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Job for Pharmacists(05 Posts) in Zilla Parishad

Clinical research courses

Zilla Parishad Job

Applications are invited for the following posts under Zilla Parishad Nashik.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 05
Qualification : Candidates with a degree or diploma in Pharmacy and registered pharmaceutical manufacturers under the Pharmacy Act 1948.
Salary : 16600/-

Age limit
1. Candidate will be required to hold the prescribed age limit and the required minimum educational qualification for the post applied for on the last date of submission of application.  
2. Candidates in open and social reservation category should not be less than 18 years of age on the last date for submission of application.  
3. Candidates in the open category should not be more than 38 years of age on the last date for submission of applications.  
4. Backward Class (Reserved Posts) Candidates and Economically Weaker (EWS) candidates should not be more than 43 years of age. 

1. The above mentioned posts are not state government posts but purely contract posts.  The post will not have the right and claim regarding the terms and conditions of the government service.  Also Government service rules are not applicable for this post.
2. The applicant should be physically and mentally fit for the relevant post.  Also no criminal case should have been filed against the applicant.
3. Candidates should clearly mention the name of the post they are applying for and the category of caste as per the social reservation in the application.  
4. Eligible candidates will not be required to change their location as per their convenience as the applicant has been sanctioned contract space only for the new primary health center during the contract period.
5. Candidate should also be taken to ensure that it remains in good condition till the recruitment process is completed.  
6. Candidates will not be able to complain that if the application of the candidate is incomplete and partially filled and therefore rejected, the entire responsibility will remain with the candidates.  
7. Candidate should be taken to ensure that the above documents are clearly visible while submitting.  Also, since the merit list will be prepared from the application received, it should be noted that if any irregularities are found in your original documents, the information submitted by you while attending work after the appointment will be verified.  
8. It will be mandatory for the selected candidates to appear at the place of appointment within 03 days from the date of receipt of the appointment order, otherwise the appointment order of the said candidate will be terminated.  
9. The following candidates from the waiting list will be appointed Candidate should send the application in prescribed form along with the above required documents to the following address, by post or courier.  
10. The required documents should be attached and the designation for the post for which the application has been made should be clearly written on the sealed envelope will be given.  
11.  All the above posts are of contract nature and consolidated honorarium and their tenure is from the date of appointment order.

Application Procedure
01) Applications for the proposed post will be accepted only offline.  
02) Applications of eligible candidates will be accepted at Zilla Parishad, Nashik Health Department.  
03) The date for accepting offline applications for all the posts is 01/02/2021 from 10.00 am to 04.
04) The last date for accepting offline applications for all the posts is 12/0212021 till 5.30 pm. 

Recruitment Fee Backward Class Candidates Rs.  100/-
General Category Candidates Rs.200 /-
Dhanakarp (DD) Administration Officer, Health Department, Zilla Parishad, Nashik should be prepared and attached with the application.


Application Form & More Info>>

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