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Career for Pharmacist in District Health and Family Welfare Society

Clinical research courses

District Health and family welfare society under national health mission invites application for the following post from eligible candidates for an initial contractual appointment up to 31st march 2018, further renewal shall be subjected to continuation of NHM/Approval from SHS Uttarakhand/performance Appraisal. The appointment shall purely on contractual basis.

Post : Pharmacist (RBSK)

B. Pharma / D. Pharma from any reorganized institute and registration with State Pharmacy Council.

Honorarium : Rs 15000/-

Application are to be sent to office of the chief medical officer Chamoli (Gopeshwar),Uttarakhand- 246401. Noting the following points.
1. Candidate must write on the envelop, Application for the post of____________Blank must be filled with the post which application is being sent.
2. The Application must reach at the above mentioned address on or before 8th March 2018 by 5PM.through speed post/Registered post only. Application sent through any other mode will not be accepted. Application received after last date shall not be entertained.
3. Interested candidates to sent their application at above address along with self attested copy of the documents for qualification, experience certificate and CV.
4. Maximum age limit for all above positions is 40 Years as on 01 Feb 2018,which may be relaxed for deserving candidate.
5. All posts are purely contractual and non-transferable. These posts can be cancelled /Increased/decreased any time by competent authority(DH&FWS Chamoli) without signing any reason.
6. The Shortlisted candidates will be called for test/Interview .The date of test/Interview will be intimated through E-mail/Tele call. No TA/DA will be given for appearing in the test/Interview.

7. Candidates are required to mention their E-mail ID and mobile no. for communication.
8. In case the candidate for applying for more than one post then he/she must fill separate application from each post.
9. Any candidate who is already working with NHM(State Level/District Level/Block Level/In any program of NHM) must send NOC from the CMO/MD NHM with the application or produce it during interview.
10. District Health Society Chamoli shall not be responsible for non receipt of application due to postal delay/loss in transit.
11. Those candidates who have applied earlier for the above mentioned post are requested to send their application again. Previous application will not be entertain in any circumstances.

Last Date : 8th March 2018

Application Form>>

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