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Career for M.Pharm, MSc in Research at Institute of Life Sciences

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Career for M.Pharm, MSc in Research at Institute of Life Sciences

Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar, an autonomous institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India invites applications from Indian Nationals to join in the following position, for a duration of one year; extendable based on performance.

Post : Senior Research Fellow - Chromatin & Epigenetics : (01)

Project Title : Auxiliary subunits of human SWI/SNF complex in normal myelopoiesis and leukemia
Fellowship : Rs. 35,000/- per month+ @ 16% HRA
Eligibility Criteria : Candidates should have passed their M.Sc. /M.Tech. / M. Pharm. / M.V.Sc. or equivalent qualification in Life Sciences or allied subjects (Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Microbiology etc.) with a minimum of 60% marks (or equivalent grade point) and at least two years of research experience. Candidates who have qualified in CSIR / UGC-JRF / CSIR / UGC-lectureship / UGC-RGNF / ICMR-JRF / DBT-JRF /GATE / GPAT / ICAR-NET or equivalent national examination will be preferred. If the original certificate is not available, the candidate has to provide a photocopy of the original admit card and the particular result page highlighting their roll number, along with the application. A copy of your CV (with two referees) must be provided along with the application.

Desirable: Candidates with expertise in programming, knowledge of ‘R’ (Bioconductor), statistics, Python, and C++, knowledge/hands-on experience in handling next-generation sequencing data and/or training in molecular biology would be preferred. Candidates are requested to provide a short write up on their programming skills.
Age Limit : The upper age limit of the candidate should be below 32 years as on the last date of application. Age relaxation will be given to the candidates as per Govt. of India rules.
Shortlisting procedure : Candidates meeting eligibility criteria will be asked to give a short exam to test for their logical approach to address the question using their programming skills. Candidates qualifying this test will be called for interview and final selection.

Interested and eligible candidates may fill-up the prescribed application form through the link as available below. Duly filled-up application form along with self-attested scanned copies of all relevant certificates should be sent to (as one pdf document and there should be one attachment per applicant with the subject “Advt. No. with your first name”). The downloaded application form with self-attested copies of mark sheets, certificates and experience details to be sent to “The Director, Institute of Life Sciences, Nalco Square, Bhubaneswar-751023”. Super scribe the envelope with "Advt. no. / Date & Application for the position of Senior Research Fellow”. The decision of the Director regarding the selection of candidates will be final and no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Applications received after the last date will not be accepted.

1. Last date for receiving an application : 28.02.2021
2. Date of display of shortlisted candidates in the ILS website : 02.03.2021
3. Date & time of interview : will be notified on the ILS website

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