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Walk in interview for Project Assistant, Junior Research Fellow at IHBT

GPAT courses

CSIR-IHBT is the only laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in the State of Himachal Pradesh (H.P.), India. Institute has a focused research mandate on bioresources for catalysizing bioeconomy in a sustainable manner. The institute has:  state-of the art laboratories; remote sensing and mapping facilities; internationally recognised herbarium; animal house facility; pilot plants in nutraceuticals, essential oil and herbals; farms and polyhouses. The young and dynamic team of scientists propel the research and work dedicatedly to discover and find solutions to new challenging problems faced by the society.

CSIR Project: "CSIR Aroma Mission” (HCP-0007)
Sr.No - 01 : Project Assistant Level - II (01 post)
Maximum Age(As on date of interview) :  30 years as on 18-12-2018
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] :  Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) : B. Tech, in Information Technology with 55% marks
Tenure of the Project(s) : 31-03-2020

Sponsored Project : "Design and Development of indigenized lyophiliser for preservation of Indian fruits and vegetables”. (MLP-0138)
Sr.No - 02 : Project Assistant Level - II (03 posts)
Maximum Age(As on date of interview) : 
30 years as on 18-12-2018
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] :  Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) : M. Sc. in Food Science & Technology / Food & Nutrition / Biotechnology / Microbiology with 55% marks.
Tenure of the Project(s) : 31-03-2020

Sponsored Project : “Indo-Sri Lanka Joint Project entitled - High throughput genotyping to expedite the genetic characterization and dissection of important agronomic traits of tea.” (GAP-0224).
Sr.No - 03 : Junior Research Fellow (01 post)
Maximum Age(As on date of interview) : 
28 years as on 18-12-2018
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] :  Rs. 25,000/-p.m. + HRA
Educational Qualification(s) : Master Degree in Biotechnology / any branch of Biological Sciences / Bioinformatics with 55% marks and CSIR/UGC-NET-LS qualified. Desirable: Candidate having experience in molecular markers / NGS / high-throughput genotyping will be preferred..
Tenure of the Project(s) : Upto December, 2020

5 years for SC / ST / Women, 3 years for OBC and widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not remarried are allowed age concession upto the age of 35 years, (upto 40 years for members of SC / STs).
The number of positions as advertised may vary depending upto the suitability of candidates and assess needs of the candidates in the relevant projects.

Eligible candidates may appear for “Walk-in-lnterview(s)” on the date, time and place mentioned above along with an application on prescribed format which is available on the CSIR-IHBT website along with attested photocopies of their testimonials of age, educational qualifications, experience, reserved category etc. at the time of interview. The positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the duration of the project. There will be no right implicit or explicit for regular position or any post in CSIR-IHBT, whatsoever. Candidates must also bring with them original certificates of testimonials at foe time of appearing for the interview failing which he / she will not be allowed to appear for interview. No TA will be paid for attending the interview.

The Selection Committee(s) may adopt the selection criterion at its own i.e. either by conducting direct interview or written test followed by interview on the same day.
The decision of the Director, CSIR-IHBT, Palampur shall be final for engagement of Junior Research Fellow and Project Assistant Level - II at CSIR-IHBT, Palampur (H.P.).

For Sr No 1 & 2
Date: 18-12-2018
Time: 09:00 A.M.
Venue: CSIR-IHBT, | Palampur(H.P.)

For Sr No 3
Date: 21-12-2018
Time: 02:00 P.M.
Venue: CSIR-IHBT, | Palampur(H.P.)

How to reach at CSIR-IHBT
Palampur, Distt. Kangra (HP.): Candidates can reach by following mode of journey at the venue of interview:-
1. By Train: (i) Upto Una, Amb (H.P.) and (ii) Upto Chakki Bank, Pathankot Railway Station (H.P.).
2. By Bus: ISBT Delhi to ISBT Palampur via Chandigarh, Una, Dehra, Kangra (H.P.)
3. By Air: From New Delhi upto Dharamshala, Gaggal Airport (H P.)

Note: Result awaited candidates are not eligible tor interview.

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