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Application are invited for BIRAC Innovation Fellowship under University Innovation Cluster (UIC) Anna University

Clinical research courses

University Innovation Cluster (UIC) has been funded by Biotechnology Innovation Research and Assistance Council (BIRAC). This council has developed a focused strategic action plan to foster the culture of innovation and techno – entrepreneurship in Universities, leveraging the Cluster Innovation Centre (CIC) model recommended by the National Innovation Council (NInC).
University Innovation cluster is a pre-incubation Centre to fund and foster innovations and entrepreneurship of Post master students & Post-docs to start own businesses. The attractive fellowships are highly competitive. Motivated students with keen eye for innovation and drive for start-ups can apply with their business proposition to Anna University UIC.

Post: Post Master and Post Doctoral Fellowship

Scope & support of BIRAC Innovation Fellowship
- It is for marketable Innovation in Biotechnology Sector
- Focus areas of Anna University UIC are: Healthcare Diagnostics and Bioprocess Technology

BIRAC Innovation Fellowships:
1)  Post Docs: Rs. 50,000/- per month and BIRAC Innovation Grant of Rs. 5,00,000/- per year.
2)  Post Masters: Rs. 30,000/- per month and BIRAC Innovation Grant of Rs. 2,00,000/- per year.

Grant period is 2 years; extendable by 1 more year depending upon the progress in achieving commercialization

Mentoring support and Project monitoring by UIC, BIRAC and Industry 

(1)Healthcare Diagnostics

Post Doc Fellowship (Health care Diagnostics)
No of posts: 1
Stipend Amount: Rs.50000/- per month (Consolidated)
Essential:  PhD in areas of Biotechnology/Biomedical Engineering/Life Science/ Clinical medicines/ Bio chemistry /Bio Physics/ Pharmaceutical technology & allied disciplines. 
Desirable: PhD Thesis should be related to healthcare with laboratory validation of diagnostic method or tool / Candidates with industrial experience in the field of proposed work / people sponsored by the industry.

Post Graduate Fellowship (Health care Diagnostics)
No of posts: 2
Stipend Amount: Rs.30000/- per month (Consolidated).

Essential:  Masters in areas of Biotechnology/Biomedical Engineering / Life Science / Clinical medicines / Bio chemistry / Bio Physics/ Pharmaceutical technology & allied disciplines. 
Desirable: Master Thesis should be related to healthcare with preliminary experimental evidence of commercially viable diagnostic lead/ Candidates with industrial experience in the field of proposed work/people sponsored by the industry.

(2) Bioprocess Technology

Post Doc Fellowship (Bio Process Technology)
No of posts: 1
Stipend Amount: Rs.50000/- per month (Consolidated).
Essential: PhD in areas of Biotechnology/Chemical Engineering/Life Science/Chemistry/Food Technology/ Pharmaceuticals & allied disciplines. 
Desirable: PhD Thesis should be related to proof of concept in Bioprocess of Commercially important intermediate / final product/Candidates with industrial experience in the field of proposed work / people sponsored by the industry.

Post Graduate Fellowship (Bio Process Technology)
No of posts: 2
Stipend Amount: Rs.30000/- per month (Consolidated).
Essential: Masters in areas of Biotechnology/Chemical Engineering / Life Science/ Chemistry / Food Technology/ Pharmaceutical technology & allied disciplines. 

Desirable: Master Thesis should be based on idea and experimentation for commercial viability/Candidates with industrial experience in the field of proposed work / people sponsored by the industry.

Who can apply: Applicants who have completed their Masters and Ph.D. on OR after 1st January 2013 for Post Master and Post Doctoral Fellowship respectively. Kindly refer the BIRAC Innovation Fellows eligibility criteria for Qualifications.

How to Apply: Proposal under UIC scheme has to be submitted by both hard copy and soft copy in the format “Application for the Award of BIRAC Innovation Fellowship” available in the website.

The softcopy of the proposal should be sent to

The signed hardcopy of the proposal should be sent to the following address:
Chief Coordinator, 
University Innovation Cluster, 
Centre for Biotechnology, 
Anna University,
Chennai 600025 

Submission closes on 15th March 2016.
Both the softcopy and Hardcopy should reach before the closing date.


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