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Recruitment for Consultants in Department of Pharmaceuticals | Government of India

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Department of Pharmaceuticals was created on 1 July, 2008 under the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers with the objective to give focused attention on the Development of Pharmaceuticals Sector; ensure availability of quality medicines at affordable prices and to promote R&D including International Cooperation. This Department is required to share expert opinion on matters related to drugs, Medical Device, Pricing etc., and also comments are being frequently asked by other Ministries/Departments and other agencies relating to pharmaceuticals. This Department also implements flagship schemes for which technical and implementation support by technical experts is important. Hence, for helping the department in effective delivery of work, particularly relating to work of technical nature requiring domain knowledge and expertise, it has been proposed to engage the following technical consultants in the Department.

Technical Consultant (Pharma) - 01 Post
Essential Qualification : Master degree in Chemistry with specialization in Organic Chemistry, Post-Graduation in Pharma or Master degree in Biochemistry or biotechnology from any recognized University - national or foreign.
Desirable : Working experience in policy matters in the Government system with good knowledge of various Acts and Rules related to Pharma Industry, research work in the field of bulk drugs, drug intermediates or formulations in any Pharmaceuticals Industry or Government Department and Ph. D or M Phil in the relevant fields.
Duties and Responsibilities : Inspection of Pharma units for grant of Central Capital Investment     Subsidy under the North Eastern Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy (NEIIPP), 2017; Standard Input-Output Norms: matters relating to import of duty free inputs, import of Restricted raw-materials (APIs and Intermediates) etc.; examination of the cases of Free Trade Agreements and other bilateral matters; matters related to Narcotics & Psychotropic Substances Act 1985 and any other works as assigned from time to time.

Technical Consultant (Medical Devices) - 01 Post
Essential Qualification : A Bachelor degree in Bio - Medical Engineering or Bio Technology from any recognized University-national or foreign.
Desirable : Work Experience in dealing with technical issues and industrial matters of Medical Device Sector.
Duties and Responsibilities : Matters related to rules and regulations concerning Medical Device Sector; Quality control matters of Medical Device as per Bureau of India Standards; Technical assessment of Medical Device common facility centres; Implementation of/ Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India);Framing of National Medical Device Policy, Uniform Code for Medical Device Marketing Practices etc. and any other works as may be assigned from time to time.

Technical Consultant (Legal) - 01 Post
Essential Qualification : LLB with Diploma (specialization) in company law and land laws from any recognized University-national or foreign.
Desirable : Experience in handling legal matters relating to pharma industry/CPSUs with good knowledge about DPE/DIPAM guidelines.
Duties and Responsibilities : Legal matters related to Pharma Public Sector undertakings and Pharma Industry; matters concerning company act; and any other works as may be assigned from time to time.

Technical Consultant (Project Management) - 01 Post
Essential Qualification : MBA, MBS or MA/MSc in business management from any recognized university-national or foreign.
Desirable : Working experience in execution of any government funded project, implementation of government scheme/project and post graduate certificate on business management/project management.
Duties and Responsibilities : Preparation of Project implementation plan; appraisal of project- technical & financial; implementation of project/scheme; evaluation & monitoring of scheme/project; promotion of the pharma industry; and any other works as may be assigned from time to time.

Experience:- Experience of working for 3 to 8 years (minimum) in the relevant field for each of the above categories of consultants is required.

Remuneration:- Monthly remuneration of Rupees 80,000- 1,45,000/- will be payable. The actual remuneration will be decided by the selection committee after consultations with the applicants considering his/her domain specialization and years of experience in the relevant field.

Upper Age Limit:- In no case, anyone over 45 years of age shall be hired as Consultant.

TA/DA:- The Individual consultants may be required to undertake domestic tours subject to approval of the competent authority and they will be allowed TA/DA reimbursement at par as admissible to Under Secretary to the Government of India.

Standards of Conduct:- the technical consultants shall comply with all laws/rules and regulations bearing upon the performance of their duties. Failure to comply with the same is grounds for t termination of the services of the individual consultant.

Prohibition of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse:- In the performance of his duties, the individual Consultant shall comply with the Sexual harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention. Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. Any breach of the provisions thereof shall a ground for termination of his services. Any further action may also be recommended for appropriate legal action.

Service Incurred Death or Grievous Injury: - In the event of death or grievous injury to the individual consultant during the course of his duties, compensation may be payable as per extant guidelines of the Department.

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Other Terms & Conditions of the Contract: -
(i) (a) Candidates shall be hired on contractual basis for a given piece of work or for a period
upto 1 year. This term can be extended upto 3 years depending on the performance of the candidate or need of the Department.
(b) The Consultants shall be selected by a Selection Committee set up by the Department.
(ii) The contract can be terminated at any time by the Department giving one month’s notice without assigning any reason. The services can also be terminated if the competent authority is dissatisfied with their performance.
(iii) The Consultant shall perform the duties assigned to him. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional allowance will be admissible in case of such assignment.
(iv) Consultant shall be eligible for 8 days leave during the period of one year beside the Gazetted holidays. However, un-availed leave shall not be carried forward, in case of extension beyond one year.
(v) ‘No work no pay’ will be applicable during the period of contract, if more than prescribed leave will be taken.
(vi) Basic support like office space, furniture, stationery, computer, access to internet etc. will be provided where needed by the Department so that assigned duties may be handled smoothly.
(vii) Selected Personnel hired as Technical Consultants will be offered appointment letters to get the assignment. They would be required to join within prescribed period as indicated in the appointment letter.

(viii) The Consultant shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Insurance, Gratuity, Medical Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc. or any other benefits available to a Government Servant appointed on regular basis.
(ix) The Consultant will not be granted any claim or right or preference for regular appointment to any post in the Government set up.
(x) The Consultant shall not be entitled to any TA for joining the appointment.
(xi) If any declaration given or information furnished by Consultant proves to be false or if he/she is found to have wilfully suppressed any material information, he/she will be liable for removal from such contract and also such other action as the Government may deem necessary.
(xii) The hiring/contract will be subject to physical fitness and the Consultant is required to submit a certificate to this effect at the time of joining.

Interested candidates may send their duly filled in application in the prescribed format along with supporting documents within Twenty One (21) days from the date of Advertisement, to Shri Arvind Kumar, Under Secretary, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Garage No.19, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. R.P. Road, New Delhi - 110001. Either by post or email - (

Last Date of Closing : 21 days from the date of advertisement in the newspaper.

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