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Career for Pharmacists at Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour | Government Job

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Career for Pharmacists at Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour

Applications in the prescribed form appended hereto for the following Group ‘c’ posts on regular basis are invited by the Director, Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour, Bambolim Goa from the candidates up to 45 years of age and possessing i) valid 15 years residence in Goa and (ii) valid employment exchange registration number/card compulsory are invited by the Director, Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour, Bambolim Goa latest by 09/03/2021 upto 5.00 p.m. for filling up the following posts.

Post : Pharmacist Level- 5

No. of Posts : 02 (UR-1, OBC-1)
Educational Qualification :
1) Diploma in Pharmacy from Board of Technical Education or Degree in Pharmacy from recognized University.
2) Should be registered with the State Council of Pharmacy
3) Knowledge of Konkani.
1) Not less than three years experience as registered Pharmacist.
2) Knowledge of Marathi

Terms and Conditions
Age not exceeding 45 years (relaxable for Government Servants by five years in accordance with the instruction or orders issued by the Government)

For reserved categories the candidates should have valid caste certificate issued by the competent authority.
1) Only the eligible candidates fulfill the criteria as stated above shall apply and the candidate need not required to furnish any documents at the time of applying the post.
2) The candidature of shortlisted candidate shall not be considered if he/she is found ineligible at the time of verification of essential documents, even though he/she has passed the examination.
3) The applicants should clearly mention in the application the name of the post and category for which the application is made eg. Post LDC category Unreserved/OBC/ST/SC etc..
4) No TA/DA is admissible for attending the verification of certificates /written test.
5) The appointing authority reserves the right to call adequate number of meritorious candidates for verification of original documents.
6) Late and incomplete application will be summarily rejected.
7) All candidates will be called for the written examination on a suitable date and time which will be communicated through an advertisement in the daily news papers and no personal calls/letters will be made.
8) Candidates working in Government office/ department shall send their applications through proper channel.

9) Written examination of the eligible candidates will be conducted for the purpose of final selection of the candidates. Total marks allotted for the written test is 100 marks for 02 hours duration. The selection of the candidates would be entirely based on the marks secured in the written test and no weightage would be given to any other aspects such as additional education qualification, additional experience etc.

10) The syllabus for the written test will be as under :
(i) Analytical ability, (ii) General Knowledge (iii) Comprehensive language (iv) Mathematical ability (v) Current affairs (VI) Indian Constitution (vii)Indian History and Geography(viii) State and Central political affairs (ix) Quantitative aptitudes (X) Relevant knowledge and application attached to the post.
11) Skill test / aptitude test , wherever necessary will be considered for screening eligible candidates for written examinations and only qualified candidate will be called for written examination.
12) Selection of the candidate shall be determined in accordance with the marks obtained by each candidate in the written examination as per merit.

Last Date : 09/03/2021 upto 5.00 p.m

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