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Job for M.Pharm, Pharm.D or MSc as Consultant at ACTREC, Salary upto Rs. 1,00,000 pm

Clinical research courses

Job for M.Pharm, Pharm.D or MSc as Consultant at ACTREC

Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer,  ACTREC, is a unique Institute under the wing of Tata Memorial Centre and a grant-in-aid Institution of the Department of Atomic Energy. ACTREC conducts a PhD program in Life     Sciences that is affiliated with the Homi Bhabha National Institute (a deemed university under category A by MHRD, Govt. of India). Fulfilling its ‘bench-to- bedside’ mandate, the Institute provides a highly conducive environment for world-class cancer research.  

Post : Consultant (Non Medical) Pharmacometrician (On Project)

“ICMR Centre for Advanced Research (CAR)-Phase I clinical trial Networks” 
Job Description : - Pharmacometrician will play a major role in pharmacokinetic analysis of data, population pharmacokinetics of the derived data, Pk-Pd modeling and training other centres in pharmacometrics etc. 
Educational Qualification & Experience : 1. Professionals, having M.Sc or equivalent qualifications in relevant subject with research & development experience and published papers. OR 
2. Retired Government employees with grade pay of Rs.4600/- and above and having at least 20 years’ experience in the required domain/field. OR 
3. PharmD / M. Pharm / MD Pharmacology candidates with at least one-year experience in Handling pharmacometrics/ PKPD analysis. 
Desirable Experience: - Experience in handling Pharmacometrics software is desirable. 
Age Limit: - 70 Years 
Consolidated Salary : Rs. 25,000/- to 1,00,000/- depending on educational qualification, experience, last pay drawn and functional requirement.
Duration : Six months and extendable. 
The work progress of candidates will be monitored and extension may be given after six months.

Eligible candidates may apply and send their CV, educational documents and aadhaar card soft copy in a pdf format to . Application should contain the subject “Application for CONSULTANT (NON MEDICAL) PHARMACOMETRICIAN”. The application should include a cover letter supporting their candidature and two reference letters. 

The last date of application is 5th December, 2024 till 3:00 PM. 
Only the short-listed candidates will be contacted by e-mail and notified about the interview date and timings. The interview will be in hybrid mode. Candidates will have the option to confirm whether they will attend the interview in person or online mode after getting the short-listed e-mail. Details will be sent accordingly.

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