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Vacancy for Pharmacist in District Medical and Health Office

GPAT courses

Vacancy for Pharmacist in District Medical and Health Office

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the following No.of vacant posts in the UPHCs of Kurnool District on contract basis initially for a period of one year, through WALK-IN-INTERVIEW, under the following Roster Points as noted below against each post.

Post : Pharmacist Gr.II

No.of posts : 1
Cycle No. : 1
Roster Point : 36
Roster Category : OC
Open / Local : Open

Educational Qualifications
1) Two years Diploma in Pharmacy Course after Intermediate recognized by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. (or)
2) Bachelor of Pharmacy. (or)
3) Any other eligible equivalent qualification.
4) Must be registered with A.P. Pharmacy Council.
Salary per month : Rs.19,019/-

Age : Upper age limit is 42 years. Age will be reckoned as on 01.07.2023 as per G.O.Ms.No.105 GA (Ser- A) dept., dated.27.09.2021 with relaxations as applicable.
Relaxations will be as follows:-
i. For SC, ST, BC and EWS candidates: 05 (Five) years.
ii. For Ex-service Men: 03 (Three) years in addition to the length of service in armed forces.
iii. For differently abled persons: 10 (Ten) years.
iv. Maximum age limit is 52 years with all relaxations put together.

Fee : The candidates applying for the posts should invariably pay Fee at Rs.400/- for OC/General category & at Rs.200/- for other than the OC/General category to be credited into the Bank Account No.027901007884of the District Medical and Health Officer, Kurnool at ICICI Bank, UCON Plaza, Kurnool, IFSC Code: ICIC0000279. The Bank Receipt should be submitted alongwith the Application Form. Demand Drafts / Banker Cheques / individual cheques will not be accepted. *The applications without fee will be rejected summarily.

Selection Process :
a) Total Marks –100.
b) 75% Marks will be allocated against marks obtained in the qualifying examination i.e., Aggregate of Marks obtained in all the years in the qualifying examination.
c) Up to 10 marks @ 1.0 mark per completed year after acquiring requisite Qualification as mentioned in the pass certificate. Weightage will be reckoned up date of notification as per Govt. Memo no.4274/D1/2013, HM&FW (D1) Dept., dt.10.07.2014.
d) Weightage up to 15 marks will be given to the candidates working on Contract/ Outsourcing/Honorarium basis including COVID-19 service as shown below subject to their satisfactory service certified by the competent authority, as per G.O.Rt.No.211, HM&FW (B2) Dept., dt.08.05.2021, G.O.Rt.No.573, HM&FW (B2) Dept., dt.01.11.2021 and G.O.Rt.No.07, HM&FW (B2) Dept., dt.06.01.2022, Govt.Memo.No. 3740784/B2/2020 of HM&FW (B2) Dept., dt.14.02.2022, Circular No.03/CHFW/2022, dt.11.02.2022 of CHFW, AP. If any individual work less than 6 months for Covid, the weightage shall be awarded @ 0.8 marks per completed month.
Particulars of weightage :
(i) @ 2.5 marks per six months in Tribal Area.
(ii) @ 2.0 marks per six months in Rural Area.
(iii) @ 1.0 mark per six months in Urban Areas.
Based on Covid-19 duties :
(i) @ 5 marks per six months.
(ii) @ 10 marks per one year.
(iii) @ 15 marks per one year six months. No weightage will be given for the service less than six months for Non-COVID service.
No weightage will be given for the service less than six months for Non-COVID service. The COVID-19 weightage shall be applicable only to the persons who have rendered their services for COVID-19 on Contract/Outsourcing/ Honorarium basis and are appointed by the District Collector or any other competent authority based on orders issued by Government from time to time and certified by the controlling officers (DMHO/DCHS/Principal of GMC/Superintendent of GGH) to that effect. (Note: Certificates taken earlier are valid. If additional period of service is there, fresh certificate to that effect shall be obtained and enclosed)

The candidates claiming service weightage shall submit Contract/Outsourcing/ Honorarium Service Certificate in the enclosed Proforma issued by competent authority, for the service rendered in the same post for which he/she is applying now in this Notification, along with copy of Appointment Orders. Applications without the Service Certificates as prescribed above will not be considered for service weightage. (Note: Certificates taken earlier are valid. If additional period of service is there, fresh certificate to that effect shall be obtained and to be enclosed) Contract service will be reckoned up to the date of notification as per Govt. Memo no.4274/D1/2013, HM&FW (D1) Dept., dt.10.07.2014.

Eligible candidates should download the APPLICATION FORM from the Kurnool District website - (or) Nandyal District Website and to attend for the WALK-IN-INTERVIEW in the O/o District Medical and Health Officer, Kurnool on 08.12.2023 between 10.30 AM to 5.00 PM with the filled in APPLICATION FORM, along with their following original Certificates/documents and one set of Xerox copies of the same:-
i. SSC or equivalent certificate (for Date of Birth).
ii. Latest Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/BC (with categorization if any) issued by MRO concerned. In the absence of proper caste certificate, the candidate will be considered as OC candidate.
iii. In case of Physically Challenged person, Latest certificate issued by Medical Board should be uploaded online.
iv. In case of Ex-servicemen, relevant certificate issued by competent authority shall be uploaded online.
v. The persons seeking the benefit of reservation under EWS category shall obtain the necessary EWS Certificate which is valid for 2023-24 issued by the Tahsildar concerned and to submit alongwith the Application Form. The persons who are not covered under existing scheme of reservations for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes and whose gross annual family income is below Rs.8.00 lakh are to be identified as Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) for the benefit of reservation. The Income shall also include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application. The term “Family” for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years [As per G.O.Ms.No.66, General Administration (Services-D) Department, dt.14.07.2021 of the Government of Andhra Pradesh].
vi. Study Certificates from class IV to X from the school where the candidate studied. If SSC or its equivalent done by private study, without attending any school, residence certificate from MRO for previous 7 years. (In prescribed proforma). In the absence of the above certificate the candidate will be considered as non-local.
vii. Valid Certificate of Registration in A.P. Nursing Council / A.P.Para Medical Board / Allied Health Care Sciences / any other Council constituted under the relevant rules for specific courses wherever applicable.
viii. Pass certificates of qualifications prescribed for the posts concerned.
ix. Marks Memos of all years of qualifying examination or its equivalent. In the absence of marks memos, marks will be calculated as per rules in force.
x. One year clinical training in selected Govt. Hospital (i.e. Area Hospital, District Hospital & Teaching Hospital) in which the students have been permitted to undergo clinical training (Or) completed one year Apprenticeship Training in identified hospital and awarded “Apprenticeship Completion certification” by the Board of Apprenticeship Training, GOI, Southern Region, Chennai in case of candidates those who passed Inter Vocational MLT and applying for Lab- Tech.Gr.II post.
xi. Service Certificate issued by the Controlling Officer concerned (DM&HO/DCHS/Principal of GMC/Superintendent of GGH/Any competent authority who appointed the applicant), in the enclosed prescribed Proforma, along with copy of Appointment Order, for claiming weightage for Contract/outsourcing/honorary service. In the absence of which the candidate will not be given service weightage. xii. The Service Certificate should be submitted for the service rendered by the candidate for the same post for which he/she is applying now. The Service Certificate belongs to other service, other than the post for which the candidate is applying now, will not be considered.
xiii. Any other certificates as relevant and applicable.
xiv. Receipt for payment of Fee to the Bank Account of the DISTRICT MEDICAL AND HEALTH OFFICER, KURNOOL.
xv. Candidates presently working in the Government Health Institutions on contract / outsourcing basis should obtain ‘Permission Letter’ from the Appointing Authority concerned to apply for this Notification and to enclose the ‘Permission Letter’ to the Application Form. Otherwise their candidature will not be considered for selection.

Important information to candidates :
i. If selected, he/she should stay at the bonafide Head Quarters compulsorily.
ii. If selected and appointed, he/she should be abiding by the Government Rules in force regularly from time to time.
iii. Candidates are advised to follow the official website of the District from time to time for further information/instructions.

WALK-IN-INTERVIEW in the O/o District Medical and Health Officer, Kurnool on 08.12.2023 between 10.30 AM to 5.00 PM with the filled in APPLICATION FORM

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