40 years (Matric Diploma must he attached along with other qualification certificates).
3. Applicant if selected shall have to execute an agreement and will have to work under supervision of the concerned Medical Superintendent/Block Medical Officer. He shall he designated as Jan Aushadhi Store Manager having responsibility for day to day operation of Jan Aushadhi Store in accordance with terms <& conditions.
4. The candidate if selected shall have to work in Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra on profit sharing basis.
5. Initial temi of hiring shall be one year which may be raised up to three years subject to the satisfactory performance, which shall be vouched by a committee on the basis of the report of the concerned Medical Superintendent/Block Medical Officer.
6. In case of unsatisfactory performance or violation of agreement the committee shall be well within its power to terminate the services and substitute him/her. He shall not claim any regular appointment / regularization in the department in lieu of this arrangement.

7. Applicant if selected shall not be allowed to sell allied medical products, commonly sold in medical shops. I hey shall also be not allowed to sell medicines other than meant for Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra.
8. Besides qualification certificate following list of documents are also required:
a) Undertaking on stamp paper duly attested by Class I judicial magistrate that he is unemployed
b) NOC from District Industries Centre.
c) NOC from District Employment Office


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