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Job Openings for Pharmacists in AIIMS | 13 Posts - BPharm or DPharm can apply

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Job Openings for D.Pharm, B.Pharm in BECIL

Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 20000:2012 certified, Mini Ratna, Central Public Sector Enterprise of Government of India was established on 24th March 1995. BECIL provides project consultancy services and turnkey solutions encompassing the entire gamut of radio and television broadcast engineering viz; content production facilities, terrestrial transmission facilities, satellite and cable broadcasting facilities in India and abroad. It also provides associated services like building design and construction related to broadcasting, human resource related activities like training and providing man power.

Applications are invited for recruitment/empanelment of following manpower purely on contract basis for deployment in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal.

Pharma Chemist/ Chemical Examiner (01)
Age : Between 21-27 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience : a) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University/Institution.
b) Should be a registered Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act 1948
Desirable : Experience in manufacture/testing of transfusion fluids in a reputed hospital or industry.
Reservation Roster : 01-UR
Monthly Remuneration : Rs.27,250/-

Pharmacist Gr.II (08)
Age : Between 18-30 years
Essential Qualification & Experience : Essential Qualification: a) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University/Institution. b) Should be a registered Pharmacist under the Pharmacist Act, 1948.
Desirable : 1. Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution/University. 2. Experience in dispensing and/or storage and dispensing of drugs in a reputed hospital or Institution or in a drug store of pharmaceutical concern.
Reservation Roster : 08 (UR-05, OBC-02, SC-1)
Monthly Remuneration : Rs.27,250/-

Dispensing Attendants (04)
Age : Between 21-27 years
Essential Qualification & Experience : 1. Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University/Institution. 2. Should be registered Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act 1948.
Reservation Roster : 04 (UR-03, OBC-01)
Monthly Remuneration : Rs.23,550/-

- Age Relaxation may be considered in case of deserving candidates having relevant experience at the discretion of the management.
- EPF/ESI/Bonus/Maternity and other benefits shall be applicable as per rule.
- Candidates may be called for interview/interaction in the ratio of 1:7 or as per decision of the Competent Authority
- Reservation will be followed as per Govt. directives.
- Preference will be given to local candidates

Selection will be made as per prescribed norms and requirement of the job. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the test/interview or joining the duty on selection. Mode of interview will be informed separately. Application should be submitted ONLINE only for the above post.

Age Relaxation:
• 5 years for SC/ST
• 3 years for OBC
• 5 years for PH candidates
• EX Servicemen Period of service + 3 years
Upper age relaxation by 5 years for PH Unreserved candidates and 10 years for PH+SC or ST 8 years for PH+OBC candidates for posts where reservation for PWD is admissible.
Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation in more than one category will be entitled to only one concession whichever is more beneficial to them.
Age relaxation for AllMS Bhopal employee:
Age relaxation will be given to the contractual/outsource employee working at AIIMS Bhopal for a period of his/her continuous services in AIIMS Bhopal in the equivalent post (yeas of experience) or up to 5 (five) Years.

Payment of application fee (including postage charges) (non-refundable):
1. UR & OBC (including Ex-servicemen) candidates are required to pay a Non-refundable fee of Rs.830/- (Rupees Eight Hundred Thirty Only)) and SC/ST/PWD/EWS candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs.600/- (Rupees Six Hundred Only). The mentioned fees does not include any bank charges.
2. Application Fee including Bank transaction charges, once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are, therefore, requested to verify their eligibility, the closing date for submission of online application before paying the application fee plus bank transaction charges.

Computer Based Test:
The test will consist of one paper to be held on the same day in the same center) Paper will consist of multiple choice objective type questions, bilingual (Hindi/English), the topics will be English, Math, Logical reasoning, GK/GA or English, Hindi, Math, Logical reasoning, GK/GA, depending on the level of post. There will be a total of 90 questions, each carrying equal marks. The Paper shall be of 90 minutes duration.
No reimbursement shall be made to the candidate appearing for the written examination or for Personal interaction /Skill Test, as the case may be.
Character & Antecedents: The success in the examination does not confer any right to appointment unless the BECIL is satisfied after such an inquiry, as may be considered necessary, that the candidate having regard to his/her character and antecedents is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service.

How to Apply :
1. Candidates are required to apply online through website career section only and click on No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
2. Before applying for registration candidates are advised to have their Photo and Signature scanned images for upload the file size should be not more than 100kb.
3. Candidate are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment process. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying online. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/mention e-mail ID to/of any other person.
4. Candidates are required to go to the website of BECIL i.e. and click on the link “Career”
5. Thereafter, he/she may open the recruitment notification titled VACANCY ADVERTISEMENT NO. 49,
6. He/she should thoroughly go through the vacancy notification first to let him/her know the eligibility, age criteria etc.
7. Candidates will fill up all the details relating to his age, personal details, educational qualification etc. online in the application form.
8. Candidates will have to upload scanned copy of passport colour photo, signature scan copy, The size of these scanned copies should be within 100 kb and in jpg/.pdf files only.
9. The registration link will remain active from 10:30 hours 08.02.2021 and up to 23:59 Hours 22.02.2021.
10. After successful filing up of the application form, candidate are required to pay the requisite fees through online mode only via credit card, Debit card, net banking etc
11. Only online payment of fees is applicable. There will not be any other mode of payment of application fee. Demand Drafts, Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders, Pay Orders, Banker’s Cheque, postal stamps etc., will not be accepted, towards application fee.
12. The online registration will remain active from 10:30 hours 08.02.2021 and up to 23:59 Hours 22.02.2021.In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough. BECIL will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem of this nature in submission of online application during last day due to heavy rush etc.
13. Candidates are advised to choose the post judiciously and fill in the requisite details in the online application format carefully. There will be a pre-view of the application filled in by the candidate before submitting the application, so that it can be edited. After submission of the application, no modification will be permitted.
14. Mock/practice test will also be available in the website which candidates can practice, after the admit card is live.
15. The tentative cities of examination will be DelhiNCR, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bhopal, Indore BECIL reserve a right to add or remove any test city, depending on the number of application form the region.

General : Most Important
1. While applying for these posts, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned above on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respects. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norm and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected, his/her candidature will stand cancelled.
2. Candidates should keep sufficient numbers of same Photographs in reserve for future use (candidate are advised to keep same photograph which they upload during the application phase only colored photograph are permitted), which they are using in the application form.
3. Request for change of mailing address or e-mail address will not be entertained under any circumstances.
4. At any stage, in case of discrepancy in language, version in English language will only prevail.
5. Court jurisdiction of any dispute will be at Delhi only.
6. Candidates will be deputed to AIIMS Bhopal as per the requirement
7. BECIL reserves the right to fix the minimum standard/qualifying marks for each component of selection for all posts.
8. Candidates must remain in constant touch with BECIL website for information regarding dates of written test, result of written test, schedule of Interview/Skill Test/, standards of Vision for Medical test etc. The eligible candidates, whose applications are available on the Master list may download the admit card through website and click on only.
9. The admit card for written test, will NOT be sent by post or email. It will be downloaded from then click on only.
NOTE: BECIL will not be responsible for any information issued/posted on any other website.
10. The issue of an Admit Card or result notification to appear in the Written Test fact of having passed these tests or having been placed on the final merit list, will not be a proof of any candidate’s eligibility. Candidature will be purely provisional subject to eligibility and other verification. The onus of ensuring that candidate meets all the eligibility requirements will rest on the candidate himself/herself all through the recruitment process. Candidates will be allowed to appear in written test/interview/skill Test/Medical fitness test purely on provisional basis and no candidate will have a
right to appointment or any compensation only on the ground of having appeared in or passed the written or any other screening test.
11. BECIL is not responsible for any printing error that might have inadvertently crept in.
12. In case of cancellation of exam due to any reason at any center candidates will not be paid any kind of travelling expenses etc.
13. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
14. Bringing Mobile phone/Communication device in the examination Centre will be deemed GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT & suitable action including immediate expulsion of candidate from the examination hall will be taken.
15. Candidates are requested to follow all COVID-19 Protocol, without mask no candidate would be allowed to enter examination hall, candidate having fever and any symptoms of COVID-19 will not be allowed to enter examination hall.
16. Candidates should refer to advertisement given in the Employment News or on BECIL’s website only, for the purpose of applying for the job. BECIL has not authorized any other agency/vendor/website to publish the instant advertisement and application form or issue of admit cards through online. The only and accepted mode of submission of application has exhaustively been explained. In case of any discrepancy, in the advertisements published in various newspapers/Employment News etc., the contents as put on, will prevail. Any update, corrigendum etc. of this advertisement will be posted in our website only. Hence, candidates are requested to keep in regular tough with our website, ie.

Last date for submission of application forms is 22nd February, 2021


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