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Recruitment of Pharmacists (333 posts) at Medical Services Recruitment Board - salary may around 40,000 after probation

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Applications are invited only through online mode up to 17 Feb,2016 for recruitment to the post of Pharmacist on temporary basis. Interested and eligible candidates are to visit the Medical Services Recruitment Board’s website www. and familiarize themselves with the detailed notification.

Post: Pharmacist

No. of Posts: 333

GT: 109 (G-62, W-31, Ex-Ser- 5, DAP(PH)-11)
BC: 85 (G-55, W-26, Ex-Ser- 4)
BC(M): 10 (G- 5, W- 4 ,Ex-Ser-1)
MBC/DC: 64 (G- 41, W-19, Ex-Ser-4)
SC: 50 (G-31, W-15, Ex-Ser-2, Backlog Vacancies- 2)
SC(A):11 (G-5, W-3,Ex-Ser-1, Backlog Vacancies-2)
ST: 04 (G- 3, W-1)

*BC:Backward Class, BC(M):Backward Class (Muslim),  DAP(PH):     Differently Abled Person, Ex -Ser: Ex - Service men , G: General, GT: General Turn,  MBC / DC: Most Backward Class / Denotified Community, SC: Scheduled Caste, SCA: Scheduled Caste(Arunthathiyars),  ST: Scheduled Tribe, W: Women.

i) A Diploma in Pharmacy
ii) Must have registered with Tamil Nadu Pharmacy Council and must keep the registration alive by renewing it regularly every year.

SCALE OF PAY: Scale of pay of Rs 9,300 - 34,800 + GP 4,200.

AGE: (as on 01 .07.2016 ) 18-57 Years

i) The claims of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational/technical qualifications and community are generally accepted only on the information furnished by them in their on - line application, without physical verification of their claims. Their candidature therefore will be provisional and subject to the Board satisfying itself, about their age, educational/technical qualifications, community etc. through a physical verification process. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the Board reserves the right to reject any candidature at any stage, even after the selection has been made.
ii) If a candidate claims equivalent qualification, the onus of proving the same rests with the candidate.
iii) Persons with required qualification whether registered in employment exchange or otherwise are eligible to apply

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Selection will be made  based  on the marks scored by the candidates in their academic and technical qualification (s) for the post of Pharmacist duly following the rules of reservation and communal rotation issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu.

-Rs. 500 / - (Rupees Five Hundred only) be paid by all the candidates (excluding candidates belonging to SC/SCA/ST and eligible Differently Abled Persons( DAP (PH) ). SC/SCA/ST and eligible DAP (PH) candidates have to pay Rs. 250 / - ( Rupees Two hundred and Fifty only).
-In addition , candidates have to pay the applicable service charges to the Indian Bank (in case of offline payment @Rs.15/ - (Rupees Fifteen only) or Net Banking / Credit / Debit Card charges over and above the mandatory fee. The charges will vary from bank to bank. The approximate charges for the same will be about 2% of the transaction (approximately Rs.10 ) (Rupees Ten only).

i) In the event of selection, the candidate shall be willing to serve in Government in any Medical Institution of the State.
ii) Successful candidate shall join duty within 30 days from the date of receipt of appointment orders and shall not claim extension of joining time citing that he/she is undergoing higher studies or for any other reason. He/she shall abide by the condition that his/her name will be removed from the approved list without assigning any reasons therefor, if he/she fails to join duty within the stipulated time.
iii) He/she shall abide by the condition that if he/she is selected and appointed as Pharmacist, after joining duty, he / she shall not be permitted to undergo any course within the period of two years excluding the period of leave.
iv) If the candidate is under any contractual obligation, to serve under any State Government / Local Bodies / Private Institutions he/she must produce a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the Appointing Authority concerned.

Last date for submission of Application (Online Registration & Online payment): 17.02.2016

Last date for offline payment of fee through Indian Bank:

7th Floor, DMS Buildings, 359,Anna salai
Teynampet, Chennai - 6

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