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Post Doctoral Fellow Job in the lab of Dr. Sabarinathan Radhakrishnan at NCBS

Clinical research courses

Post Doctoral Fellow Job in the lab of Dr. Sabarinathan Radhakrishnan at NCBS

The mandate of research at NCBS is the study of biology. To realize our goals of understanding living systems, we understand that research problems need to be approached from a variety of directions. We therefore have recruited, and actively encourage applications from researchers with a variety of backgrounds in the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science.  Biological problems not only require multiple approaches for their solution, but also need researchers of varied expertise to collaborate. Collaboration at every level—within NCBS, within the country and internationally is strongly encouraged.

Post : Post Doctoral Fellow

Qualification & Experience required
• Ph.D. in Molecular Biology/Biotechnology or related field with experience in cancer biology.
• Experience with mammalian cell culture, stable cell line generation and molecular biology techniques such as Western blotting, Cloning, immunostaining, DNA/RNA extraction and quantification, and high throughput assays to understand DNA-protein interactions and gene expression. Experience with genome editing techniques (e.g., CRISPR/Cas) is a plus.
• A strong interest to develop and implement single-cell genomics approaches and data analysis will be preferred.
Duration : Initially one year, which is extendable upon evaluation. 
Salary : As per the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India guidelines.

How to apply:
Interested applicants should email to Dr Sabarinathan Radhakrishnan (email: enclosing:
1. CV (with the names and contact details of at least two scientific referees)
2. Summary of previous research work, statement of research interest and suitability for this position.

Please mention the advertisement number in the subject line. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an online interview which may comprise multiple rounds to assess the candidate’s fit for the position.

Submission Deadline : 10th March 2021
Preferred Joining Date : 1st May 2021

Advt No.01/2021

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